Topic: Suggestions for new topics

Please post suggestion for new topics for discussion here.  If you just want to chat, post in the Free for All forum.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

Anyone tried the rebound hangover cure?


Re: Suggestions for new topics

I get a really rapid heart beat when I get drink. it really scares me because it feels TERRIBLE and its definitely not normal. this makes me almost hate drinking. does anyone else experience this?


Re: Suggestions for new topics

Has anyone tried taking megadoses of Niacin/Vitamin B

Accoring to this study it's supposed to help:

Re: Suggestions for new topics

How about a topic informing drug companies that there is a market for this?


Re: Suggestions for new topics

The problem with taking pepcid to combat the glow is that it is vastly unhealthy to your GI tract, liver, and everything else.  It is only combating one of the symptoms (redness), and allows you to keep drinking and increase the amount of acetaldehyde (think formaldehyde) in your blood.  There is research being done, however, on compounds that sequester acetaldehyde itself.  D-penicillamine has already been patented and the article below is some follow up research that has happened very recently: … 45!9001!-1

If you keep taking pepcid ac, I would suggest taking vitamins and antioxidants with it, to minimize damage to your body.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Could we have a new topic with something about this in:

Maybe people have tried it, I ve not, but would love to know how effective it is!



Re: Suggestions for new topics

Ken, I'd really like to try this method.  If it works, it seems like the more natural approach.  I am suprised nobody has used Cheerz.  Sounds like its big in the US.  I'm in Canada, so i may order it.

Re: Suggestions for new topics


Let me know how it goes!


Re: Suggestions for new topics

Statistics: by Nationality:Feb 2002:J.Mamino: Alcoholims in Asian Society: Researched 11/99-01/02:Lab test 29J004LM:Statistics Approved for Display 08/04:Survey Asian American Alcoholism 23.B.8: Released 11/99: Data collected by O.Natifus: Researched by J.Mamino:Lab29J004LM:Content:00330P:

Note:vietnamese,thai,cambodian,pacific islander,taiwanese,mongol:Excluded:Due to low numbers of individuals in Survey.
Ages:21 and up

Survey Results:Asian American Males by nationality
Drinking Habbits:Do not drink/refrain from drinking

Survey Results:Asian American Females by nationality
Drinking Habbits:Do not drink/refrain from drinking

Survey Results:Asian American Males by nationality
Drinking Habbits:Heavy

Survey Results:Asian American Females by nationality
Drinking Habbits:Heavy

Note:This survey was not used to for research for the ALDH2*2 gene.
This survey is to show the low amounts of alcohol usage by the 4 major nationalities in the US.

The ALDH2*2 did have an effect on the non drinkers: As some commented symptoms of "Asian Flush". Some said having an ill feeling, those we didn't take as having the ALDH2*2 gene. For over consumtion of alcohol may have been the cause.

Info:Flushing can occur fast(1/4 bottle of beer or less), or couple drinks (2-3 beers). Pending on individual, and drinking habbits. Most flush fast for first time drinkers.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

check this out for hangover :


Re: Suggestions for new topics

by the way, here is an interesting link: … &hl=en

It is a patent for producing human ALDH2 in plants to be extracted and put in pills.  This would be ideal, but it was patented a while ago and as far as I know these pills are not yet available.  But if they were that would be great.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

i find that taking 6-8 cheershangovers about an hour ahead keeps me from getting real red, and doesnt get me drunker than usual like pepcid ac.  Watch out though, taking too many cheers (like two packets, 16) gives me a headache.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

i keep reading on this forum and in other places that there are people who know people who stop getting the reaction at all after a while.  has anyone had any personal experiences with this?  do you have to drink a lot, or a little every day?


Re: Suggestions for new topics

i am just throwing this out there for the sake of discussion, note that i'm not promoting or condoning this method.  in the name of science, if you will.

i am a half japanese, half white male. about 5'10" 150 lbs and yes, i get the damned asian flush. anyways, on several occasions i've smoked marijuana after drinking and getting all splotchy red all over. every time i've done this, soon after i smoke up (10 mins) i'd turn ghostly pale (except my eyes, obv haha)--no more splotches, no redness, nothing!! unfortunately, drinking then smoking weed is a quick and sure way to ensure that anything you've ingested in the last hour ends up on the living room floor, as i have found out... i've yet to try smoking, THEN drinking after that. from what ive heard, it's a good time, but i dont know how it affects the asian flush.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

i have read online that bifidus powder, dissolved in water, helps for hangovers.  Apparently the the friendly bifidus bacteria produce vitamin B as well as break down acetaldehyde.  Although alcohol metabolism takes place in the liver, the extra help in the large intestine could alleviate some of the redness.  I will try it out and report back here.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hey everybody'

I've suffered from a "more red than normal" face for my whole life. I have a tendancy to blush and worst of all, i get red and blotchy when I drink. I was wandering the net looking for anything that could help and I found this site. what a great resource! I read one of the other posts and smoking cigs/weed doesn't help. I've heard that asprin works, but i'm not about to take a bunch of asprin and then go drinking. But does pepcid realy work? that sounds bogus to me . Can you give me more details on you expirence.  Hope to her from you soon.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

    I've tried pepcid and zantac and it doesn't really work. Plus after a while of always taking them before I had cocktails I started to feel like I was getting heartburn the day after drinking and I never get heartburn.  I stopped taking them and have not felt that type of feeling since.  There has to be some type of side effect for taking an over the counter heartburn medication all the time if you never had heartburn to start with. I hate the Asian blush.  If you come across anything that helps please let me know.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Ok. I used to date a surgeon and I asked him about the hangover pills. He laughed outloud. Dehydration causes a hangover and there is no pill you can take to prevent hangovers from excessive drinking. Those dumb pills are a marketing gimick. End of story.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I am half Thai and half white. 5'6 and 125 pounds. I have found that some types of alcohol make me redder then others. Cheap red wine makes me beat red quickly as does some hard liquors...Bacardi makes me red quickly. I freaking hate the Asian blush. Everyone is always telling me that it makes me look tan. It makes me look like I have a rash is what it does. White people so take for granted they can drink and still look sexy. On the upside at least we won't be alcoholics. There is no way I could drink and hide it from anyone.

21 (edited by uriel 2006-07-09 20:51:35)

Re: Suggestions for new topics

imsnow wrote:

Ok. I used to date a surgeon and I asked him about the hangover pills. He laughed outloud. Dehydration causes a hangover and there is no pill you can take to prevent hangovers from excessive drinking. Those dumb pills are a marketing gimick. End of story.

No disrespect, but I don't think that's all there is to it.  Hangovers are caused by dehydration, but dehydration can also mean loss of electrolytes.  That's why people drink gatorade instead of pure water when running marathons or when they lose extreme amounts of water.  Electrolytes are just salts, like sodium and potassium.  That's all hangover pills are--they're a mix of essential salts and vitamins.

Anyway, my suggestion for a new topic is "Personal Experiences", with a complete resorting of previous posts to the main threads.  I recently found this site and I thought it was tiresome to wade through all the posts to "H2 Blockers" thread (which has like 95% of all posts).  It's great people want to add their own experiences, but it's sometimes tough to find a lot of good info, which I think is the point of all this.  Instead of everyone posting a "hey, it worked for me" or "I'm asian I get flushed too", maybe you could implement a survey where people just said whether or not it worked, to what degree and after how long.  Then we could have a seperate thread for new info.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Good idea, Uriel.

Might be hard to implement, though.  People tend to post wherever they want to.  Maybe we just need a summary thread for H2-blocker information.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

1-Tried 30mg of Pepcid ac this sunday *!#&$ A!!! works!
2-since most of us now know the cure, and we all drinks I suggest a Cocktail or martini suggestion that we're not all drones ordering beer/shots/rum & coke like the caucasians. We can put fun mainstream drinks like Dr. Pepper - 1 cup of beer topped with coke..then drop a shotglass filled with ameretto into it. Delicious!!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

After 2 shots I am red as a tomatoe with patches of red on my neck, legs, arms. I'm going to try the Pepcid AC and hope that it works!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hi, I have just found this site whilst researching my own family's genetics, re alcohol intolerance. I found lots of academic stuff on the net if you just do a search on alcohol intolerance and a country, in my case Japan. Though Anglo-Japanese three generations of our family are still experiencing alcohol intolerance. I found out about ALDH2, a gene, and my own defective version ALDH2*2 - hence the 'flush* If you get the flush you probably have the same defect. If you have this, according to everything I have been reading, (I am not a scientist, so go read it yourself to see) please do not try and block the syptoms so you can drink alcohol. There may be some long term problems with the faulty gene, all sorts of things to do with LOAD - late dementia because of the build up of aldehydes in the body. Now I know about this I will try and eat and look after myself accordingly to avoid the build up of aldehyde, which then oxidizes and creates other problems. The scientists did agree on one thing, that having the gene is a natural defence against alcoholism.