(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)


Who will be the first to try?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

I sent you an email, absucks.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

This board seems broken, it takes countless attempts to even make a post.


answered my own question. updated today , 11 Nov.

Anyone know of any news with Convivia?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Something also tells me that the solution, whatever it may be, likely won't be a natural flower or herb. Just thinking about it, this problem is concentrated in the area of and around China, and the Chinese were world leaders in finding herbal solutions to even the most obscure disorders. Likely, if there is a magic solution for us, then it isn't going to be anything obvious.

What is 4-mp? Does anyone know the status of Convivia? I know there's another thread for that, but still, it seems rather silent from that research lab. I thought they were supposed to announce something by now.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Long post, sorry.

I ordered the Ge Hua (Pueraria flower). I mixed it the first time with just two teaspoons to make sure I wasn't allergic. That same night I tried 4 tablespoons with cold water. Tasted bad but drinkable. I waited exactly 30 minutes then took a few shots. It seemed to work but I still felt like I had increased blood pressure, and an uncomfortable feeling, but better than usual.

The next night though I tried 4 tablespoons in hot water, near boiling (I know absucks advised not to use boiling water). I feel that this night there was no real effect. I had two beers in a two hour period, was not red, but was not exactly comfortable either.

After these two trials I've determined that this works about as well as pepcid -not very good.  Given that I think it worked better with cold water rather than hot I will try cold water once more before I write this method off.

As far as absucks having said he had 10 beers, I won't say he was lying. Judging by his past posts, he is committed to this subject and problem, so I see no reason for him to be deceptive.

If this herb is the route that Convivia is taking it could be promising. Somehow it seems like the chemicals need tweeking (like absucks, I'm no chemist, just someone typing stuff). However, the packaging of this herb has a CA STATE warning of carcinogenic properties within the product, making me nervous about taking this 4 tablespoons at a time. I hope this post stems more discussion, especially from absucks who i'd like to hear from again.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

are you being serious?

I know that you've been a member and have been posting for years, and that makes me think you wouldn't be lying about this.

How red do you usually get after a few drinks?

Is there a status update on this product?