3D-printed FasTrak Flex suction cup mount - Eric Cheng

3D-printed FasTrak Flex suction cup mount


I couldn’t stomach the idea of sticking velcro tape on a vehicle windshield, so I made a mount that supports suction cups. It’s also way better looking than the white toll tag, which absolutely doesn’t match a black vehicle.

Previously, I kept the tag in center storage and would pull it out when I needed it, placing it on the dashboard, but now that I’m doing daily camp drop offs for the kid, I’m using the CAV (Clean Air Vehicle) tag much more often.

Also, I didn’t know until fairly recently that there is a specific CAV toll tag required for free use of the toll lanes for EVs. It is hard to find on the FasTrak site–you have to either create an account through a special link, or login via a 2nd special link.

Video: Making the 3D-printed FasTrak Flex suction cup mount