Re: Suggestions for new topics

Both Letizen and Zyrtec work for me. These are the only pills with Cetirizini dihydrochloridum I have tried, but I think others would work as well. I had all the sympthoms described in this forum before I started using them.

This saturday a drank a lot (half a litre of wine, one shot of tequila, one glass of whisky and three beers), I surely got drunk, but in the good way, despite mixing beer, whine and liquor. I have been taking Zyrtec for half a year now, and it works every time. One pill with 10 mg of Cetirizini dihydrochloridum half an hour before I start drinking, and maybe two if I know I'm going to drink a lot.

My caucasion friends told me to try this, as it is a common anti-hangover pill for "normal" people in Norway. So I don't have any knowledge about this, but my experience and the info sheet tha comes along. The info sheet says no more than one pill a day, and you should not take a dobbel doses if you forget to take it one day. It also says it increases the effect of alcohol. The same as H2 blockers, right? Or is this a H2 blocker? 

I should have found out about this before I started taking them, but does anybody know if it safe to use this with alcohol?

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I had a quick read about Zyrtec -- it didn't say anything about mixing it with alcohol. Although one of the common side effects is that it makes you drowsy, so be careful if you're driving... but then again if you're gonna be drinking you shouldn't be driving anyway!

I also read that Zyrtec is an H1 blocker so I don't know if it would work on me - worth a go I guess.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I am new to this forum.

I would suggest a topic about Asian Blush (AB) and digestive problems. I have not seen anything yet on this topic.
I am Native American and I blush when I drink alcohol. Generally it only affects my face and I refer to is as raccoon eyes as it gives me bandit mask.
If I blush and continue drinking it generally goes away. After years of drinking I developed some GI tract issues and what would come out would smell like fomaldehyde. After reading this forum I am convinced that it is Acetylhyde. As a result continued drinking I developed what I though was an allergy to wheat or possible celliacs disease. I was just tested three weeks ago for celliacs/wheat allergy and was found to be negative. I went in search of an answer for my problems on the internet and came accross this site.

This site is amazing. Believing that I was suffering the effects of Acetylhyde I followed the advice posted on another part of this forum and began taking N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). NAC is amazing in two weeks my guts have calmed down. I have had alcohol and had no blushing and no acetlyhyde smell.  I have not tried Pepcid AC yet but will do that very soon.

I think that there must be others out there with similar issues so I will list what I have observed in myself
- I blush
- If I drink hard grain alcohol like vodka it is worse
- wine or rice alcohol like Budweisser does not affect me as much
- after drinking for years my guts now react to bread, although I do not blush with bread I suffer the same GI effects. Corn or rice do not affect me.
- the absolute worst thing that I can eat or drink is beer with aromatic hops. it generally comes from microbreweries and with that stuff I will blush, and get really bad GI problems. You will know a beer has aromatic hops when you crack one open and take a whiff, if it smells like perfume then it has aromatic hops. that stuff is poison to me.

I would be really interested to know the experiences of others and if there are other people like me.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

Has anybody tried Cheerz?

Claims to safely prevent the Asian Flush.

Could we prehaps have this as a new topic?  I'd much rather take this than Pepcid, if it works!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Good idea. I'll add a new topic.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hey all, I just came across this site and haven't seen anything about it on this forum.  The site is  Please let me know what you guys think of this site and what kinds of results you might have had.  I've tried Pepcid and have had fairly good results but I'm always looking for better.

I'm curious to how compares to that cheerz thing.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Premieredv - new topic has been added. Thanks for the link.


Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hi I am new here. I have suffered from this 'asian flush' thing for about a year now. The strange thing is I am Irish with definatley no Asian blood (as far as I am aware anyway!!!) I get it really bad though, all over my face, and sometimes my chest, arms and even legs once. In addition to this sometimes my heart beats faster and my breathing feels wheezy. Its INCREDIBLY annoying as Im sure you all know.
Is there anyone else on here who is caucison and gets this? Also I have very pale skin with freckles and red hair....I wonder if this is something to do with why I get it? I am not prone to blushing atall though in normal situations and I dont have that 'ginger toned skin' like some redheads.
The only thing I have found that works for me is to drink alchol with a fruit juice, like vodka and orange. Wine is the worst followed by beer or anything mixed with coca-cola. Also I dont know if anyone else finds this but if I drink something with loads of additives in (like an alchopop) it gets even worse. The fruit juice thing really works for me though.
Ive also found that if I feel myself turning red (this normally takes about 2-3 drinks) If I stop drinking, drink water or lemonade for a while or have a packet of crisps and then resume drinking then I can normally carry on without any flush.
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, just finding me way around!
The sooner they invent somekind of medication for this the better! Im a 20 year female at university and it really affects my social life, and dates i have been on! I hate the weird stares!!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Is it okay to take pepcid ac while on the birth control pill like Alesse? THANKS!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Most of the discussion has been about how to prevent the main symptom. I'm also curious though about the health implications. Because we can't break down acetylaldehyde, does that make alcohol consumption more damaging to us? What are the long-term impacts of having this aldehyde build up in our system? Does it build up? Or is it just in our bodies for as long as we are read?

Also, I'm half Asian/half Vietnamese. Sometimes I suspect that us Amerasians get the flush even worse than people that are 100% Asian. What do folks think? I've seen some other postings from fellow Hapas who seem to get it pretty bad. FYI, I have a half-brother who is 100% Asian. He gets flush but not nearly as bad as I do.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Most of the discussion has been about how to prevent the main symptom. I'm also curious though about the health implications. Because we can't break down acetylaldehyde, does that make alcohol consumption more damaging to us? What are the long-term impacts of having this aldehyde build up in our system? Does it build up? Or is it just in our bodies for as long as we are read?

Also, I'm half Asian/half Vietnamese. Sometimes I suspect that us Amerasians get the flush even worse than people that are 100% Asian. What do folks think? I've seen some other postings from fellow Hapas who seem to get it pretty bad. FYI, I have a half-brother who is 100% Asian. He gets flush but not nearly as bad as I do.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I think we need a thread on Pepsid AC side effects.  I'm half-peruvian, half-mongolian and recently divorced.  I've been going out to party like 3-4 times a week for about 2 years and discovered the pepsid AC cure about a year ago.  Before I started taking Pepsid AC, usually one beer would get me beet red and I would lose any hopes of talking to anyone seriously.  Since I started taking the Pepsid AC, I could drink glasses of wine, all the beer I could handle, etc. and not even get slightly red.  My dating life increased tenfold and my confidence went through the roof.  I went from all alone, to my phone ringing off the hook from beautiful women all thanks to the Pepsid AC cure.

However, I've been noticed weird side effects lately, like I've gotten sick more times this year than ever before.  My neck glands gets swollen here and there for no reason.  I also have a hard time sleeping, I used to be able to sleep 8 hours no problem.  Now I can't sleep more than 5 hours.  Plus, I read about this scary article that the cure might cause impotence!! … ction.html

Re: Suggestions for new topics

gilwood wrote:

However, I've been noticed weird side effects lately, like I've gotten sick more times this year than ever before.  My neck glands gets swollen here and there for no reason.  I also have a hard time sleeping, I used to be able to sleep 8 hours no problem.  Now I can't sleep more than 5 hours.  Plus, I read about this scary article that the cure might cause impotence!!

Great to hear that you have found some new confidence with pepcid. :)
About your health, have you spoken to your doctor about your swollen glands? Have you told them that you've been takig pepcid? Does the doctor think that taking pepcid has contributed to your health problems? Do you have hyper-thyroid? -- ie your thyroid is working overtime hence the swelling and lack of sleep.
Let us know what your doctor says and if they think it's related to your pepcid use.

It would be interesting for us to know how regularly you take the pills and how many mg you take each time.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

has there been anything on proton pump inhibitors like prilosec (omeprazole)?

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Please, open up a new discussion on the topic of "Conditions much worse than the asian glow - Itchiness, Raised blotches for months after a few drinks"

Is there anyone out there who suffer much more than *just* the asian glow? For me, a few sips of beer, wine, mixed drinks etc. will not only bring out the burning and red flushing that everyone talks about. Depending on the type of alcohol and the quantity, I will get hyper-itchy, hives, 3-D/raised spots, swollen lymph noes (armpits, junction of thighs and pelvis), peeling skin and the feeling of getting pricked by pins all over. These symptoms are primarily on my lower back, buttocks, insides of my arms, upper thighs and lymph node areas. Of course, the red flushing and the burning sensations are there, but that's the least of my worries.

The itchiness stays for about 5 days, but the worst thing is that the raised spots stick around for WEEKS. They do get flatter and less red, but it's still really nasty-looking and prevents me from wearing anything summery for a good month or two. I have tried all types of alcohol, but everything gives me a reaction. Benadryl and other antihistamines do not work. Friday night I tried the combination of Pepcid and Claritin, which allowed me to drink one lemon drop (vodka) without any issues! But a mango mojito (rum) on Saturday night gave me a slow-acting reaction that only showed up the next day, and I'm now drowning myselt in hydrocortisol cream....

If anyone else has similar reactions and have any suggestions, please HELP! Advice from docs and allergists are pretty much "don't drink", but it will be good to have some options before going with that.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hey justanother asain girl...

Sorry to hear your plight, but i think you just got the wrong end of the stick! If you look in the first pages of the main thread and even some around pages 20-30 there have been a few people who have had the same problem as you.

it sounds like you have a really bad allergic reaction to alcohol. And hey i have heard of this! my beautician is vietnamese and she says she gets really itchy when she drinks. She cant even have a sip of the stuff!

I know you said you have tried all types of alcohol, but different types of alcohol give different types of reaction. I have read the more expensive purer wines/spirits and beers can lessen flush. All comes down to what was originally used to ferment the alcohol. So vodka is potatoes and rum is sugar aand beer is barley/wheet/hops (grains). I guess they all work in different ways with your body.

I myself prefer bacardi rum and coke. I hate the taste of vodka. But if you have noticed Vodka is ok for u, then you should just stick to that and hope that you dont breakout in a rash. Of course you should continue taking the claritin and pepcid with it as well. And isnt claritin an antihistamine?

Hope your problems become less and you can enjoy a drink... but if they dont get better you should prolly take your docs advice and not drink. Sorry i cant be more helpful!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

tai4ji2x wrote:

has there been anything on proton pump inhibitors like prilosec (omeprazole)?

what is a proton pump? please exaplin more?

Re: Suggestions for new topics

julie wrote:

Is it okay to take pepcid ac while on the birth control pill like Alesse? THANKS!

from what i can gather with me... pepcid is ok with the pill.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

I am Caucasian and my Korean husband shows classic signs of Asian flush.  I would like to know if there are any studies or information regarding the effects of maternal drinking in unborn children who may have inherited the gene.  Although I have never drank during pregnancy due to the already known effects of alcohol on fetuses, I am constantly razzed by people who say one glass of wine won't hurt the baby.  Maybe for most babies a single beer doesn't mean much, but if my child has the gene and I drink, it seems logical the alcohol will cross the placenta and my baby could experience low blood pressure and increased heart rate, neither of which sound like a good idea.  What about the effects of acetaldehyde on developing organ systems?  Having a known toxin floating around in my baby's body seems pretty alarming.  I've read that acetaldehyde is a known carcinogen, and people with Asian flush are at risk for certain digestive cancers, so are mothers who drink durig pregnancy increasing their children's risk for cancer before they are even born? (gee, thanks mom!)

Anyway, jusy wondering if anyone out there has seen any articles or studies, because next time I tell one of my friends to stuff it when they insist I take a drink, I'd love to have a medical study in my back pocket to shut them up.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hey people, My parents are Iranian and I have no asian heriage what so ever but somehow me and my dad are cursed with the asian blush like you guys. I have been reading a lot of posts in different forums here and i found that quite a few people seem to be regular or occasional drinkers despite having the condition, however in my case the effects of drinking alcohol are so severe that puts me off of drinking completly, besides we I was younger I tried o build up some tolerance to alcohol by forcing my self to drink alot for a while, I never recall enjoying the alcohol or gettting "drunk". I was wonderin if any of you guys has the same condition as me.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

for all you guys out there that read about cheerz... forget it! its rubbish (well for me anyway) still turn to beet face man after a couple of beers. Im sticking with pepcid ac! well not the brand too expensive, i got 100 tabs of the active ingredient of pepcid ac (famotidine 20mg) in a bottle from mexico under the name sertidine for $11us!!

Re: Suggestions for new topics

hey, how about a topic on pre-gaming?  ie, drinking until you get red, then waiting a couple of hours, around 2, until the redness wears off, then continuing to drink.  I find it works pretty well, and none of the potential risks of taking drugs.  It's another method that's worth experimenting with.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

hi. i am 100% korean. i was researching about "asian glow" and i don't know if this is correct but i found out i get an asian glow because my body can't produce enough enzyme to break down alcohol. i looked at some forums and they recommended using pepcid and other medicines alike before drinking; but most people respond that it doesn't work. so my quetion is if my body can't produce enough enzyme then would taking multi-enzyme forumla or some kind help reduce the asian glow?

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hey guys..this is a good topic i just finally realized.  Im 100% asian and i also suffer from the ass i tell you.  Pepcid AC works for me..i just finished a rye and coke and no red ness at all.  i was wondering if someone could answer my question:

can you eat and have a alcolic drink at the same time?  I knowy you have to take Pepcid about 1 hr before you drink.

Who ever ansers this can give me a e-mail or just resposnd on here. 

Thanks alot dudes.

Re: Suggestions for new topics

Hey Phantastic -- just eat lightly and slowly and you should be fine :)
Welcome and I hope that you find this forum helpful!