Topic: Asian Blush in Media

Links to asian blush discussions in the media.  Please use the other forums to discuss Pepcid, etc.

Here are some to get started:

"Asian Flush: Asians and Alcohol" on New America Media

"Face turns red after drinking" on Go Ask Alice!

Wikipedia entry on Alcohol flush reaction

Urban dictionary entry

"Treatment for the "Asian Flush&quo … h alcohol?" on Google Answers

"Asian Flush: The Silent Killer" on GroupThink

Re: Asian Blush in Media … 00062.html
in the "silent killer" article's comments, there is a post by "patrick cochrane" who pushes a product called "Cheerz" while advising against overuse of pepcid due to side-effects.  he then links to a website at:

anyone try this product?  is it just another scam?

Re: Asian Blush in Media

Asian party-goers strive to get rid of that 'glow' often caused by the first drink
By Devon Haynie … -asianglow

Re: Asian Blush in Media

You have to take 2x+ the recommended servings of Cheerz (IntelliTabs or IntelliShots), preferably 10-20 mins befire the first drink to give your system a chance to immune up. This is the only M.D. recommended solution:

"As a physician and a scientist the Cheerz product appeals to me as it specifically targets acetaldehyde metabolism. In this respect it is completely different from other purported anti-hangover products, many of which are simply activated charcoal or repackaged vitamins. There is growing evidence that acetaldehyde is a main cause of hangover symptoms and also Asian flush. By helping to remove this toxic chemical from the body, Cheerz can alleviate hangover and flushing symptoms."
Dr. John Paul Shen, M.D., University of California San Diego

"Based on my experience as a liver transplant specialist and my anecdotal observations both personally and with family members, as a supplement the Cheerz product has significant beneficial biological effects in assisting the liver in the metabolism of alcohol, and is remarkably effective in reducing the symptomatic effects of alcohol toxicity with moderate social use."
Dr. Dirk P. Slaker, M.D., gastroenterologist, hepatologist

Cheerz Girlz Rock Tabu MGM Grand Las Vegas:

Cheerz Girlz MySpace Profile:

Re: Asian Blush in Media

I usually take 1 150mg zantac nowadays when I go out drinking.  I used to take pepcid a/c, but it seems I built up a tollerance for it, (I used to drink 4 nights a week.)  With zantac and pepcid sometimes I get a headache/hangover if I have 3-5 drinks, and sometimes it's completely fine.  I've never paid attention to those 'don't eat this or that type of food' warnings some people post - that may be part of it. 

I wouldn't put a lot of faith in Cheerz - the most impressive thing about them is their advertising force.  If they spent the same amount of money they did on advertising and spamming on forums/blogs/message boards, then they might have a decent project.  I know they say one doctor supports the product, but I seem to recall a time when the phrase "9 out 10 doctors support product X" was the standard.  They don't show any peer-reviewed research about the effectiveness of the ingredients, and they don't have a "free trial."  "Money back guarantee" in this day and age doesn't mean a thing - they offer it because they know you won't take the time to do this.

Sorry for the long rant, but I've been following this stuff for a while and I've seen what works, and what makes money - and a surprising amount of the time they are not the same.

Re: Asian Blush in Media

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Re: Asian Blush in Media

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Re: Asian Blush in Media

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Re: Asian Blush in Media

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10 (edited by asianflushninja 2014-09-11 05:20:30)

Re: Asian Blush in Media

I wanted to share a site that takes a lighter and funnier side of the asian flush that only other people who have it can find humorous.  If you've ever done some crazy tricks when trying to avoid the asian flush, you can definitely relate to this