Hello my fellow sufferers.
So I was at my friends wedding this past Saturday night. You know what that means to most, woooooooo hoooooo!! Tons of great food and open bar!! Yay normal people! Not I though. I spent half my day planning out how much to drink, when to take the pills, how much water to drink. All that stuff. Even at the wedding I was like that lol.
So yeah, I took 3 20mg Pepcids at around 430. The reception started at 530. It was very short. It was over at about 545 ish. Anyway, after that..... open bar began.
They were serving tonsssssss of appetizers during this period where everyone was socializing. I was ordering Absolut + Pineapple most of the night.
I had to cave in and eat SOME appetizers. Small things, finger foods. Anyway, I was fine.
Later was the dinner. This DELICIOUS Italian food. I'm sitting at a table of around 10 people with this plate of food in front of me feeling like a weirdo for not eating. So I ate this piece of chicken parm that was on the plate, that's it. It was very good! I was fine at this time. (this was about 5 drinks into it).
Two drinks later I was feeling blah. Extremely drunk and now blah from eating. I knew it too. Good thing we left shortly after. It was around 11 by the time I got home. Stumbled in, went straight to the bathroom, and puked chunks. What a waste of chicken parm that was :(
All in all, I had 2 Captain and Cokes and 7 Absoluts and Pineapple. The food wasn't a wise choice.
I HATE not being able to eat and drink like normal people. Hate hate hate it.
Today is Friday and I had a heatup eggroll about an hour ago. Small food. I'm starving myself to go out and drink. Blah.