Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)
Natifus wrote:There is a acetaldehyde dehyrdogenase enzyme pill(the pill wih the enzyme you need). The problem concerned with the pill is it can cause rapid blindness. Speaking of pills some of you brought up the issue about "How they could have a pill that causes Asian Flush, but not have a pill to cure it." The answer! The pill was made by accident in the 1940's, while scientist were trying to cure diseases. To be honest there is no drug in the U.S. that can cure Asian Flush without very vicious side effects.
Your best shot as of now (As in today), is RU-21 aka the hangover pill. Order you RU-21 at its cheap at that website. What I suggest you try for a self-experiment:Have a healthy intake of your B vitamns(the fruits, chicken, etc..), and give yourself about 30minutes to digest. Take the RU-21 pills, and start drinking. Because RU-21 is a "pill", it has a coated layer of chemical which dosn't desolve instantly. So some time maybe be needed to allow the pill to work. All this preparation should take about 30min. It beats the 1-3 hour pre-drink meathod right. If it does work for you, I suggest trying to do this process in less time. To test your time limit.
i'm sorry but your very wrong here. Ru21 or cheerz does not work at all for the flush, it doesn't do anything, it's just a multi vitamin. been tried and tested, and i'm sure anyone with the flush will tell you the same.
You're correct Bob. Both RU-21 and Cheerz have been discussed in *numerous* posts to these forum and I'd say the general concensus is that they simply do not work. Is it just me or do others think Natifus seems to pass himself off as an expert on stuff he really doesn't seem to have a good handle on? I'm just a bit suspicious.