Hei Asian girl
Take 2 acetium before drinking and 1 with every drink.
There is also product name acetium logonze which on made for smokers. It takes asetaldehyde away from muoth. It can help face flush.
Asian Flush / Asian Blush / Asian Glow Community
Discussion and anecdotes about the Asian Flush/Flush/Glow/Red Face (turning red when drinking alcohol), including using H2 blockers (e.g. Tagamet, Pepsid, Zantac) and other products to combat its effects. Hosted by Eric Cheng on http://echeng.com
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Asian Flush / Asian Blush / Asian Glow Community → Posts by miksu68
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Hei Asian girl
Take 2 acetium before drinking and 1 with every drink.
There is also product name acetium logonze which on made for smokers. It takes asetaldehyde away from muoth. It can help face flush.
New topic "Acetium".
You can also buy acetium from verkkoapteekki.fi
Yuo can order acetium from amazon.
Acetium take off asetaldehyde in stomach and prevent cancer. 60 caps cost 30 euros.
If you take zantac or pepcid, you should take acetium with those for your stomash health. Or you can get help if you take only acetium.
You can take 10 caps/ day. If you use pepsid or zantac, for your health is better to take acetium with those. Acetium prevent stomash cancer.
Why dont you try acetium?
Acetium is the best and safest produckt to take asetaldehyd away from stomach and it also prevents cancer.
Acetium is a unique patented product, which releases the cysteine in the stomach, not too late as the normal cysteine. In this case, asetium to bind the acetaldehyde in the stomach. Me and my friends used to Acetium hangover prevention.
I have looked at the Biohit, it is a small bioyritys, which is focused on the research and abdominal symptoms of stomach cancer prevention. Biohit is just starting operations in Asia, so I do not know whether the tested "the flush".
The product should work because it reduces the acetaldehyde in the sole product.
Test the product and comment on the forum.
Has anyone try Acetium. It takes asetaldehydi away from stomach and also prevents cancer. It is awailable in european amazon shops. More information from biohithealthcare webpages. I can only recommend it prevents hangovers myself and my friends in Asians it prevents "asian Flush". Sorry my bäd english, i hope Acetium heps you and i hope it will be in asian market in few years.
Has anyone try Acetium. It takes away asetaldehydi from stomach and also prevents cancer. It is awailable in european amazon shops. More information from biohithealthcare webpages. I can only recommend it prevents hangovers myself and my friends in Asians it prevents "asian Flush". Sorry my bäd english, i hope Acetium heps you and i hope it will be in asian market in few years.
You have to take 1-2 before drinking and max. 10 caps. During night in you drink a lot.
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Asian Flush / Asian Blush / Asian Glow Community → Posts by miksu68
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