Tag: multicopter - Eric Cheng

Tag: multicopter

The DJI production team went on a little road trip today and spent the day at Zhuhai International Circuit, where we took footage of race car driver Matt Solomon. It was my first production trip with DJI—lots of fun! We shot with Phantoms and an S800 EVO with Zenmuse Gimbal Z15 for Panasonic GH3 (with 12mm ...

I have chosen to use a Ricoh GR APS-C camera in the air because it is the lightest camera with an APS-C-sized sensor, and it’s great to see others hacking large-sensor cameras onto various small-ish multicopters, as well. Philipp Stark recently attached his Fuji X100S camera to a small hexacopter. The X100S uses an old-school ...

Hello, everyone! I’ve created a new Skypixel Aerial Imaging mailing list. I’ll use the list to send out occasional summaries of Skypixel content and information about aerial imaging using multicopters. There will be no spam, and I’ll never sell your contact information. Click here to join mailing list. (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)

Sample 100% crop from Ricoh GR APS-C camera mounted on Phantom 2 quadcopter. View the above example at 1280 pixels to see a 100% crop from the camera. I was out playing with Tom Gruber and John Markoff this morning in Santa Cruz, and took some sample shots with a Ricoh GR camera mounted on ...

MAKE Magazine held a “Drone Fly-In” meetup today, which took place in American Canyon, California. Over 200 people showed up to socialize and fly both home-made and DIY drones of all kinds. I finally met, in person, Mike Senese (MAKE Magazine’s Executive Editor), which was a treat because we had been corresponding for so long about ...