Re: Suggestions for new topics

um looks dodgy as hell.
half the links don't even work on the website... but if anyone is game still.. would like to hear about it :P
I'm pretty skeptical about it though.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

in my opinion, zantac (ranitidine) works a lot better than pepcid ac, which doesn't really work for me.  I usually get red after 1 beer, but with zantac I can drink a couple in succession and only get pink after about 2 hours.  i've read online that ranitidine and cimetidine (tagamet), but not famotidine (pepcid) inhibit gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, which reduces the amount of acetaldehyde in your body at one time, same as the convivia drug currently being developed.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

How about a topic about hangovers?  Acetaldehyde poisoning is supposed to also be a major component of having a hangover.  Any Asian people experience hangovers differently?

Me, I'm 100% Korean, and I never turn red or anything, but I may have something similar.  Mainly, drinking more than about 4 shots of hard liquor in a night makes me extremely nauseous (and for some strange reason, it only takes 2 beers to have the same effect, so I stick with whiskey and vodka).  That's also my limit to not have a hangover the next day.  More than 4 of anything, and I'll probably be in bad shape.

But the weird thing is, I never get a headache from alcohol.  Ever.  My hangovers are 100% nausea and nothing else.  I almost wish I got headaches instead, as that might be less unpleasant.

79 (edited by hi-fi 2009-06-24 21:11:02)

Re: Suggestions for new topics

arrkhal wrote:

How about a topic about hangovers?  Acetaldehyde poisoning is supposed to also be a major component of having a hangover.  Any Asian people experience hangovers differently?

Here is info on cause and remedy (only lessens, not eliminate) for hangover.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

For me I do suffer from asian flush. Pretty badly too. But turing red isnt really a concern for me. Though it is embarassing I dont find it too troublesome. The thing that troubles me is not being able to drink. Yes i turn red as shttt, after 1 beer my face turns beat red, but the worst part is my heart pounds, i get killer head aches (after around 2-3 beers), i get extremly drousy, i feel sick(again after a few beers), and i get hot. I for the most part throw up after around 3-4 beers but usally dont make it that far. It is not a good feeling. Im sure some of you know the feeling im talking about. It seems like alot of people posting want to find a way to combat asian flush. But many if not most of you just want to get rid of the redness that occurs. But who cares if you can drink normally and get drunk like the majority of people.
So the point im trying to make is that I want to be able to drink. I want to be able to drink and have a good time. I want being drunk to be a good feeling like how all my friends describe. I throw up and feel completly out of it after just a few beers yet I feel like Im not actually drunk, most likely because I dont have enough alcohol in me. I am never like the drunk people screaming, running around, getting rowdy, or any of those things you associate with being drunk. Just out of it. So for me being drunk is not exactly a good feeling. In short i want to be able to get drunk not "asian flush drunk".  Im glad i found this disscusion : )
PS i just bought a package of 150mg zantech (no pepcid in Taiwan(here for a little bit but live in the states)) im exited to see the results!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

what a problem this asian flush is. effects so many people around the world. including myself. anyways from back in the days when i used to research cures for this flush i remember reading things about 'red clover'. i think it had some enzyme in it that might help. also i had the thought of taking liver extract. not sure if any of these will help. as never got around to testing them. i dont really drink much now. and have accepted the fact that i cant drink. after 8 yrs of trouble with it. the zantac thing is good and does help. but a combo with something else more natural to make it a more enjoyable experience could be beneficial.  This site is great for us sufferers. not many people know what the flush is like for us. lets hope  a real cure may someday be widely available.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Convivia, the pharmaceutical being developed based on 4-methylpyrazole (fomepizole) sounds promising.

I've just been looking at a patent for the use of 4-methylpyrazole to mitigate acetaldehyde build up: … escription

Has anyone got hold of any 4-methylpyrazole and given it a try?  Kind of sounds pretty straightforward according to this patent, if you can get your hands on any?

83 (edited by hmmmmmmm 2009-08-27 23:27:57)

Re: Suggestions for new topics

4-methylpyrazole is used for the treatment of methanol poisoning so don't think it is readily available :)

I emailed Ted Daley head of Raptor Pharma to see if there was any new updates on Convivia, they have done a small trial in Hawaii last year with promising results but are not going to further there testing in the US. They are currently looking for a partner in asia to further there trials but he said that at the start of the year too, so nothing has happened this year which is unfortunate. What i don't understand is why something that effects around 50 millon people is not being pushed as there is a huge money market for this product?? I just want to go out and enjoy myself like everybody else :(

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hello Everyone...

Tired o having this Vitamin B,D and drugs and all these things.I think topic of about fun should be there.

I think topic like about Movies.Entertainment and Fun........

What you Say??

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I emailed Raptor pointing out that there is another compound called Alda-1 that treats the same condition but works by increasing the activity of ALDH2, and part of his response was-

As you probably already know, there are those who consider treatments for Asian flush to be enabling of alcoholism or, at a minimum, unworthy of biotechnology efforts.  The fairness of those assessments aside, they tend to increase the regulatory hurdles likely to be thrown up by the FDA, particularly with regard to long-term safety.

So there are some people saying that an asian flush cure is unnecessary, because is helps prevent alcoholism, and this increases the amount of time it takes to find a remedy.  It probably would exist right now if it were not for this fact-

Re: Suggestions for new topics

on the other hand they said they would keep the suggestion in mind-

Re: Suggestions for new topics

it might also be why raptor is trying to do further development in asia, because it might be easier to bring to the market.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

i agree with you, redhead. Asia market must go crazy over it.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Yet raptor have been looking for a research company over in asia to come onboard for this whole year with no offers??

Re: Suggestions for new topics

there are probably no offers because a treatment for asian blush is considered enabling of alcoholism- i think the issue is that a lot of people have this condition and drink anyway, so deliberately avoiding a treatment is not going to do any good. should people be counseled by doctors to stop drinking, or should there be a treatment for ALDH2 deficiency?  either way, people should not be subjecting themselves to such high amounts of acetaldehyde- it causes damage to your entire body, and you can feel it right away.  acetaldehyde feels like shit!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I know you said you have tried all types of alcohol, but different types of alcohol give different types of reaction. I have read the more expensive purer wines/spirits and beers can lessen flush.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

anyboy know any types of alchol that doesnt cause redness? i usually try and drink light beers like coors light which taste like shit but that doesn really work...i sometimes find that hard drinks cause slightly less redness for some reason like jack daniels....any feedback would be great....

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I am of European descent and I don't have the ALDH2 deficiency problem.  However, I suffer from serious rosacea.  This condition has similar symptoms as ALDH2.  My face turns tomato-red when I drink any kind of alcohol.  Wine is the worst culprit.  After two bottles of beer, my face goes into a nasty flush.  I can handle vodka and gin a little better for some odd reason.   Bottom line:  I don't look so good when I have a drink in my hand. 

Fortunately, consuming alcohol only gives me bad cosmetic effects (redness, swelling and occasional pimples).  Drinking alcohol has serious health effects in addition to the uncomfortable cosmetic appearance for those with the Asian blush. 

We rosaceans flush to almost everything though:  caffeinated beverages, warm rooms, cold air, spicy foods, foods with high sugar and carbohydrate content, hot showers, excessive anxiety or panic, and of course--alcohol.  Be thankful that you do not have this skin condition.   I have permanent redness on my face and neck area because of the constant daily flushes.  Not to mention, I am a male in my 30s and my face still breaks out like I was 16 all over again.   Rosacea is very prevalent in people with Northern European ancestry (that includes me).   At least 15-20 million Americans have rosacea to some degree.  But I know from my research that a small population of people of Eastern Asian heritage also have symptoms of rosacea.  It wouldn't surprise me if these people confuse rosacea with the ALDH2 problems. 

Rosaceans use various treatment methods:  laser treatments on the skin, antibiotics, anti-pustule skin creams, beta-blockers, anti-allergen medications, anti-hypertension meds, daily sunscreen application, and try to avoid as many flushing triggers as possible. 

Anyway, I sympathize with you guys.   There is nothing "cute" about someone's cheeks burning and turning fire-engine red.  I hope medical science can cure your condition soon.  Who knows, perhaps research in ALDH2 deficiency can lead to promising treatments for rosacea sufferers like me.

94 (edited by julian 2009-11-25 14:24:51)

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Suggestion for new topic: Health problems resulting from continued drinking despite acetaldehyde accumulation

Background: I have sorrows concerning my health because - as we know - when we drink alcohol there is much more carcinogenic acetaldehyde accumulated in our bodies compared to normal alcohol drinkers. For example, the chance to suffer from esophageal cancer seems to be 6 to 10 times higher (!!) for us than for normal drinkers (source:, second paragraph). When we take Pepcid then everything seems normal again, but in the background all the time the acetaldehyde affects our bodies and maybe causes cancer someday. We should discuss about that, I think.

Greetings from germany

Re: Suggestions for new topics

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Re: Suggestions for new topics

Has anyone heard of the product Eredicane?  Apparently this product is made for asain flush suffers aswell with people who just overall flush when stressed, being active, shaving, etc.  Ive done little research and this sounds pretty good.  You take 1 pill with food 1 hour before your first drink.  If anyone has tried this let us fellow asians know how it was.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

check it out... looks like GOOD NEWS!!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

That sounds like its a cure...but really what is it?

Re: Suggestions for new topics

i'm not understanding the actual "Cure" in this article.  They talk about Nitroglycerin.  Is this a pill?  is it even legal to take?

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I have the flush so I don't drink at all anymore, but I want to protect myself from the naturally produced alcohol-acetaldehyde from fermentation in digestive tract. To keep fermentation to a minimum, I avoid excess carbs, sugar, and sweet fruit. Also try to to keep Candida yeast under control with herbs such as pao d'arco, anise, horopito, garlic and others.

An interesting supplement that I found but haven't tried is Himalaya's Liver Care. In human and animal studies it has been shown to increase acetaldehyde  excretion in the urine by a factor of 4. I don't know if it will help with flushing but it seems like a good daily supplement for general protection.

In this article‘asian-glow it says that as the flush is getting more attention as more than just an annoyance but a serious health threat that maybe some asian drug company will begin to produce the ALDH2 enzyme on an industrial scale and put it in an injectable or oral form. Maybe this forum and others will help make that happen.