(16 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Yikes. Sounds like this Sobrietol isn't what I'm looking for. From what I understand, it takes away the effect of being drunk (it's purpose) and doesn't sit well with everyone.

Anyhoo, please let us know how it goes when you get it, deftonez99!

Until then, I'm still waiting for Convivia to come out (if it ever does). http://echeng.com/asianblush/viewtopic.php?id=43

dougfunny wrote:

Has anyone heard of Sobrietol? It is taken orally and is supposed to give us the missing enzyme that we are missing to break down alcohol.


I haven't heard anything about this... but from what the audio says on the site, isn't the whole point of drinking to get drunk? this stuff is saying it reduces alcohol level..................

.......so i dunno.

Anyone heard anything about that?

edit: oh ok nevermind. I see the little Asian Flush section on the site now...... interesting though. I'd try it out, but it's quite costly! Maybe someone with deeper pockets than mine can try it for us? :)

I'm glad to hear this! I hope they progress with it!

Edit: I wonder what "followed by a phase 2b study with final reformulated product in the second half of 2008." means...

Does anyone have any personal experience with the chewable pepcid tabs vs the pill form? The effectiveness of it and the amount of time it takes to kick in (is it any better/quicker)?

Also, what is this n-acetylcysteine you guys were mentioning?

redhead wrote:

i usually use a combo of zantac and pepcid max (two pepcid max, one zantac, sometimes vitamin c) and it works fine.  i prefer to drink without it though and just get embarassingly red, because i think taking antihistamines with alcohol is not good for you.  i just want to comment that the H2 blocker is just a superficial cure that masks the red face without eliminating acetaldehyde, which causes cancer. 

there is another post on this website that has a link to a real cure that has been researched but has not been developed-

http://www.research.va.gov/programs/tec … 99-071.htm

^I agree, but I've just chose not to even drink really anymore. I turn down a LOT of drinks and it sucks, but whatever. I really hope that sometime in my life they carry out that cure lol

RedTex wrote:

Hey guys, I'm 100% white and suffer from asian flush, with extremely severe effects.  I drank heavily for years and the symptoms just appeared out of nowhere.  I've just started researching and plan to try everything you guys have been suggesting, but I found an article from some Dr who suggested eating a lot of suger to aid in metabolizing the alcohol.  I first started with a 1/2 cup of suger in water waited 15 min and took a shot of rum, (Normally resulting in immediate flush and extreme pounding of the heart.), and all i felt was a slight buzz and was able to drink till my hearts content. Sumplementing more suger for longer periods of drinking.  I've also found that InstantGlucose ( used to raise bloodsugar levels in diabetics) works wonders, although somewhat expensive.  I recieved a suggestion earlier today to try corn syrup, which is mainly fructose (sweetened form of glucose) I plan to post the results later.  Good Luck in the search for answers

So how did the Corn Syrup experiment work? I dunno about that sugar thing lol. Someone suggested that you drink like 1 or 2 Red Bulls before you drink and it should speed up the breakdown process, but I haven't tried that.

Well, my drink used to be Captain Morgan and coke, but I've switched over to clearer liquors. I'm doin' the Vodka thing now and it seems to work a lot better (keep me less red) than darker drinks would.

How's everyone else doing? Ready for New Years??

In regard to the food comments that you guys are wondering about, I feel that eating while drinking is a biggggggg no no. You'll either end up puking or turning rrrrrrred. The food breaks down the famo. At least for me, that's what happens. It's terrible since most people I know go out for food and drinks, like normal people. :(

So, majority of the time I either snack on something small and say I'm not hungry, or just not eat at all while drinking..

Lately I've been taking 3 20mg famos....... I still get kinda red for about 15 - 20 minutes, then it goes away and then I'm fine. I should start experimenting with 2. I too fear that this isn't healthy for us...... but, what can we do. :/

sweetpea wrote:

hey my friend took gavascon n threw up painfully after drinking gin and juice.. but she doesnt suffer from asian blush.. n shes white.. so does gavason work?? or what.. and also.. what if you havent gotten drunk before because of the flush... is it ok to take famo and get shit faced.. or should i just keep it low?? how much should i drink?.. what should i eat.. etc etc.. can some1 give me a planned day... so i can be prepared ya know hehe..

thanks let me know asap :) because i finally got famo and im ready to start my life :)


Hi sweetpea. You should read through the thread to see everyone's responses so far. I know it's a lot, but it will help.
To cut to the gist of it, as silly as it sounds, you should do some at home experiments with pepcid if you can. Buy the maximum strength ones and take 2 20mg pills about an hour or two before you plan on drinking. When taking them, drink about a bottle of water. Let your body break down the pill. Then drink whatever you plan on drinking in the future. Beer? Start off with one, sip it down. See if you turn red, the effects, etc.. Two.. etc... Or, you could make a mixed drink or a glass of wine. Drink that, see how bad it gets. It's really just trial and error.

I take 3 20MG pills before I do anything alcohol related. I only drink on weekends though. Once, maybe twice. I wouldn't recommend becoming a full fledged alcoholic if this works for you. but yeah... just do some at home experiments really to test your limits. Once you do that, come back on here and let us know!

Edit: Also, if you say you get sleepy because of alcohol.. maybe you should make sure you're fully rested before you indulge yourself. If not, you can always drink mixed drinks with Red Bull. (IE: most girls I know drink Red Bull / Vodka) Or you can just drink another type of energy drink before you go out.... Like I said, it's all about the experimentation really..

Hey everyone. :)

beekeeper wrote:

I stumbled across this site the other day and immediately bought Pepcid AC max.  Took two pills (40 mg total), waited 45 minutes, and had a glass of wine, which ordinarily would tomato-ize me.  I had the rapid heartbeat  that usually signals redness, and I felt warm and flushed.  But I looked in the mirror and I looked normal!  I didn't look like I was standing under an infrared bulb; it was all good.

I didn't get shitfaced drunk and only had a glass of wine, so I don't know how well it would work at, say, a night out with my K-town friends.  But the initial experiment was great.

Ya, I get that feel also. Like my face is hottttttttt and I'm like oh noooo! it's flushing!! then I look in the mirror and it's pinkish. At that point I just sip on my drink, try to drink some more water, and it goes away for me. Then I can drink whatever.

Lately I've been taking 3 20mg pepcids.... I dunno if I should be doing that. Too much? Even still, sometimes I still get blotchy red in my face. Then it goes away...

I only really drink on the weekends if anything. 1 Night, maybe 2.

I still hate lying to people when the sudden 'hey lets go for a drink' pops up. :(

How's everyone else doing?? Any cures yet out there? lol

Thanks for the support Steph.
I probably won't even tell her. I don't know. I'll see how things go.

I'm writing a paper for school tonight and had a rough week so I decided to have some drinks and just do this stuff... 3 pepcids before.

I'm drinking captain and coke. I'm not measuring shots or anything so I couldn't specify how much I've had. I'm ok though. Not red at all, thank goodness, but my feet and hands feel like they're pumping. Blah.

so I'm talking to this girl now that I like, a lot, and she's a party girl.
I haven't told her about my condition.... and I'm kind of scared/embarrassed to.
I dunno what to do. :(

lol nope Steph. Whenever I drink and eat, it's curtains.

Usually when I'm done drinking I can eat whatever and just pass out. But this night was in the middle of drinking.

Even the previous post I made about the Italian Restaurant I went to..... I ate about an hour before I went out and I was in the bathroom for like 10 minutes yacking it up while I was out drinking. (in between the first and second drink)

I mean, I don't mind puking. If it makes me feel better then I'll actually swallow my fingers to make it come up.  I usually feel better afterwards. I want to eat though!!!!!!!!! :-|

and lately I've been "pre-drinking" also. so if I DO get any red, it will occur before I head out. Like right now I'm probably going to go out in an hour and I'm sipping on some Capt. and Coke. My face feels heated a lil, but I look fine in the mirror. Took 3 20mg Pepcids again.

Stomachs practically empty. I feel that ache for food :(
Anyway, I'm slightly buzzing.

I've noticed that the key is to just drink water inbetween if you can, if not just try to make yourself pee a lot to get the alcohol out of your body. You'll still feel the effects of what you drank, but it's not sitting in your system anymore.

Hello my fellow sufferers.

So I was at my friends wedding this past Saturday night. You know what that means to most, woooooooo hoooooo!! Tons of great food and open bar!! Yay normal people! Not I though. I spent half my day planning out how much to drink, when to take the pills, how much water to drink. All that stuff. Even at the wedding I was like that lol.

So yeah, I took 3 20mg Pepcids at around 430. The reception started at 530. It was very short. It was over at about 545 ish. Anyway, after that..... open bar began.

They were serving tonsssssss of appetizers during this period where everyone was socializing. I was ordering Absolut + Pineapple most of the night.

I had to cave in and eat SOME appetizers. Small things, finger foods. Anyway, I was fine.

Later was the dinner. This DELICIOUS Italian food. I'm sitting at a table of around 10 people with this plate of food in front of me feeling like a weirdo for not eating. So I ate this piece of chicken parm that was on the plate, that's it. It was very good! I was fine at this time. (this was about 5 drinks into it).

Two drinks later I was feeling blah. Extremely drunk and now blah from eating. I knew it too. Good thing we left shortly after. It was around 11 by the time I got home. Stumbled in, went straight to the bathroom, and puked chunks. What a waste of chicken parm that was :(

All in all, I had 2 Captain and Cokes and 7 Absoluts and Pineapple. The food wasn't a wise choice.

I HATE not being able to eat and drink like normal people. Hate hate hate it.

Today is Friday and I had a heatup eggroll about an hour ago. Small food. I'm starving myself to go out and drink. Blah.

Hrrm, since the thread has been dying down. Please share your recent experiences with the pepcid and drinking...... good or bad.

Try to be specific. You know, how many you took, how many MG they were, if you ate, how much you drank, etc etc.


dougfunny wrote:

Will there ever be a cure? Maybe someone can send this forum to an asian scientist or something...

I'm sure they're aware of it. :(

yeah...... about the whole eating and drinking. like you guys said, it is better to take the pills on a relatively empty stomach. or at least eat a few hours before.

this sucks because if you ever get called to go out to dinner/drinks, people will be like wtf. for example, I have a friends wedding to go to in a month, and there's gonna be a tonnnnnn of food. open bar. it's like I have to choose between eating or drinking. generally I just tell people I ate earlier and i'm not that hungry, when in actuality, I might be drooling over the food they're eating.

The other week I went out to eat with people at an Italian restaurant about an hour and a half before I went out drinking. I completely gorged myself at the restaurant, because the food is that good. Got home, popped 60mg famo from Pepcid. Drank water. Even predrank a little to clear the redness. About an hour later that night, during my second drink-ish, I felt like crap. Head was throoooooobbing. I was slightly pink. I just made myself throw up in the bathroom. I was puking up spaghetti sauce, which had me worried at first cause I was like w t f is this blood? but I've come to the conclusion that it was the sauce.

All in all, I'm only 22. I drink on Fridays and maybe Saturdays. Sooner or later I'm just going to stop drinking all together. It's fun and all, for the norm. We are not the norm. :(

jasko wrote:

Hi, I was just wondering if the chew tablets were more effective (work faster/better or slower or worse) than the ones you swallow?

Anyone experiment with this?

Hi, I was just wondering if the chew tablets were more effective (work faster/better or slower or worse) than the ones you swallow?

All this cancer talk makes me want to stop doing it.

.. there goes my social life.. :(

hi people, haven't posted in a while. but yeah. I'm back.

In a little dilemma. It's a friends birthday dinner coming up in a week or so...... lot of people going to be there. Going to be drinking going on, of course.
It's dinner / then to a club to party and such.

Has anyone had any experience with food and Pepcid? I know it's been posted a bunch of times but I don't wanna go through it all again lol.
I hear it's better to do the nondairy, empty stomach thing. But if I don't eat people will think I'm a crackhead or something.

Has anyone been in this situation before or something along the lines of it? How did it go/what did you do (if so)?

damn still skeptical....... don't drink for a few months, then see what happens

Steph wrote:

Jasko... LOVE the avatar! Hee hee. Life before Pepcid wasn't so pretty, eh? :)

lol, I thought it was only appropriate for this thread.......

and nope, not pretty. still isn't pretty unless I take my pepcids....... even then someties I get a lil flush. The flushing only lasts like maybe a half hour, then i'm good for the night :(

ironmike wrote:

yesterday I walked into a tree.

ROFL. sorry but that just sounded funny just now...... you needa control yourself man. Any significant other is greater than alcohol. You should try to get her back while it's still early........

What were you doing, eating pepcid everyday? I try to limit myself to just weekends............ social gatherings.

Diggler5 wrote:

I've noticed that drinking while sitting (like while watching TV or at a meal) will cause more blushing and side effects than drinking while standing and walking around.  I supposed that more circulation from walking helped flush out the system, but its not a scientific theory.  Anyone else have experience with the difference between sitting and standing?

Yeah I've noticed this as well. If I'm at a bar at a table, and I'm sitting, I feel the flushness coming. So I stand up and it tends to go away. It's weird. Then again, this whole Asian flush business is weird.

^^Yeah that's a good point.......

How many pills of the 20mg famo did you take prior to drinking?

Crunknigguh wrote:

I'm sure everyone who uses this famotidine supplement will experience a time where a drink will be presented to you without knowing in advanced to take your fix.

Anyone have any input on this?


Uh, yeah. I HATE it. I always turn it down because it's not worth turning into a lobster in front of people. I'ts embarassing as hell. Even when I take 3 20mg pills like an hour before, and drink a LOT of water, I sometimes turn red. I don't get it.

and in regards to chewing the tabs....... I've never tried that. I heard it's not good to do that. But then again, I don't know. Can anyone shed any clarity on this?