Topic: Side effects
Use this thread to discuss any side-effects or any long-term health concerns, that you have from taking pepcid.
You can also use this area to discuss any unusual symptoms that you normally get from drinking (with or without pepcid), like feeling nauseous and/or puking after a sip or 2 of alcohol.
Here's a starter for discussion... I'll move other relevant posts once I work out how to do it! ;)
However, I've been noticed weird side effects lately, like I've gotten sick more times this year than ever before. My neck glands gets swollen here and there for no reason. I also have a hard time sleeping, I used to be able to sleep 8 hours no problem. Now I can't sleep more than 5 hours. Plus, I read about this scary article that the cure might cause impotence!!
Great to hear that you have found some new confidence with pepcid. :)
About your health, have you spoken to your doctor about your swollen glands? Have you told them that you've been takig pepcid? Does the doctor think that taking pepcid has contributed to your health problems? Do you have hyper-thyroid? -- ie your thyroid is working overtime hence the swelling and lack of sleep.
Let us know what your doctor says and if they think it's related to your pepcid use.
It would be interesting for us to know how regularly you take the pills and how many mg you take each time.