i posted this in another thread, but here it is again- I've read that zantac (ranitidine) slows down alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), but not pepcid (famotidine)-


This suggests that zantac should be more effective at reducing acetaldehyde levels than pepcid.  Personally, I think Zantac works better, I feel less of a rapid heartrate and flushing.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

in my opinion, zantac (ranitidine) works a lot better than pepcid ac, which doesn't really work for me.  I usually get red after 1 beer, but with zantac I can drink a couple in succession and only get pink after about 2 hours.  i've read online that ranitidine and cimetidine (tagamet), but not famotidine (pepcid) inhibit gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, which reduces the amount of acetaldehyde in your body at one time, same as the convivia drug currently being developed.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

yep i cant write anything


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

i just found out some information relating to the effects of kudzu (pueraria) on acetaldehyde metabolism.  kudzu root (pueraria radix) is commonly used to make people less likely to drink alcohol, because it slows down acetaldehyde metabolism.  on the other hand, pueraria flos, or the extract of the flower of the same plant, is supposed to increase acetaldehyde metabolism.  here is the study:

http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&a … t=14511203

and here is a link to a new product that contains this pueraria flower extract (called gen hua in chinese):


i dont know if this would work, seeing as it is currently marketed as a diet product, but i would like to give it a try.

another one-


Here is an article about Raptor Pharmaceutical's plan to develop the product-

http://www.devicespace.com/news_print.a … tyId=74114

a follow up to the last post- when i say it doesnt work i mean ive tried it, and i still take NAC whenever i drink, because i think it does protect you, just not a lot.  i think pepcid is more effective overall, but NAC strikes me as being much healthier and more likely to lead to a real cure.

i really dont know why it doesnt work 100%, since based on my reading on the internet about the effectiveness of NAC it should be a full cure.  i know there are researchers in scandinavia who are doing research on the anti-cancerous effects of NAC and its effect on acetaldehyde (look up mikko salaspuro- he is researching an orally taken pill that reduces oral salivary acetaldehyde following smoking, i think).  i dont think it works 100% because ive tried taking a ridiculous amount of that jarrow stuff (like 10 pills) and it still doesnt seem to work. 

johanowns- ive read about vitamin C too and apparently its required to keep the NAC in our system longer.  but why doesnt the extended release on the NAC tablets work?  is it still not enough?

if NAC gets rid of the acetaldehyde, why should it be necessary to still take pepcid?

Ok, so this is a link to the US Veteran's Affairs website that has a post about a compound that was researched (patented in 2004) by a scientist named HT Nagasawa that is specifically designed to treat 'asian flush`(elevated blood acetaldehyde).  I think you should all check it out:

http://www.research.va.gov/programs/tec … 99-071.htm

This is what it says partway through: "The potential markets include: 1) antidote for acute aldehyde or alcohol poisoning, 2) adjunct preventive and therapeutic drug therapy for chronic alcoholism and 3) deodorant medication for populations affected by a particular genetic defect"

- Now deodorant medication sounds strange but I think the point is that it neutralizes acetaldehyde specifically, which is the cause of asian glow.  The reason for continuing to look around for medical research on this subject is that Pepcid AC is not a real cure!  I find taking an anti-histamine in order to mask the effects of acetaldehyde to be a bad idea.

Anyways, the point of this link is to show that there is some LEGITIMATE research that has gone/is going on about this subject, but I think there is less interest than there should be, and maybe we as a group should pool some money or resources or something, like a cancer drive...

Not to say that our problem comes even close to being as big as cancer, BUT, it does affect HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people, and in fact, many people who do drink through this reaction do actually get esophageal and GI cancer.  So this is a big issue, and we should think harder about it than just taking pepcid.

people should leave their comments/ideas...


(12 replies, posted in Free for All)

Also about building up a tolerance- Ive found in my experience that drinking regularly only helps a little bit. 

My guess is that the problem is you start breaking down alcohol more quickly as well as acetaldehyde, and since your alcohol dehydrogenase works fine, your ability to break down ethanol goes up faster than your ability to break down acetaldehyde, and you end up with the same problem that you had originally, because the issue is the ratio of alcohol dehydrogenase activity to acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity. (1:1) would be ideal, or less, like 1:2, which means you process acetaldehyde twice as fast as ethanol, which means basically no acetaldehyde in your bloodstream.

However, Ive read about the MEOS (microsomal ethanol oxidizing system) that also breaks down alcohol independently of alcohol and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in your body.  this system works quicker the more you drink, so alcoholics especially have a very active MEOS that ends up processing more alcohol than the normal enzymatic route.  I know this from reading around the internet, I am not a biologist or anything but this information makes sense to me based on my changing tolerance over the past few years.

ALSO a few month ago I went to the doctor because my liver was aching (I was drinking alot even though I get red) and he told me to take a few weeks off.  So I took two weeks off and when I drank again I got red but it wasn't that bad, and I got pleasantly buzzed because my alcohol dehydrogenase had gone back down to its normal levels, so my breakdown of ethanol was much slower, resulting in a little bit of tipsiness (yay). 

What bothers me is that when we red-face asians go out drinking with other non-blushing asians or non asians we are getting ready for at best a very heady buzz or at worst a puke in the bushes, and other people are getting a really nice, clear-headed ethanol buzz.  drinking a little without having to feel acetaldehyde in your blood (you guys probably know what that feels like) would be really nice.

i dunno, is this something youre worried about?  i would NOT be worrying about the smell of my farts; they smell bad, so dont fart around people you are trying to impress... i love this forum by the way

NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) definitely improves symptoms other than redness like heartbeat, headache, and hangover.  id say as of now that just nac tablets reduces redness by about 25-50 percent and the other symptoms a LOT, as in almost non existent.  seriously, you guys should try it

oh yeah i still get red at first but in the long run (a few hours of drinking) it seems to help.  expecially if you combine it with pepcid.

There's this stuff i found at Super Supplements called N-A-C Sustain, by jarrow formulas which has these bilayer tablets that are designed to release both quick doses of acetyl cysteine and also a prolonged release in the intestine.  I have found that taking like 7 or 8 of these before drinking makes the experience much better.  I don't know if this is a placebo or not but i will keep researching.  the sustained release part is important because cysteine disappears from the body so quickly.


(14 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

CheerzUSA wrote:

These are genuine, from our files:

Every time I drink I get very flushed and so hot and inevitably wake up the next day in terrible shape! I was amazed when I tried Cheerz (a no side effect solution compared to more radical prescriptions by friends such as Pepcid AC). Cheerz has truly changed my confidence the night of and my constitution for the next day. I just wish I had found it sooner!
- Eric B., Boston, Mass

I used Cheerz for the Asian flush and it took it away completely. Miracle. All I can say.
- Jon W., Gainesville, Florida

I'm Asian and though I like to party it can be extremely inconvenient because I couldn't drink due to the Asian flush and other symptoms which occured even after less than one beer. However, after I tried Cheerz I found myself enjoying my weekends even more without having to worry about looking stupid or becoming so easily sick when I drank. It's a lot more fun to be a part of everything! Thanks Cheerz!
- Jane L., Portland, Oregon

Cheerz is truly amazing! I'm Asian and every time I drink I get the "Asian flush" really bad, plus a wicked hangover the next day. My face looks like a red apple and feels like it's on fire. Well not anymore! Now that I take Cheerz when I go out drinking with my friends I don't suffer from "Asian flush" OR hangovers, at all. My girlfriend even says she likes going out with me more now!
- GG.F., Redondo Beach, Calif

The key is you must take twice the recommended amount (or more) to compensate for the missing ALDH-2. They're small so you can drop 4-6 at once without any difficulty.

FYI, alarming new information about acetaldehyde's devastating effects (it's not just a boozer's poison) from New Scientist Magazine:

I disagree with the testimonials.  I ate ten pills before drinking and i got just as red as usual.  Cheerz is a dietary supplement!!  Its just vitamins!!  How much testing has actually been done on it?

based on the spelling and overall image of the site im guessing the whole thing is bs and the guy is out to make a few quick bucks maybe to donate to actual bona fide research or to buy himself a vacation in the bahamas.

oh yeah also i dont really care about getting red that much anymore i just hate the heartbeat and heavy breathing and cloudy feeling in my head.  i know thats not what drunk is supposed to feel like because drunk is supposed to feel like the way we all do in the first couple minutes after the alcohol has kicked in but before it turns into acetaldehyde, which is REALLY GOOD!!!


how do you know?  is your hair falling out?


it seems like the technology to treat this problem already exists.  it just needs some funding- are there any millionaire asians out there who are willing to invest in a potentially huge moneymaker?

http://www.htfwo.org/vamrt/technologies … ology_id=9

I dont know if any of you have seen this already but it sounds like progress towards a real fix, just needs more funding.