Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)
After reading the entire thread yesterday, I was inspired to get some Pepcid AC Max, give it a try and go out to a bar. A little background before I go into its effects. I have been drinking for about 8 years now and about 3 years ago, I discovered Tagament HB (Cimetidine), which I was directed towards through my cousin's husband, who is also a doctor. I was so thrilled to learn that this stuff actually worked! But it varied in its effectiveness, so I tried different experiments from the dosage to food intake to different alcoholic beverages to time lapse between taking pill and drinking to even geography.
Before I discovered this though, I, like some have posted, had times where I did not get red at all and felt great the entire night. Obviously, I never could replicate those times, but I am curious as to an all-natural alternative to taking the pills. Anyway, let me explain the geography thing. I think it's very odd, and I also thought it had something to do with elevation, but here's the thing: I lived in Ohio when I first discovered Tagamet, and it treated just fine with just 2 pills (I'm sure that's 20 mg). I would even take these pills with my beer or other mixed drink. The effects were somewhat consistent, but there were times when I ate too close to my drinking, or I ate pizza or spicy food, which is about the worst thing to eat while drinking. Overall though, 2 pills did the trick the majority of the time...with wine, I would need 3 or maybe 4. Now I live in Portland, Oregon, and I had to bump up the dosage to twice that...and 75% of the time, I would still get red. Now Portland is in a valley, and it's actually lower elevation than the places I drank in Ohio (It's relatively flat there too). The reason I thought it was elevation is because I was on a ski club that went to Colorado every year, and every time I would get the asian flush symptoms, regardless of the amount of pills I took. And I've even visited Ohio a couple times while living out here, and it's a totally different buzz, with lesser dosage, than out here with double the dosage. My question is why would I get more Asian Flush symptoms with double the dosage in Portland than in Ohio. It doesn't make sense to me. Does anyone have any input on this?
Anyway, as for last night, I took 2 pills (40 mg) 30 minutes before I started drinking, and I got drunk really quickly! I was just drinking beer, straight up PBR and then pitchers of Bud, but wow, I felt like I was in high school again. I can usually handle a good five or six beers without getting drunk, but damn, it was about half that and I was drunk. Anyway, good time but really heady buzz. I didn't get red at all though, which is what I'm looking for, and if I keep getting that drunk, I might as well stick to Pepcid...It'll save me money in the long run. I'll do some more experimenting and post my results. I'm also curious as to long-term side effects, because I don't want any unneccessary tumors in my esophagus or anywhere else on my body for that matter.
OH MY GOD!!!! ME TOO....
I have Asian flush but when I work on the ships in the Summer it totally disappears..
bought some pepcid AC today....gonna try it Saturday night....if it works I'm going to be the happiest man on the planet I swear...
I live in Italy where the drug is simply called 'Famotidina' ....20mg tablets.....going to take 2 30 mins before the party!! (hopefully) ..will post progress.