Untitled - Eric Cheng


I went to the first SF Drones Startup Meetup tonight, which was hosted at NextSpace in downtown San Francisco and organized by Bryan Galusha. There was a fantastic turnout and the following interesting presentations:

  1. Robert Seidl talked about the (incredible) real-time video processing software developed by one of his companies, Realtime Video Systems.
  2. Bryan Galusha demoed Fighting Walrus Radio​, an IndieGOGO project to create an iOS device that controls (and receives telemetry from) your personal drone.
  3. ​John Yeh of LinkBON, a Raspberry Pi-based product that allows the bonding of arbitrary networks to form a single, redundant, high(er)-bandwidth connection (e.g., 3G, 4G LTE, WiMax, and WiFi, all working in concert)
  4. Mark Harrison of EastBay RC​ demoed his various FPV setups, and Andreas Oesterer showed off his Zephyr II FPV setup.

It was clearly a meeting of technical types because 50% of the people who stood up to demo the equipment they brought didn’t even both to introduce themselves by name. Luckily, we have Meetup to tell us who everyone was. 🙂

Special thanks to Jason Ferrier​, who brought his GoPro HERO 3 to complete my Phantom FPV setup (I forgot mine).