Transporter 3D Oculus Rift FPV Interface - Eric Cheng

Transporter 3D Oculus Rift FPV Interface


EMR Labs is running an Indiegogo campaign for their Transporter3D, a device that facilitates FPV usage of the Oculus Rift (generally considered the most-immersive inexpensive head-mounted display available). The Transporter3D consists of a custom board that accepts 2D or 3D video input, converting video into a low-latency signal compatible with the Rift. The board also converts head-tracking output from the Rift into a signal that you can plug directly into your radio’s trainer port, so if you have a camera mount on your aircraft that supports head tracking, it will just work.


This looks like a real thing: a guy from OpenPilot uploaded a video demonstrating how it works.