Tag: Talks - Eric Cheng

Tag: Talks

OC6 Talk / The 3Ds of Immersive Media: Discover, Design and Distribute

You spoke, we listened. Workflows, ingestion, and distribution for immersive-media creators have been riddled with friction over the past several years. Join the Facebook AR/VR Media team to learn about new opportunities and approaches for creation, ingestion, and distribution of your content...

Oculus Connect 5 | Video That Doesn’t Suck: Stereo(scopic) 3D-180° For VR

In this session recording from OC5, we'll cover best practices for creating 3D-180 video for distribution and playback in Oculus Go through a live workshop.

The Full 360: Creating High-Quality Immersive Videos (OC4 Talk)

My talk about 360 video at Oculus Connect 4 is now online! It’s a high-level summary about the current state of 360 video including equipment and workflow, followed by a chat with Paul Raphaël and Ryan Horrigan of Félix & Paul Studios about the making of MIYUBI.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMBpSY5IXdQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=141] Hello, everyone. TTI/Vanguard, who run the most amazing conference series ever, has posted my on-stage conversation with Michael Hawley about aerial imaging. TTI/Vanguard [next] conference in San Francisco, (December 4). It was one of the most fun presentations I’ve done because the audience was so totally engaged. Thank you for the opportunity, Lisa McErlane ...

Storify: dorkbotSF Aerial Imaging Talk, October 12, 2013

Storify: dorkbotSF Aerial Imaging Talk, October 12, 2013 The dorkbotSF aerial imaging talk was a hit, I’m told! If you are a tech geek in the SF Bay Area, you need to go to dorkbotSF. I’m so glad that people are so interested in aerial imaging with these little quadcopters. I hope to go back and speak ...