Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Red Yucky Yun wrote:

After reading the entire thread yesterday, I was inspired to get some Pepcid AC Max, give it a try and go out to a bar.  A little background before I go into its effects. I have been drinking for about 8 years now and about 3 years ago, I discovered Tagament HB (Cimetidine), which I was directed towards through my cousin's husband, who is also a doctor.  I was so thrilled to learn that this stuff actually worked!  But it varied in its effectiveness, so I tried different experiments from the dosage to food intake to different alcoholic beverages to time lapse between taking pill and drinking to even geography. 

Before I discovered this though, I, like some have posted, had times where I did not get red at all and felt great the entire night.  Obviously, I never could replicate those times, but I am curious as to an all-natural alternative to taking the pills.  Anyway, let me explain the geography thing.  I think it's very odd, and I also thought it had something to do with elevation, but here's the thing:  I lived in Ohio when I first discovered Tagamet, and it treated just fine with just 2 pills (I'm sure that's 20 mg).  I would even take these pills with my beer or other mixed drink.  The effects were somewhat consistent, but there were times when I ate too close to my drinking, or I ate pizza or spicy food, which is about the worst thing to eat while drinking.  Overall though, 2 pills did the trick the majority of the time...with wine, I would need 3 or maybe 4.  Now I live in Portland, Oregon, and I had to bump up the dosage to twice that...and 75% of the time, I would still get red.  Now Portland is in a valley, and it's actually lower elevation than the places I drank in Ohio (It's relatively flat there too).   The reason I thought it was elevation is because I was on a ski club that went to Colorado every year, and every time I would get the asian flush symptoms, regardless of the amount of pills I took.  And I've even visited Ohio a couple times while living out here, and it's a totally different buzz, with lesser dosage, than out here with double the dosage.  My question is why would I get more Asian Flush symptoms with double the dosage in Portland than in Ohio.  It doesn't make sense to me.  Does anyone have any input on this? 

Anyway, as for last night, I took 2 pills (40 mg) 30 minutes before I started drinking, and I got drunk really quickly!  I was just drinking beer, straight up PBR and then pitchers of Bud, but wow, I felt like I was in high school again.  I can usually handle a good five or six beers without getting drunk, but damn, it was about half that and I was drunk.  Anyway, good time but really heady buzz.  I didn't get red at all though, which is what I'm looking for, and if I keep getting that drunk, I might as well stick to Pepcid...It'll save me money in the long run.  I'll do some more experimenting and post my results.  I'm also curious as to long-term side effects, because I don't want any unneccessary tumors in my esophagus or anywhere else on my body for that matter.

OH MY GOD!!!! ME TOO....
I have Asian flush but when I work on the ships in the Summer it totally disappears..
bought some pepcid AC today....gonna try it Saturday night....if it works I'm going to be the happiest man on the planet I swear...
I live in Italy where the drug is simply called 'Famotidina' ....20mg tablets.....going to take 2 30 mins before the party!! (hopefully) ..will post progress.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I came across this forum last night and read it along with others so I could be fully informed before proceeding.  First of all, this forum is hilarious....some of the comments I read had me rolling.  Itchy crotch???  wtf??? Anyways, I thought my mom, brother and I were the only people on earth afflicted by this inconvenient side-effect/gene defect (come to find out).  From reading everyone's comments, obviously this is not the case.  My mom is Taiwanese, dad white, therefore my brother and I are essentially half asian.  My mom doesnt drink but my brother and I do and we look like a couple of maraschino cherries when doing so.  I am 31 yrs old and first noticed the symptoms when I was 16....beet red, almost purple cheeks and ears, very bloodshot eyes (like I had smoked a blunt...or 8), pounding face, increased heartrate, headaches, chills and extreme drowsiness.  Sounds fun doesn't it?!?!   Physically, I guess it felt like I had the symptoms of a hangover immediately after drinking.  I felt like shit whenever I drank, therefore I was anti-social and never wanted to go out.  What fun is going out when you're sipping on Sprite?  Whenever I would go out, I would shy away from drinking simply because of the side-effects.  I'd usually have one or two beers but I would pay the price of the glow effect....what a pussy lightweight....boy can't handle a couple of brewskies?  It is not an attractive glow like someone implied on the 1st page of this forum.  I LOOK LIKE SHIT AFTER DRINKING....like someone bitch slapped me a hundred times then poured tabasco in my eyes.  I look at myself in the mirror after a couple of beers and sometimes scare myself.  Yes its that bad.

Anyfookinways,  after working a 19 hour shift in the past 24 hours, (yeah I've been up for ~35 hours straight now) I couldnt wait to try the 2 Pepcid AC Max trick.  ****I WAS SOOOOO SKEPTICAL BUT HAD TO TRY IT AFTER READING 7 PAGES OF FORUM.****  THERE IS NO WAY THAT SIMPLE PEPCID CAN WORK----NO WAY!!!!!
515pm-Went to Wal-Mart and bought a 50 pack of Pepcid and a 12 pack o Bud.  ~~Hell its on like a pot o neckbones at Jeromes now!!! ~~
530pm-Take 2 Pepcid AC 20mg tabs (40mg of fatadomadoshine or whatever it is). 
6pm-Start drinking.  After each beer, I check the mirror....lol.  A B S O L U T E L Y   N O   R E D N E S S  after the fourth beer in an hour!! wtf?!?!?!  7pm-Still drinking, got a good buzz and still aint red....no bloodshot eyes, no headache, no chills, NOTHING.....BRING EM ON.
8pm-Bout to crack open another just to try and disprove this Pepcid theory but I'm already a believer.  Any other day I would've yacked around the 6th beer...not tonight.  I feel NO ill affects.  I'm going to drink as much as I can simply because I can!!! YEAH BOI. 
NOTE:  I used to get red after 1 ONE UNO UN beer and have to slow down....what a bitch!~!

THIS FORUM IS A GODSEND nonetheless.  Maybe I would still be married if I would have found this forum a year ago.  Wife (at the time) wanted to go out and I didnt because I couldnt drink....sorry, I'm not going to go out and sip on a club soda....maybe I should have though.  Anywho...I hope all my fellow asians, mixbreeds and mutts find ther way to this forum and I hope everyone has the same results as I do. 


Hmmmm...maybe I should get a 3rd job now to support my drinking.

perhapsly pertinent info:
I'm a male mutt at 6'2", 220 lbs, ate lunch at 1230.  Swigged the 2 Pepcids with some iced tea at 530 and started drinking at 6 as stated above.  And I obviously feel like I can drink more.  I DO NOT get drunk quicker with the Pepcid.  In fact I feel less buzzed...but thats ok cuz I can make up for it in quantity now........DAMN I'M ONE HAPPY CAMPER...WAIT TILL BY BROTHER HEARS ABOUT THIS!!! 

Brown again
The Gump Alabama

ps-sorry for the extensively long post but I dont know if anyone except my brother can understand the impact of this discovery after 15yrs of almost bursting into flames.  Many thanks to all the posters and the originator of the forum.  I LOVE YOU ALL.  CHEERZ!!!!  :lol:


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)


Came across this forum today. Today is my 19th birthday, I live in BC Canada, so this makes me legal :D

I have sufferd from the asian flush my whole highschool drinking life... getting nicknames such as, red lobster and tomato... I pretty much stoped drinking all together. Maybe once or twice a month...

I just took 3x10mg pepcids, going out clubing in an hour.

If this works, which it sounds like it will, I will be FOREVER greatfull.


Thank you so much....

Good night.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

OK.....so after reading ALL the posts, I had to try the Pepcid AC Max.  The first time I tried it, I had ONE 20mg pill.  I took it while I ate (i waz hungry!).  about an hour or so laterz, I had a cocktail.  Didnt turn beet red as usual, but pinkness waz showin. And it waz just ONE drink.

Second time I tried it, I took TWO 20mg pills, about an hour before drinkin.  This time, again AFTER I had dinner.  Had two cocktails about an hour or so after takin the pills.  After the first drink, slight pinkness, after the 2nd drink, a lil more pink. So.....2 pills, 2 cocktails and about 3 hrs later, I had a glass of jack and coke. I was told I was BRIGHT red, altho i couldnt feel it cuz i usually feel extremely heated. So an hour later after driving home, looked in the mirror....I was fine! so was i bright red or were the ppl i was wit just messin wit me????

Third try, took TWO 20mg pills about 1 hour prior to drinkin wit lots of H2O, had dinner and one cocktail and was feelin a bit heated and pink. 

Fourth try, took TWO 20mg about 2-3 hours prior to drink wit lots of H2O.  Had a wine spritzer (didnt feel a thing), then a cocktail, a shot, turned pink again, and more cocktails.

I'm startin to see that I still turn pink/red no matter wat i try.  Maybe this just doesnt work as well for me as others.  Keep in mind, even tho I turn pink and sometimes bright red even using Pepcid AC, I continue to drink more.  But one thing for sure, I dont get hangovers whatsoever.

Is it becuz most ppl here "test" the Pepcid AC wit beer???? I'm not a beer drinker, never had a taste for it.  But I know wit cocktails, I still turn colors.

Any suggestions?  Maybe I'm not takin it correctly?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

OK.....so after reading ALL the posts, I had to try the Pepcid AC Max.  The first time I tried it, I had ONE 20mg pill.  I took it while I ate (i waz hungry!).  about an hour or so laterz, I had a cocktail.  Didnt turn beet red as usual, but pinkness waz showin. And it waz just ONE drink.

Second time I tried it, I took TWO 20mg pills, about an hour before drinkin.  This time, again AFTER I had dinner.  Had two cocktails about an hour or so after takin the pills.  After the first drink, slight pinkness, after the 2nd drink, a lil more pink. So.....2 pills, 2 cocktails and about 3 hrs later, I had a glass of jack and coke. I was told I was BRIGHT red, altho i couldnt feel it cuz i usually feel extremely heated. So an hour later after driving home, looked in the mirror....I was fine! so was i bright red or were the ppl i was wit just messin wit me????

Third try, took TWO 20mg pills about 1 hour prior to drinkin wit lots of H2O, had dinner and one cocktail and was feelin a bit heated and pink. 

Fourth try, took TWO 20mg about 2-3 hours prior to drink wit lots of H2O.  Had a wine spritzer (didnt feel a thing), then a cocktail, a shot, turned pink again, and more cocktails.

I'm startin to see that I still turn pink/red no matter wat i try.  Maybe this just doesnt work as well for me as others.  Keep in mind, even tho I turn pink and sometimes bright red even using Pepcid AC, I continue to drink more.  But one thing for sure, I dont get hangovers whatsoever.

Is it becuz most ppl here "test" the Pepcid AC wit beer???? I'm not a beer drinker, never had a taste for it.  But I know wit cocktails, I still turn colors.

Any suggestions?  Maybe I'm not takin it correctly?

Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

luv2drink, I find i still do get slightly pink even tho i take 30mg pepcid AC, 1 hour before drinking. However this is hardly even noticeable, and its nowhere near as bad as i used to get it, so I'm still satisfied. I haven't tried it with cocktails yet, so i can't tell you if that makes it worse or not. If you dont like beer, perhaps try vodka because the pepcid works just as well with that. Also I think eating may interfere with the action of pepcid, so try going without food for a few hours before drinking.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Hi everyone,

I would absolutely love to try this Pepcid-miracle-worker-of-a-pill but im in Australia which means ill need a prescription! Is there anything else that i can take that will have the same effects but i can buy without a script?
I'm only 17.

Please help! Schoolies is coming up fast! lol

Thanks so much

Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

hi tainted love, i went to my gp and she was happy to write out a prescription for pepcid (its called pepcidine in oz). I just explained my situation, and she was cool with it. I'm 18, but she didn't ask for my age or anything, so i dunno you should be ok. btw, i wished i discovered pepcid earlier, coz it kinda ruined my schoolies week lol.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

What exactly did you say? I get all embarrased at doctors lol

Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Yeah i was kinda embarassed as well but she understood. I just said i get this bad reaction to alcohol, whereby my face gets red, other symptoms etc. and i came across a website that strongly recommended pepcidine, which has the active ingredient famotidine. Then she wrote out the prescription, and that was it. btw my email is jonese26@hotmail.com if you want it.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

In reference to luv2drink's post, I'm starting to think there is a link between taking the Pepcid and *eating* before/during drinking.  My theory is that the Pepcid works better if you take it with water and nothing else--waiting for it to take effect.  I'm going to do some more exerimentation with this.  It seems that a few times when I took the Pepcid waiting around 45 minutes to an hour *without* eating, it seemed to work best.  However, one think that seems clear to me is that everyone has different experiences and there isn't a perfect scenario--or at least we haven't stumbled across it (yet).

Anyone else have experience/theories about the food interaction issue?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

In reference to luv2drink's post, I'm starting to think there is a link between taking the Pepcid and *eating* before/during drinking.  My theory is that the Pepcid works better if you take it with water and nothing else--waiting for it to take effect.  I'm going to do some more exerimentation with this.  It seems that a few times when I took the Pepcid waiting around 45 minutes to an hour *without* eating, it seemed to work best.  However, one think that seems clear to me is that everyone has different experiences and there isn't a perfect scenario--or at least we haven't stumbled across it (yet).

Anyone else have experience/theories about the food interaction issue?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

BTW, why the heck does this thing post twice all the time???


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

we need a new solution or a for sure method to take it. im still turning slightly red (noticeable). what can we do about this? my drinking days are getting ruined!!!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

So if you're like me...I like spontaneity...so preparing an hour or so before drinking is almost out of the question.  Unfortunately, I like to drink when I feel like it and sometimes that means taking 3 Pepcid Max's with my alcoholic beverage.  So from the other postings, it seems that taking 2 Max generally a half-hour to an hour gets the best results.  What have others experienced from my aforementioned statement?  Do you have to pop an extra one like myself?  My experience is that it's definitely a varied result, but many factors attribute to the mixed results.  For example, if you had a hard-core night out mixing drinks and just being belligerent, then the next day when you start drinking, your face will get red after your first drink, no matter how many pills you took, time lapse, or food.  BTW, has anyone else experienced the delayed red-face...meaning the next morning you are red and your heart is pounding, etc.  Usually, this happens to me right after my morning coffee.  So obviously, this has something to do with alcohol still being in your blood and the pills not lasting more than 12 hours.  If you can relate...ya know...relate on.  This past weekend, I had the incident where I just kept getting more and more red...all the while popping pills to try to get it to subside.  I mean, this shit ain't all-natural...so what's the cut-off?  How many have others tried to pop in one night?  I wanted to give up but I was at a show...and not having a drink in my hand is just not feasible.  Also, I've been popping these pills for over 3 years now...and I think I'm growing a tolerance...Which means oh shit for everyone out there...(not to scare anyone away)...but it's really hit or miss so who really knows?  Does anyone know a chemist to start a business?  Or at least a study on it...



Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I found this message thread after doing a search of famotidine + asian tonight because I wanted to see what kind of support this miracle treatment is getting.  Apparently, quite a lot.

I am half asian and have been drinking for 12 years.  I would always get extremely tomato faced when drinking, sometimes after one drink, sometimes after 2 or 3.  Finally, one night about a year ago, I did an internet search on something like asian + flush + alcohol and found only one obscure reference to the solution of Pepcid.  I tried it and it has worked without fail.  I typically take 40-50 mg, 45 minutes before drinking, then maybe have another couple a couple of hours later if I am going to continue to drink.  This method has never failed through dozens of occasions of pretty significant drinking (10-15 drinks) in a sitting.

I have wondered if there are any negative side effects.  From this thread, I do not find any evidence of any side effects, with the exception of increased alcoholism.  The only thing to be careful of is to give the famotidine enough time to kick in, or else your screwed.  One post that I found interesting was the one saying a 40 mg dose will last 12 hours.  This was something I was not aware of and am looking forward to testing...I always thought it might wear off quicker; hence my repeated dose after a couple of hours.  Anyway, I hope this helps all of us who have suffered through the same problem.

Famotidine certainly is the answer to this embarrassing social condition.  Let's just hope this isn't the beginning of an alcoholism outbreak amongst all asians.  Maybe famotidine was created by caucasians to slow down the advancement of the asian race.  Of course I'm just kidding, but have you ever heard the rumor that Japanese pilots used to drop marijuana seeds over the United States as a way to contribute to the downfall of the USA?  Have a drink on me!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

we need a solution!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Ant wrote:

I found this message thread after doing a search of famotidine + asian tonight because I wanted to see what kind of support this miracle treatment is getting.  Apparently, quite a lot.

I am half asian and have been drinking for 12 years.  I would always get extremely tomato faced when drinking, sometimes after one drink, sometimes after 2 or 3.  Finally, one night about a year ago, I did an internet search on something like asian + flush + alcohol and found only one obscure reference to the solution of Pepcid.  I tried it and it has worked without fail.  I typically take 40-50 mg, 45 minutes before drinking, then maybe have another couple a couple of hours later if I am going to continue to drink.  This method has never failed through dozens of occasions of pretty significant drinking (10-15 drinks) in a sitting.

I have wondered if there are any negative side effects.  From this thread, I do not find any evidence of any side effects, with the exception of increased alcoholism.  The only thing to be careful of is to give the famotidine enough time to kick in, or else your screwed.  One post that I found interesting was the one saying a 40 mg dose will last 12 hours.  This was something I was not aware of and am looking forward to testing...I always thought it might wear off quicker; hence my repeated dose after a couple of hours.  Anyway, I hope this helps all of us who have suffered through the same problem.

Famotidine certainly is the answer to this embarrassing social condition.  Let's just hope this isn't the beginning of an alcoholism outbreak amongst all asians.  Maybe famotidine was created by caucasians to slow down the advancement of the asian race.  Of course I'm just kidding, but have you ever heard the rumor that Japanese pilots used to drop marijuana seeds over the United States as a way to contribute to the downfall of the USA?  Have a drink on me!

I have started getting very bad stomach aches.  I am not convinced that this is 'good' for you.  Yes, my red face goes away, but it is very clear on the Pepcid packaging not to mix it with alcohol.  I am a bit concerned that we may be doing more harm than good.  Opinions?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I have started getting very bad stomach aches after using Pepcid for three months = almost cramp like and my bowels (nasty) are getting really painful.  I have never had stomach cramps and loose painful bowel movements until I tried this.  I am not convinced that this is 'good' for you.  Yes, my red face goes away, but it is very clear on the Pepcid packaging not to mix it with alcohol.  I am a bit concerned that we may be doing more harm than good.  Opinions?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Another poster recommended looking up a product called Cheerz.  It's a anti hangover pill that could help for asians.  Look it up on the Net.  I think i may order some just to try it out. www.reboundhangover.com/


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

asian blush is the biggest joke god can play on a man.  seriously it sucks balls.  i have found that taking a lot of niacin (as niacinamide) and b-complex vitamins in addition to pepcid leaves you pretty ok.  but its still a pain in the ass.  its like taking pills so you can have a cigarette.  has someone tried cheerz antihangover, and does it work better than pepcid or well in addition to pepcid?  also, ive seen some stuff about companies looking for ways to cure this, so maybe in a few years...


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Goto www.cheerzhangover.com this is a hang over pill. It will also supress the "ASIAN FLUSH" pending on how many pills you take.  This pill is very affordable, and should solve your problem for the time being.  The reason why you flush, is because you have low numbers of ALDH enzymes which your liver produces. This enzyme brakes down toxins in alcohol. With low numbers of this enzyme, you are incapble of breaking down toxins at a needed rate. Causing your blood vessels to dialte(expand), and causing the redness effect.  The pill increases the ALDH enzymes in your system, and breakes it down. Pepcid AC and alcohol are a bad mix, and can cause future internal problems. I suggest taking the hangover pill. Pepcid AC dosent break down the toxins. If you don't break down the toxins, it can lead to liver cancer, and throat cancer, aswell have other damaging after effects.  Mainly because you are asian, you do have a lot lower amounts of ADH and ALDH the two main enzymes to break down alcohol toxins, and more vulnerable to cancer(which can appear in your 20's).  Other ways is eating poultry,salads,fruits, and dairy products. These foods and liquids carry the ADLH enzyme, but not in great ammounts.  It can only surpress the flush depending on alcohol consumption, and number of enzymes you already have. Which can range from 3-8 drinks pending on person.  The pill should help you drink about 4-6 times as more, without having the flush apperance.  If you over consume more alcohol than the pill is designed to handle, the flush appearance will come back. There are no cures for the "Asian Flush" yet.  Only temporary cures, with no long lasting effect.  Mainly because medical technology hasn't found a way to make your liver produce more of these enzymes.  50% of east asians have the "Asian Flush", 20% of other asians and pacific islanders have the asian flush (which may give them a more purpalish color, and sometimes no flush appearence), and a very low percentage of whites have "Asian Flush Appearance"(Usually from consuming Red Wine or ale made of rice).  In theory the "Asian Flush" is to believed to come from a East Asian culture that had very little or no alcohol consumption. Therefore the enzymes were not needed, which is why East Asians have low numbers of enzymes to break the toxins. Another self cure which does work! Is to relax your upper body and take couple deep breaths. For some this will work, and the redness should instantly vanish. The cause of the redness, is because your blood vessels dialate from the toxins.  When your blood vessels dialate lack of oxygen and blood is distributed threw your body, hence causing your heart to beat rapidly. Relaxing your body, and letting the vessels relax can cause the redness,heart rate, and heat to go away.   Most Asians are ashamed of the "Asian Flush", so instead of having a medical research convention. I go threw the internet and help you understand what is going on.  A myth is that there is an inejection of the ezymes, which will last a year.  There are no long term, cures! I highly suggest laying off the over the counter drugs. There are many hangover pills, as of right now these are the best. Combine your diet, with handover pills, and you should be fine every night you go out.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

It takes about 8 hours, before alcohol is fully out of your system. In my research most of the "Asian Flushs" lasted for a few hours.  Meaning drinking more doesn't eliminate the issue at hand. There is one way to drink more and not have the "Asian Flush Appearnce".  If you consume some alcohol prior to heading out, give your body the time frame to let the redness, heat, and other symptoms to go away. Then head out and start drinking! For majority of you, the "Asian Flush" should not occur.  From the 1st drink of you pre drinking, to the last drink of the night, this is what happens to your body: The toxins in alcohol, triggers your body to release the toxins.  The accelerting heart rate, heat, sickness, dizzyness,dialated blood vessels, are all ways to dispose of the toxins.  Causing you to vomit, sweat, not want to drink anymore.  When the "Asian Flush" has gone away, your body is still processing alocohol at a slow rate.  There are still toxins and alcohol in your blood, but no "Asian Flush"!  Now that the "Asian Flush" is gone, you go out and drink with your friends.  For most of you drink all you want, the "Asian Flush" shouldn't come back.  Primarly because your body has two defenses. One is an extreme defense, and the second is more of an relaxing defense. (Picture it like an ankle sprain. Your ankle swells up almost instantly, throbs, etc. After a while, your ankle starts to relax, swelling goes down slightly, and is more sensitive.)  So now your body is in its second defense, most of you should be able to drink, without having "Asian Flush" which is the primary naturual bodly reaction.  The pre drink has to be about 1 bottle of beer, or enough keep your system functioning at full pace.  It does work! Not for all, everyone has different counts of the ALDH enzyme. Some people have more senstive systems than others.  The "Pre Drink" worked for 4 out 10 asian men and females.  Don't forget to take the hangover pills, or eat  fruits,dairy products, poultry and salads. Remember your body can't process toxins at a normal rate, and you need enzymes to break it down. The longer the toxins stay in your body, the more harm it does. As East Asians, you are very vulnerable to cancer caused by alcohol.  Studies have also proved that 2% of the people with "Asian Flush", have a chance of not having as they age into their 20's to mid 20's.  More research is going on, and we will get back to the Asian Community and help you dispose of this social cripling defect.

174 (edited by jonese26 2005-10-09 22:19:35)

Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Has anyone tested Natifus' "pre-drink" or cheerz hangover solutions before? I'm pretty sure the pre-drink didnt work for me. Thanks for the info nonetheless Natifus. Very interesting stuff.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

The "Pre-Drink" works for some, but it might not work for you.  Hyper sensitive individuals, are more commonly known to break out with "Asian Flush" once a small ammount of alcohol enters the blood stream.  Basically meaning you can drink for a week non stop, and still not have the symptoms go away. I have posted in the "reason why you turn red" forum, of statistics about individuals with "Asian Flush".  I highly suggest to you and the others, to get tested for genotype.  Reason that some might have to quit drinking all toghter.  Alcohol realated cancers and complications, can start forming in your 20's.  The "hangover pill" are to help reduce the risk, and sometimes prevent future problems. Note:Some individuals diagnosed with liver cancer, are expected to live a maximum of a year or less. Note: Symptoms of liver cancer:Pain in the right upper abdominal area, weight loss, loss of appetite, Chest swelling (males), Blood clotting, intestinal bleeding, and skin bruises.Note:Sometimes liver cancer is hard to spot in Xrays. Seek a medical proffesional to get tested for genotype, or check with the local research groups(ranging for alcohol studies to local university surveys/research).
CORRECTION:Some of the information I posted earlier was wrong, due to grammatical error.
Correction:1: Natifus post 20:18:15: [20% of pacific islanders(not other asians).]note:percentage of pacific islander was estimation on non accurate formula . Note:Asian estimation of "Asian Flush" estimation ranges from 30%-60%. Note:Majority of Test/Surveys were done on majority on idividuals who drank/drinkers, not non-drinkers.
Statistics Detailed:
     Asian Flushing isn't primarily found in just East Asians. It was found in all mongloids(filipino,vietnamese,chinese,japanese,korean,pacific islanders.etc..).
Asian American Female Studies:
     Asian females are most commonly to have "Asian Flush". NOTE:Females have lower total body water(to desolve alcohol), weight, height, and estimated 50% less enzymes to break down alcohol.
Japanese women tend to drink more, dispite the flushing. Social behavior of Japanese women are moderate to heavy drinkers.  Chinese women tend to drink less, Most ranging from non alcoholics to light drinkers.  Note:Asian Americans in general consume the least amount of alcohol in the US. Asian American males are more pressured by society to drink. There for drink more than females. The ALDH2*2 genotype believed to be developed to stop alcoholism in asian. ALDH2*2(mutant gene) is a dominant gene, over the ALDH2(original gene). Chances of passing this gene on, is also greater. Note:ALDH2*2 is code for inactive mutant gene, ALDH2*1/2*2 means gene is X% active.
To conclude this:
Most Asian Americans have a change in social drinking behavior, due to the American lifestyle. Japanese have a higher drinking habbit, due to earlier contacts and steady contact with Euro & American social behaviors. Majority of "Asian Flush" research are located mainly in Japan.  Most studies of "Asian Flush" is to prevent cancer/alcohol complications. Asian females are higher risk for cancer/complications, than asian males.  The "Pre-drink" prevention method of future flushing, is also associated with alcoholism. Most recall flushing/no longer flushing individuals have moderate to high drinking habbits. The "Asian Flush" reaction, is to prevent alcoholism/steer away alcoholism in asians. As in 50% less enzymes in females prevent alcoholism in women. If you have any questions about "Asian Flush"/flushing/preventions/surpressents please post a message.