Untitled - Eric Cheng


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDC_JbT1zSA?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=141]

I know I always say that no one wants to see your local park flying video… but here’s a video of me in the local park, doing a test flight with my re-built ADS 400Q frame running OpenPilot Revolution.

Jimmie Fulton helped me to tune the quadcopter, which was fairly easily done by mapping various PID values to dials on my Futaba 14SG radio. The OpenPilot ground station software is well done, and most of the configuration is done by wizard. Without tuning, the quad flew—and was stable—but it was fairly soggy in responsiveness. After tuning, it is very responsive, and is really fun for sport flying. One of the best things about OpenPilot is that you can change the maximum bank angle. I have mine set to 75 (and Jimmie uses 90, I believe), which means that I can do tight turns that put the aircraft nearly sideways in the air. The next upgrades will be telemetry and UHF.

Thanks to Mark Petersen, who helped shoot video.