Tag: 360 - Eric Cheng

Tag: 360

The 360 photographers of Rio 2016

The state of 360 capture is such that you can currently almost always find the photographer in the shot, even in high-profile, brand-name pictures. These are from the 360 photos coverage of the Rio 2016 Olympics by Getty Images in the Oculus 360 Photos app. There are so few photographers shooting in 360 at the Olympics that they ...

How to get centered, straight horizons in your home-made 360 photos

I take a lot of aerial drone panoramas, and I always have to stretch the sky (Content-Aware Scale and Fillare magic!) and paint a bit at the very top to get my horizons centered.

Recommended cameras for shooting 360 “VR” photos and videos (and tripods to hold them up)

Now that Facebook supports 360 photos, I (and others) are being asked repeatedly what cameras to use, and how to hold them.

Editing 360 Photos & Injecting Metadata

When you upload a 360 photo or panorama, Facebook automatically processes the photo and presents it in an interactive viewer. To recognize such photos upon upload, Facebook looks for camera-specific metadata...

360 spherical shots of Facebook HQ’s MPK20

Schrep had a rare lunch slot free this week, and we tried the sit-down family-style restaurant inside Facebook’s Building 20. Of course, I had to break out the 360 camera and get some shots. It’s viewable through Cardboard through the Roundme app (iOS).

Colorado 360º Spherical Panorama, Inspire 1 Pro, Zenmuse X5

One morning, Thomas O’Brien and I drove to Little Annie’s Basin outside of Aspen, Colorado, to wait for the sun to come up and illuminate the valley. I flew a DJI Inspire 1 Pro and Zenmuze X5 camera w/Olympus 12mm f/2.0 lens out a bit and shot a 48-image, 360º, spherical panorama, which I processed ...

I tried to take a spherical panorama inside 16th Street Station in Oakland, today. The prototype DJI Inspire 1 w/Zenmuse X5′s Visual Positioning System wasn’t working, so I had to pilot manually the whole time in ATTI, which was challenging for aerial panorama movements.  There were a couple major issues with my attemps: 1) I ...

Aerial 360º spherical images

I’ve been enjoying taking aerial 360º shots using the DJI Inspire 1 and Phantom 3. They take only a couple of minutes to capture, and processing is easy using web-based services like 360cities. Here’s a shot I took earlier today in San Francisco with an Inspire 1. I can’t seem to embed the spherical version ...

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PelLmmWrlzs?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=141] A different kind of flight with Skyward CEO Jonathan Evans. Thanks for the impromptu flying lesson! Shot with Ricoh Theta M15 spherical camera. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)