Untitled - Eric Cheng


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwVbqveNe6c?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=141]

The wonderful folks at Tested have put up the video of my talk from the Tested Live Show, which took place at the Castro Theater in San Francisco on October 23, 2015. The talk is about our Good Morning America trip to Iceland to broadcast live from the Holuhraun volcano eruption. I gave a longer version of this talk at e.g. earlier this year, but Tested beat e.g. in getting the talk online, so this is the first time you’ll see behind-the-scenes footage and video of Ferdinand Wolf (Skynamic) and I actually landing an Inspire 1 on the lava flow and filming it from above.