Untitled - Eric Cheng


Early-morning drone flights at Shelter Cove, with flying buddies Pablo Lema, David Merrill, Jerome Miller, Jason Short, and Carlos Fernandez Puertolas,  June 8, 2014. We climbed across the cliff to get to Shelter Cove and were told later by Brian Lam that we could have just driven in (the street isn’t washed out, apparently!). Oh well—it was fun!

While we were there, this dude came out of his house and puffed out his chest a little bit.

Him: “What are you doing?”

Me: “Just enjoying the beach!”

Him: “You are already on private property.”

Me: “Where does that start?”

Him: “Mean high tide.”

Me: “Would you like us to move down the beach a little bit?”

Him: (pause) “Naw… that’s ok.” (walks away)

I guess he showed us! All aerial shots taken with DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ quadcopter w/integrated, stabilized camera.