Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Bads                                                                          Good
____                                                                         _______
Eating                                                                         Pepcis AC
Working out?                                                              Cheershangover
fawking passed out asian girl after a sip of beer             Cocaine

I think thats it! ahahhahaha

To prevent having red face, simply shut up and drink and get used to being made fun of. End of story!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Alright so what exactly are some of your tips.  You didn't really say.....


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Matty wrote:

Alright so what exactly are some of your tips.  You didn't really say.....

I have listed a lot of tips, and I will try and recall some of them. First I did stress cheershangover or any hangover pills. For the basic reason you cannot break down toxins. The toxins will remain in your system for a long period of time, and with anything to break them down, it will cause damage. Not only raise risk of cancer, but neuro and physical damage to your body.  The point was made very clear that most of your concerns were the redness,head pouding, fast heart rate, and dizzyness.  It is a proven fact that if you do drink heavy, the physical aspects of the flush do fade away. Meaning drinking daily.  Alcoholics process alcohol faster due to body adapting and generating a second way to process alcohol. 
Off topic-It's almost New Years and I do realize most of you want to go out and have fun.  I also realize "Asian Flush" is socially distructive, as I witnessed one of my friends just get torn apart for barely being able to drink.  Which is why he secludes himself.  Most people don't understand what is happening infront of them, and basically rip the life out of the Asian Flush victims. So for sake of many! Who are the ones that are going to do something about it? Who are the ones that are just going to wait for a miracle?  Many of you are educated at the situation at hand. You have a inactive gene, and incapable of producing an active gene. Second you are hyper sensitivite to alcohol. Controlling the hyper sensitivity to alcohol would be more reasonable, than finding the flat out cure.  So try to work with me, I'm trying to help.
  Topical creams, increase your salt intake, stick to darker beers, carrot juice, poultry/dairy diet, pre drink, vitamns, tiredness...for more just browse back and you can see what I listed.  Basically whatever it takes to get your body to behave almost normally.  Differnce between flush victims and average person physically. We all know the normal thing that happens. Normal drinkers do experience heat, and start to sweat. Flushers experiece dramatic heat, and do not sweat. I will stop here for today.  All I'am really asking for is some feed back and try different approachs with better results. So please give some detailed feedback, including the cycle your body goes threw. Bye for now.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)


I've been taking Zantac 75 for about 3 years. Pepsid never worked for me, but Zantac works great, every time. I generally go out drinking at least once a week. Prior to discovering this antidote, my face would turn red and blotchy with only 1/2 a glass of wine. I’m not talking about rosy cheeks red, I looked like somebody splashed hot oil on my face. Before using Zantac, I was always embarrassed every time I consumed alcohol. Also, I sometimes felt as though my throat would close up. Does anybody else experience this?

I am now wondering if anybody has spoken to a doctor about mixing alcohol with Zantac. I’d appreciate any comments.

FYI, I'm Half Japanese, Half Caucasian. So, I obviously do not fall into the SE Asian Catagory.



Oh, and I found this article to be rather informative: It was copied from the NY Times Magazine, March 2001

"Dear Doctor,

Can you please settle an argument? Is it true that there is a biological reason Asian people turn bright red when they drink?

T.C. Scraton, PA


Dear T.C.,

Yes, it is true. The metabolism of ethanol (alcohol) is one of the simpler biochemical pathways in the human body. As seen in the figure, once ethanol has entered the bloodstream, it travels to the liver where hepatocytes (liver cells) transform it into a compound called acetaldehyde using the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde is than transformed into acetic acid with the aid of another enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogrenase. Both of these reactions form the electron carrier NADH which can then enter the electron transport chain to form ATP, the body’s primary source of energy.

Some people of Asian descent (perhaps as much as ½) carry a “defective” copy of the gene for aldehyde dehydrogenase which works slower than normal, causing a bottleneck effect during the metabolism of ethanol. The net result is a build-up of acetaldehyde, which can lead to flushing, nausea, malaise, and headache, a reaction sometimes referred to as “Asian flush”. However, this does not contribute significantly to decreased alcohol tolerance, as ethanol is broken down at nearly the same rate.

Some scientists have speculated that the relatively low incidence of alcoholism among those of Asian descent may be a result of this mechanism. In effect, they feel too sick to continue drinking before they actually become drunk.

Pharmaceutical companies have actually capitalized on this effect in the development of a drug called disulfiram, better known as Antabuse. This drug inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase, resulting in the same symptoms as above. It is meant as an aid in the treatment of chronic alcoholics. If regularly taking disulfiram, they can rapidly feel very ill following the consumption of alcohol which, in theory, helps prevent them from resuming their habit.

The Doctor "


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Just stumbled across this forum and had a couple questions:

Does anyone know if Chaser anti-hangover pills work? If so, how should I take them for them to be effective?

What dose of Pepcid--and which type--would you recommend for someone who drinks only once in a while and doesn't drink in large amounts on those occasions?

BTW: I'm of Eastern European Jewish descent. According to some of the random google searches I've done on alcohol flushing, Jewish people tend to be prone to flushing as well. Kinda interesting.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I'am down for whatever Natifus! I'am tired of this shyt, and its time to break free of this curse. The predrink works for me, but I don't like to do it. I'll be a test dummy I don't really care, I'll try whatever you can throw at me. Lets do it!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Natifus wrote:
Matty wrote:

Alright so what exactly are some of your tips.  You didn't really say.....

I have listed a lot of tips, and I will try and recall some of them. First I did stress cheershangover or any hangover pills. For the basic reason you cannot break down toxins. The toxins will remain in your system for a long period of time, and with anything to break them down, it will cause damage. Not only raise risk of cancer, but neuro and physical damage to your body.  The point was made very clear that most of your concerns were the redness,head pouding, fast heart rate, and dizzyness.  It is a proven fact that if you do drink heavy, the physical aspects of the flush do fade away. Meaning drinking daily.  Alcoholics process alcohol faster due to body adapting and generating a second way to process alcohol. 
Off topic-It's almost New Years and I do realize most of you want to go out and have fun.  I also realize "Asian Flush" is socially distructive, as I witnessed one of my friends just get torn apart for barely being able to drink.  Which is why he secludes himself.  Most people don't understand what is happening infront of them, and basically rip the life out of the Asian Flush victims. So for sake of many! Who are the ones that are going to do something about it? Who are the ones that are just going to wait for a miracle?  Many of you are educated at the situation at hand. You have a inactive gene, and incapable of producing an active gene. Second you are hyper sensitivite to alcohol. Controlling the hyper sensitivity to alcohol would be more reasonable, than finding the flat out cure.  So try to work with me, I'm trying to help.
  Topical creams, increase your salt intake, stick to darker beers, carrot juice, poultry/dairy diet, pre drink, vitamns, tiredness...for more just browse back and you can see what I listed.  Basically whatever it takes to get your body to behave almost normally.  Differnce between flush victims and average person physically. We all know the normal thing that happens. Normal drinkers do experience heat, and start to sweat. Flushers experiece dramatic heat, and do not sweat. I will stop here for today.  All I'am really asking for is some feed back and try different approachs with better results. So please give some detailed feedback, including the cycle your body goes threw. Bye for now.

I find your comments very interesting, but one thing I have to question.  It is a well-known fact that darkers liquors (such as whiskey and tequila) have a much higher congener content than clear spirits such as vodka and gin.  Persons suffering from asian flush, if they decide to drink,  would wisely want to abstain from the darker liquors.  Wouldn't the same principle hold true to beers?  Why are you reccommending darker beers over light beers which I would think would result in less "hangover" symptoms?  I really want to know your research, because I generally stick to the lighter beers.  Never really had a night out on dark beers, they always seem to make me sick.  I'm 5'7" about 120 lbs. and can easily drink 6 beers in a short amount of time.  Thanks in advance.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

The other night I took 30mg of Pepcid, about 2 hrs before drinking, and found I got a really nasty headache after only three beers.  Not good at all.

I hate not being able to enjoy drinking consistantly, its like drinking roulette, sometimes i ll be fine, others i ll feel very bad, and I don't know when these times will be...


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I haven't been on the site for several months, in reply to Natifus, I agree that a solution should be worked on as a group. Some of your suggestions however don't seem practable, such as topical creams, and laser treatments, these may reduce the appearance of the flushing but would do nothing for the headaches, racing heart rate and nausea that are the real concern. several people have already posted about using the Cheerz pills and haven't found them effective in stopping the flushing effects, maybe they do aid in getting rid of toxins faster but they don't appear to stop the headache and nausea. And drinking everyday is just not a lifestyle I aspire to.   I already take loads of vitamins and try to eat healthy but  I still can't enjoy a social drink with out getting flushed, hot faced and feeling sick.
    Maybe what I am about to say is an over simplication, but from everything I've read it appears that our bodies don't produce enough of the certain enzyme needed to breakdown acetaldehyde, a by product of alcohol, but there are  there are numerous other physical/digestion problems that have solutions. For example, lactose intolerance is caused by an enzyne deficiency and people who suffer from that can take an enzyne pill. Also there are enzyne pills that are taken to aid digestion of gassy carbs ie Beano. I know that we are talking about different enzynes here but has anyone ever tried these. Maybe these extra enzynes are able to break down the acetaldehyde, and if drug companies can make cheap pills that solve these types of problems then why can't someone make a pill formulated to breakdown acetaldehyde.  In the above article from 2001 it says that there are drugs made to inhibit this enzyme to treat alcoholics, so why can't there be a drug to enhance the enzyme?  ... and for the guy who is doing the poll I'm Canadian of half Chinese and half Cacausian (European)

  any comments are welcome.  thanks for listening   Brat


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Darker beers have less histamine than lighter beers. Histamine is one of the major causes of flushing, not to be confused the other alochol sensitivities. Some temp cures I listed were focused mainly on flushing. Due to many interest in the physical aspect of the Asian Flush.  So majority of my cures are mainly targeted for the redness.
  Your body does produce enough enzymes. The problem is that the enzyme you produce is a mutated enzyme that works less than 8% of the original enzyme. So imagine a normal person cutting grass with a lawn mower, and you trying to cut grass with a nail clipper. I have no doubt that there will be a solution for the Asian Flush.  Till the cure is produced, most will just wait or find self solutions.
  About the testing I have done. I have actually only done 2 test myself relating directly towards Asian Flush.  You would have to browse in the forums to find the test.  My solutions! Some are based off of comments of individuals, and some are due to testing, and recomendations from other researchers.  What I already know:The enzyme works at 8% or less effeciency than the original enzyme.  Drinking 8% less than a normal person does not inhibit any alcohol sensitivities. Meaning an average person drinks 2-3 beers an hour.  You sowly drinking 1/5-1/3 of a beer in an hour will not cause alcohol sensitivities. Eating does trigger an increase of histamine causing more reaction.  Food does absorb, but only slightly delays the effect.
  I mainly came here to wish everyone a Happy New Years, and hope all of you enjoy this day. Alochol free or with alcohol, I hope all of you have fun.  Happy New Years Everyone!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I agree with Natifus we do need to find a cure for this and work together...at time it just seems a little unfair that we cannot enjoy our alcohol as much as others....


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

hi guys , i am not of asian descent i am 100% irish. so why do i get the flush. the myth of asian flush does not apply. can someone please go down a different direction here.

1. i get flushed after 1 or 2 beers
2. i get irregular heartbeat
3. it takes 1- 2 hours to go away

This is the big thing i have.


It has got to be the diet or body mass or something.
Please Natfius can you speak a language that we can all understand.

Is the answer do not drink. If it is it is.

Angry and red



Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Alright, I predrank and I'm taking pepcid ac for the party tonight. The pre drink thing worked for me before. I woke up after passingout one day, and started drinking and walla! No redness no headache, I was  a little hung over thou. The beer helped with that.  So i pre drank to help deal with the curse, and the pepcid AC is my insurance.  I agree lets work toghter, get this crap over and done with.  I'll drink every damn day if i can get a cure.  I actually like to drink, but on most ocassions it comes back to haunt me. There are only a few times it didn't effect me. One was at a pool party ,where I was in the water most of the time. I guess I was red, but I was drunk and feeling good.  I can drink and not feel like shit, its only when i pound drinks down like downing 3 beers in 2 minutes when I get hit bad.  So I'll try whatever and do whatever if it helps me get some where.  From me pre drink this afternoon I did notice one thing. My stomach felt like it was shooting out something warm every couple minutes, and everytime my stomach did that the pounding got worse.  I realized that happens everytime I drink.  How about we all gather once a week and try figure this out?  You can count me in, and I'll let you know what happens to me tonight.  Natifus what are we going to do?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Ken wrote:

The other night I took 30mg of Pepcid, about 2 hrs before drinking, and found I got a really nasty headache after only three beers.  Not good at all.

I hate not being able to enjoy drinking consistantly, its like drinking roulette, sometimes i ll be fine, others i ll feel very bad, and I don't know when these times will be...

Yea I feel your pain! Im hungover from earlier today, and hopfully tonight goes well.  What else have you tried???


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Okay this is what im going to do today. I predrank earlier 10 hours ago, and ate about 1 hour ago, and now I took 40mg of pepcid AC. I'm drinking about 1/2 a gallon of water. I'll start drinking in an hour 1/2 and tommorrow I'll come back and report what happens.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Natifus wrote:

Darker beers have less histamine than lighter beers. Histamine is one of the major causes of flushing, not to be confused the other alochol sensitivities. Some temp cures I listed were focused mainly on flushing. Due to many interest in the physical aspect of the Asian Flush.  So majority of my cures are mainly targeted for the redness.
  Your body does produce enough enzymes. The problem is that the enzyme you produce is a mutated enzyme that works less than 8% of the original enzyme. So imagine a normal person cutting grass with a lawn mower, and you trying to cut grass with a nail clipper. I have no doubt that there will be a solution for the Asian Flush.  Till the cure is produced, most will just wait or find self solutions.
  About the testing I have done. I have actually only done 2 test myself relating directly towards Asian Flush.  You would have to browse in the forums to find the test.  My solutions! Some are based off of comments of individuals, and some are due to testing, and recomendations from other researchers.  What I already know:The enzyme works at 8% or less effeciency than the original enzyme.  Drinking 8% less than a normal person does not inhibit any alcohol sensitivities. Meaning an average person drinks 2-3 beers an hour.  You sowly drinking 1/5-1/3 of a beer in an hour will not cause alcohol sensitivities. Eating does trigger an increase of histamine causing more reaction.  Food does absorb, but only slightly delays the effect.
  I mainly came here to wish everyone a Happy New Years, and hope all of you enjoy this day. Alochol free or with alcohol, I hope all of you have fun.  Happy New Years Everyone!

When you say "darker beer" do you mean beers such as stouts, wheat beers, Bass Ale, and beers that are labeled "dark", or just any high quality beer that isn't labeled "light"?  Would a premium pilsner of high quality (such as Paulaner Extra Dry Pilsner) that isn't "light" in calories but light in color fall under the preferred category of darker beer?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Ah I finally got around to taking the pepcid aC 1 hr before drinkig a dark beer and i am about 60% less red though my heart is still racing a bit. Next time I will try 2. has anyone tried mixing pepcid ac with a zantac? Happy new years you red faced beer lovin freaks. No I don't want to collaborate in some sort of scientific study -- what am i a human guinea pig. Hey I'll drink to that. time for another pepcid and beer. lalllaalalallalalallalallallalallalalaa


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

ok im am 100% korean and i too turn very very very red when i drink with patches of red over my body making me look like i have a disease....but anyways i have been testing one of my theories that seems to work very very well...i have tried it twice in 3 days and both times i consumed an average of 12 shots in 3-5 hours sooo im talking hammered haha....and both times i didn't even show the slightest bit of red/pink/blush at all...so if your a hot azn girl that wants to drink with me and test out my theory email me back hahahaha check out my pics at www.myspace.com/yister


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

SO I took the 40mg pepcid AC, but didn't drink enough to get waisted. That blows! So now I just waisted a whole freakin day to not get waisted. I only got a buzz, and nothing more. No asian flush crap happened. Ahhh! I'll try again some other time.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Hi all,

On NYE i took 2 Zantacs (Ranitidine Hydrochloride 150mg) about 7, started drinking about 8... i think it worked slightly, but i took another one whilst i was drinking - washing it down with my lemon ruski... I only just read the pack and the leaflet (haha oops) and it says not to take more than 2 in 24 hours... Why shouldnt i take more than 2? Have i done myself any sort of harm?

Any comments/thoughts appreciated
Thanks very much


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

here is a a link for another hangover pill-

it looks real sketchy and probably does not work, but if anyone wants to give it a try, go ahead.

assuming you also have this problem, which solution do you use?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Great forum. Having 'digested' the contents over the last weekend I rushed out and bought some Pepcidtwo (only option in the UK) and on a couple of experiments, one with beer and one with wine there was no noticable flushing. Red wine is normally a real killer. After 20 years of seruptitiously drinking like a girl or glowing like a beacon this may be the greatest discovery ever!

Picked up my prescription this morning from my GP (56 tabs @ £6.50) and I am a happy bunny.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I browsed threw quickly to read each individuals post.
To Flusher: I do not have the inactive gene, I'am slightly sensitive to alcohol. Meaning I can drink and break down alcohol like a nomral person.  Which goes to the next post from paul.

To Paul: I would need more information to conclude your problem.  Celtic people often have problems flushing, but that is due to having extreme hyper sensitivite skin.  In terms we all can understand.  The skin is sensitive enough to make them red from weather, foods, alcohol, temperature, and so on.  Don't count yourself out on not having the Asian Flush! You do have the similar effects of having the inactive ALDH gene or Asian Flush. Redness for 1-2 hours and rapid/hard/irregular heart beat, but you don't have the nausea? People of Irish(Celtic decent) have sort of the same problem, some do have the Asian Flush and some are just alcohol sensitive.  Sounds to me like you are just hyper sensitive to alcohol, and do not have the Asian Flush.  So it is okay for you to drink! I'am also basing this on what you have posted.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I notice some of you actually are giving up. Off the record! I do know a lot of asian people with the same issues as all of you.  About 1 out of 20 of asian with this problem are still fighting it. The rest simply adapt and change their lives around a more less social lifestyle.  I can't do much for all of you, but! I highly suggest one of you do step up and become a leader.  Solutions aren't always drugs, as your body does build a tolerance to them.  You can either waste your time comming here and talk about how much its sucks, or you can come here and do something about it. Good luck.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Natifus wrote:

I browsed threw quickly to read each individuals post.
To Flusher: I do not have the inactive gene, I'am slightly sensitive to alcohol. Meaning I can drink and break down alcohol like a nomral person.  Which goes to the next post from paul.

To Paul: I would need more information to conclude your problem.  Celtic people often have problems flushing, but that is due to having extreme hyper sensitivite skin.  In terms we all can understand.  The skin is sensitive enough to make them red from weather, foods, alcohol, temperature, and so on.  Don't count yourself out on not having the Asian Flush! You do have the similar effects of having the inactive ALDH gene or Asian Flush. Redness for 1-2 hours and rapid/hard/irregular heart beat, but you don't have the nausea? People of Irish(Celtic decent) have sort of the same problem, some do have the Asian Flush and some are just alcohol sensitive.  Sounds to me like you are just hyper sensitive to alcohol, and do not have the Asian Flush.  So it is okay for you to drink! I'am also basing this on what you have posted.

Thanks natifus for getting back to me. i do think that you might be on to something. the redness seems to hit me first where the skin is broken or weak. Maybe i just need to spend time on a sunbed.