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Asian Flush / Asian Blush / Asian Glow Community
Discussion and anecdotes about the Asian Flush/Flush/Glow/Red Face (turning red when drinking alcohol), including using H2 blockers (e.g. Tagamet, Pepsid, Zantac) and other products to combat its effects. Hosted by Eric Cheng on
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Jan 11, 2005: On December 3, 2003, I posted
a message in my web journal about the Asian Blush, which quickly resulted in over 100 very-informative comments. This forum is intended to be an information source for those of us looking for information about why we turn red when we drink alcohol.
April 25, 2006: For now, guests may post new messages. We've gotten some spam, so you now must be registered to post.
NOTE: Please do NOT treat information posted here as medical advice. However, once you've read these forums you'll probably want to get ahold of some Pepcid AC. Please support these forums and
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Hey IronMike,
sounds like you can handle your liquor anyway, even though you go red after a wee bit of beer... You are lucky that you only need 1 pill for it to be effective for you. Well I'm doing my best to catch up with you, I've had 1/4 wine and 3 shots of vodka so far... without pills (I don't have any left).
And yes, I'm pink, a bit warm and my blood is pumping around my body noisily.
How was the hangover this morning? Are you really impressed with the results using Pepcid like the rest of us?? :)
And hey, happy birthday for next week.
... up to 5 shots now ;)
Make that 6...
uriel wrote:I completely agree. Steph, so you have consulted your doctor about using famotidine while drinking? Have you asked him (or her) about side effects, dosage, and possible risks like cancer? I'd be very interested to hear what he would have to say, I think we all would. And let me just admit right now how much of a git I am because I'm too pathetic to go up to my own doctor and say "I want to get pissed without turning red, so I take Pepcid". Steph, you're a better person than I.
Hey uriel,
Yeah, I started telling him about the condition - he was aware of it... and then I said that I found something that stops me from going red... famotidine. And he quickly said 'oh really?' and started writing out a script. He was completely fine with it. I asked if I need to be concerned about any side effects and he said 'no'. But - do ask your own doc for their opinion!! :)
I didn't ask about dosage or cancer risks. I don't take the pills v often so I thought that it wouldn't be much of an issue and he didn't say anything. I need a top-up on my script so I will let you guys know if he says anything else.
As for the 'better person' bit... I dunno about that. I just want to be straight-up with my doc and I trust him.
OmegaRed - did you take Zantac or Pepcid with your 5 shots of vodka? I find that I need to go slow on my 1st drink but afterwards I'm fine and can down the shots with the best of them ;)
But really what I want to be able to drink is wine... anyone have any tips on drinking wine and not going red?? I still go red from wine even if I take pills (I just go less red). Any other alcohol is fine...
Australian Guy off to the doctor( i will tell the doc i have a bad bad ulcer!!!)
Aussie Guy,
I told my doc straight-up what I wanted the famo for - he was more than happy to help me out. Lying to your doc is not a good idea, he'll want to know why you want repeats on the prescription every few months! ;)
uriel wrote:Australian Guy wrote:AUSTRALIAN GUY HERE:
I am an aussie guy and in australia we dont have pepcid. Are there any australians here? Can you get pepcid???
For everyone who can't get Pepcid AC because they're not in the US, this may be a stupid question, but have you tried just getting famotidine or some other H2 blocker under some other proprietary name?
I guess the main problem is that they're mostly by prescription only, but you're probably better off trying to get a doctor prescribe some to you than trying to get a stranger to send you some
Hey Aussie Guy, NZ can't get Pepcid either - I'm getting mine through my doc. Its way cheaper and you get heaps (90 pills (20mg) for around $15). We used to have famotidine under the brand name of Pepzan but its no longer sold here.
In one of my earlier posts I suggested sites like (I think) that do international delivery. They sell real Pepcid and not some dodgy no-brand stuff (I've never ordered from them tho). Ages ago I ordered some no-brand famo off some website that looked legit... the stuff came from India and half the blister packs were damaged and there was dirt in some of the sealed pill containers!! Yuks... I complained and got my money back tho so no stress there :)
Oh, and from my own experience, only famotidine works, the other H2 blockers like cinetidine or ramotidine or whatever they're called didn't work for me.
Angel, Happy birthday chick... how much did you drink and how quickly did you do it? You are young and will learn how much you can handle before getting sick - whether you take the pills or not...
Personally, I start quite slowly - about 1 an hour for the first couple of hours then I can do shots and stuff like that afterwards. But I listen to my stomach (so to speak) and if I start feeling queasy, I stop or take a break for an hour or so. Throwing up from drinking at my age is so not cool... and being a girl, throwing up is doubly so not cool...
Hey Ang,
I agree with Snuffy, I certainly don't condone underage binge drinking. By that I mean however many it takes you to get drunk/throw up :) Sorry, but that's the reason why I won't send you any pills, even though you live relatively close to me :/
IMHO - I think NZ was very silly lowering the drinking age to 18... and the politicans are now wondering why we have such a problem with teen binge drinking!
But anyway, agreed... you should drink slowly. You last longer and can drink more in the long run! I have to drink my 1st drink over an hour - which can be painful... but then once that's over with, I can have a water or something and then drink faster.
Drink lots of non alc drinks when drinking - alc dehydrates you and causes headaches/hangovers.
I'm happy to say that I've never spewed while drinking -- I feel sick sometimes but I take that as a huge sign to slow down or stop drinking!!
A strange thing has happened tonight...
I didn't take any pills, had a glass of wine.
As per usual, I went rosy. This happens with or without pills for my first drink.
Then I had dinner, waited about an hour or so then had a B52.
Not red!
Waited around 30mins and then had a tequila shot
Not red!
Waited around 30 mins then had a glass of wine. (Wine always makes me more red than spirits)
Went a little pink but no throbbing head.
Now why do you suppose that happened?
Yesterday I took 3 pills and had about half a bottle of wine during the night - do you think that its residue tolerance from yesterday? Perhaps the answer is simply to get sloshed every night???
Snuffy wrote:* took additional 20 mg pill (still a little leary of taking 60mg as it exceeds max recommended dosage)
Yeah I'm not keen on taking 60mg either... but 40mg just doesn't work for me :(
I have read that some (stomach ulcer) patients take incredibly high dosages of famo for around 2 weeks with no/little side effects. By high, I talking well over 150mg famo per day.
So although I need around 60mg for the stuff to work properly, I figure that I'm not taking the pills every day (in fact prob on average only 3-4 times/month) I am willing to risk taking 60mg in one go. If any docs/chemists out there disagree, please let us know cos I'm sure that I'm not the only one that has to take 60mg each time.
Have a good weekend, y'all.
I agree that getting the 1st drink out of the way at home alone or with close mates is best. After the 1st drink I usually follow with an non alcoholic drink then carry on with the wines or whatever. This buys me time for the famo to kick in after the 1st drink.
But in saying that, the past 2 times I've had a slow wine after 60mg of famo and I don't seem to go red :)
The last 2 times have been
* 60mg famo
*wait around 45mins
* eat light/moderate meal
* drink with meal (1 glass of wine over 1 hr)
* eat light/moderate meal
*wait around 20mins
* 60mg famo
*wait around 30mins
* 1 glass of wine over 1 hr
Misspriss: how did your after-work cocktail function go??
Misspriss... oh dear. Does Zantac work for you?? I've tried it and it doesn't work at all. So it seems that either way you're stuffed, I'm sorry. Mylantas would only help if you get the nausea that some people here get. I'm guessing that you've left already. Oh well.... my only advice is to pack on the makeup and stand in the shadows.
Does anyone know how to get past that 1st drink redness, even with Pepcid? Even after my pills I get a bit red with the 1st drink. If I drink it really slowly, its ok. After about an hour of that 1st drink, my face has cooled down and I can drink away happily. But... often I only want one drink anyway, anyone have any hints?
I've been thinking about why we don't process the acetylaldehyde dehydrogenase fast enough, which makes us red. Is there a way to make us produce it faster? The famo slows to alcohol process to acetyaldhyde, right? (Sorry all this chemisty is way beyond me!)
I found in a round-about way this stuff called glutathione. From what I've read, it is best produced by the amino acid cysteine. Apparently this gluta thing is an antioxidant which is good for general health but also very good for the liver. Does anyone know more about this stuff and if it would help us at all? Has anyone tried it?
All you chemistry professionals out there, please let me know what you think. Cheers
Angel, so you're not 18 yet... and hence no visa either. Bummer. Dunno - I doubt that your doc would prescribe drugs so that you can go out and get under-aged drunk!
try doritobreath's natural solution. Or you could just be a good girl til you're 18... Or if you have a sympathetic older cuz/sibling, see if they'd buy you some stuff online.
Sorry, I don't have any other answer for ya.
kimmy wrote:I'm from the UK - And they no longer sell Pepcid AC - Only Pepcid 2. Does anyone know if Pepcid 2 works as good as Pepcid AC?? Or where I can buy some Pepcid AC?? Used Pepcid AC for ages and work great!
I've just had a quick look on the site and it says that the pills contain only 10mg famo each. That means that you'll probably need 2-4 pills each time. I've never tried pepcid2 however, only generic famo pills.
Steph wrote:find an online US chemist that will ship you some Pepcid. Try
Hi Doritobreath,
Thanks for the tips! Unfortunately I eat a lot of diary food and would find it hard to avoid, unless eating asian food.
I'll give it a go at home as a test one day. If I can do this naturally, even if only like 20% of the time, then that's all good!
Do try the Pepcid - its good. Although its not so effective for me when I drink wine. That's a bummer cos its wine that I want to drink!!
doritobreath wrote:To beat Asian flush, do NOT eat anything dairy when drinking. Even the slightest ounce of anything dairy will make you redder than a baboon's arse.
Hi, the avoiding dairy really works?? So does just avoiding dairy while drinking work? Or do you have to have several hrs of no diary first? Often I have a wine in the afternoon - inbetween meals and I still get the pink heat :(
I had noticed that if I have a big meal after taking pepcid, the effect of the pills is less and I go red.
And why do you take eyedrops? Is this just to avoid the glassy-eye look?
And not eating at all for 4-5 hrs prior to drinking is not really that practical. Especially if you're out for dinner and just want a couple of drinks with your food...
However this is an interesting natural solution! anyone else tried this??
Angel -- go to your doctor girl! Or if you don't want to do that, find an online US chemist that will ship you some Pepcid. Try
Ang, Try asking your doc for some famotidine. I asked mine for some and he was busy writing out the script while I was trying to justify myself. It seemed that he had no problem at all with me taking the stuff. So... try it, what's the worst that could happen - your doc says no. No biggie. And anyway, it's really cheap through the doc. I mean if you have to spend $50 to see the doc anyway - it cost me something like $16 for 90tabs of 20mg. Much cheaper than getting branded Famo! I figure its even better getting it through your doc so then he knows what pills you're taking and would say something if he thinks you are taking too many drugs. Oh hang on, you're a pot-head, perhaps you should tell him about that too! ;)
Piewhack -have a look at how many mg of famotidine the Pepcid Two has. Most people seem to take 20-40mg each time. Its the famo that works the magic, so its just a matter of how many pills you'll need to take to make it effective for you.
Angel, Angel, Angel - so you're a fellow kiwi eh? I'd die if you turn out to be my cuzzie or something. You know, all us locals are related! (assuming that you are a local, that is) ;)
Anyway, go to your doctor. That's the only way to get a good supply of famo. They've discontinued Pepzan here. My doc was more than happy to prescribe me 90 tabs of 20mg.
Why can't you talk to us online?? Waddaya wanna say??
angel wrote:LOL im not dat weeee im just like any other person who wants to have fun and all.. so can anyone help me out please please please please..
Hey Angel, take it from the rest of us on this forum - try the Pepcid Max at least 1 hour before drinking, on an empty stomach. Then you can drink like a fish for the night and turn into a giggly, flirty drunk like the rest of us ;)
From my own experience, I need 2 or 3 20mg pills for it to work. I would suggest that you start with just 20mg and see if that's enough for you. Its not good to pump ourselves full of drugs,you see! It may take you a few goes to see how many pills you need for it to work.
I need to wait around 1.5-2 hours before the pill works properly. But unlike Jasko, I don't get the funny tummy if I wait that long.
Would love to hear how you get on :)
echeng wrote:angel wrote:i jst wanna get dis red stuff gne n stop da vomiting n bad headches!!.. i drink 2 have fun n socialize not 2 get down n dirrty wid peopl! because i smoke alot of DAK n dat aint good at all.... so i wud like 2 drink insted.. betta for me i guess.. well betta dan weed anyways!!!
I think our wee Angel is only a young thing. It took me like 3x longer to read her msg than it should have. But I think she's asking us if Zantac works... I've found that famotidine products work the best -- ie Pepcid or generic famo. And a friend of mine takes Gaviscon for the vomiting (I'm "lucky" I only get the tomato red face, not the vomiting or itchy crotch or anything like that!!)
And judging from Angel's post, smoking too much weed is hazardous to your spelling! ;)
Personally, I'm quite happy to keep this forum open. It seems to be the main discussion point for everyone.
JR: if you're interested in seeing my post as mentioned above, go to page 13 and see my post from 31 Jan.
It was a real revelation to me, that I could drink that much, and even that I could have shot after shot without going red.
Please do write back and let us know how your weekend went! And give us details, how many mg taken, time waited before drinking and how many drinks etc...
FYI - My doctor very kindly prescribed me some generic famotidine. He was very understanding and had no probs with me taking the pills for drinking. Its so much cheaper than buying over-the-counter and also now my doc knows what I'm taking, so that gives me peace of mind.
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