Untitled - Eric Cheng


MAKE Magazine held a “Drone Fly-In” meetup today, which took place in American Canyon, California. Over 200 people showed up to socialize and fly both home-made and DIY drones of all kinds.

I finally met, in person, Mike Senese (MAKE Magazine’s Executive Editor), which was a treat because we had been corresponding for so long about aerial imaging for issue 37’s Getting Started in Aerial Video article. Also in attendance were Chris Anderson, Pablo Lema and others from 3D Robotics, as well as a couple guys from Game of Drones. The meetup was hosted at Paintball Jungle.

I brought along three DJI quadcopters: my trusty DJI Phantom w/GoPro, gimbal, and FPV, a Phantom 2 Vision, and a Phantom 2 with Ricoh GR bolted to the bottom.

See a gallery of pictures from the event here: http://ech.cc/makeflyin