Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

bp wrote:

ok lets all get a poll on ethnicities here.  they say this affects most southeast asians, so let's get a feel for the board.  i'll start, i'm vietnamese.

I'm Vietnamese as well and have never been able to even finish one drink without getting really red and sick. Tried Cheerz a few days ago with no luck. Will try Pepid AC sometime later this week.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I just spent the past hour reading the 14 pgs of posts on this topic and I must say....this is some hilarious stuff.

My friend sent me the link for this forum for some amusing reading as a break from work and I've been so amused, I'm going to print this and put it on the bulletin boards in the break room in my office.

First off....only Asians would write about a topic like drinking as if it were some experiment for the cure for cancer. 

Secondly, I "suffer" from the redness but it isn't as bad as people say.  If you get accelerated heart rates, rashes and skin irritations, trouble breathing, etc....maybe that's your body telling you that you shouldn't be drinking alcohol.  Hell, I'd like to smoke 2 packs a day but when I started coughing up some nasty extraterrestrial stuff, I took it as my body telling me its had enough and haven't smoked since.

Thirdly, only in America do people even care about this.  You go to Japan, China, Korea and you see business men walking around at 2 in the afternoon red as a beet and loving every minute of it.  This pepcid thing is not a newly discovered cure that some of you feel you can market to the 2 billion Asian people in this world.  The fraction of them who live in the US and Europe are the only ones who actually care.

Lastly, I would think that my Asian American brothers and sisters would have enough self-confidence and solidarity to not give a rats ass what the "Man" thinks about them when they drink.  If you enjoy drinking, then by all means, have one on me.  If its just cosmetic as it is for me, be proud of your Asian blood.  If you just want to be able to drink more, try eating a stick of butter before you drink like the Russians.  It's probably better for you than 5 tabs of Pepcid. 

But if your body is giving you all the signs that it doesn't want it....maybe you should listen.  Nothing is a clearer sign than a BIG RED BULBOUS THROBBING HEAD WITH PUKE POURING OUT OF IT!!!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I HATE HATE having asian flush. I'm white and filipino and look more white than anything! I found my winning combination to avoid this is Pepcid complete and the Hangover pill. It significantly reduces the redness and gets rid of the instant hangover associated. Stupid deficiency. It's the worst ever!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Hi c0m1c, While you may think its funny, a lot of us obviously don't think that it is. You are lucky that you don't get embarrassed about the dreaded flush... most of us just want to fit in when drinking, we don't want the colour of our faces to be the topic of coversation every time we smell a wine cork!

I agree, it is our bodies that is saying that we shouldn't drink too much... but sometimes we just wanna drink, and wanna look normal while doing so. I just find the whole flush thing so frustrating!

We're just brothers helping fellow brothers, aren't we? This forum has been of immense help to me and has made me feel more comfortable about having a glass of wine when I want to.

And if you hang out with only other asians, it may not be so bad, but for those of us who have lots of white friends, they aren't aware of this condition and look at you strangely or ask why you're red... and I for one, don't like that.

So thanks to echeng for this forum - muchly appreciated!

Also... have any of you ordered Pepcid over the net to countries other than the US? Would you mind posting the urls and tell us if you reccomend the site or not? Thx :)


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Hey Comic, count Canadians in too.  You missed a Country.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I've been taking Pepcid AC before drinking, from as close as seconds before the first drink to 1-2 hours before.  Whether it's beer, wine, or cocktails, I've had no problems with the blushing.  Without the Pepcid treatment, I would've turned lobster red 3/4 into the first drink, my head would throb, and my breathing would pick up.  Last night, I downed 4 Guiness's and I did not turn red at all.  Oh yeah, I'm of Chinese descent, 100%.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I've been using this lately too, it pretty much works most of the time.... sometimes i still get a little bit of a blush, but not nearly as much as I would without it. that's SOMETIMES..

I was wondering if there are any long term effects... like stomach bleeding or anything harmful to the bladder.

I take 2 20mg ones before I drink. I'd take 3 but it says on the bottle don't take more than 2 in 24 hours. Oh well- lemme know.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Just curious, has anyone taken more than 60mg of Pepcid?  I usually take 2 pills..30 mg each about 1.5-2 hrs before drinking.  I still turn a slight pink, but would take that anyday over the red I usually turn.  So I wonder if I take more than 60 mg of Pepcid, would the pink be gone completely.  Anyone?


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

As far as I know I do not have any Asian ancestors, but one never really knows.  I am Irish, German and French and have pale ivory colored skin.  That is until I take even the smallest sip of Alcohol. My face and sometime neck turns red, feels hot and itches.  It happened the first time while on a date at a nice restaurant?  I was so humiliated; they brought out cool, wet cloths for my face.  We thought it was an allergic reaction.  My Doctor asked me if I was Asian and has diagnosed it as “Asian Flush”.  Have any of you heard of anyone with my ancestry (Irish, German and French) having this?  I hate it!!!!!!!!  People comment that I look like a red raccoon, because the only white on my face is around my eyes and the rest is BRIGHT RED!  Sometimes it is in patches.  They look at me like I am diseased.  My husband gets worried every time.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

dayamdis wrote:

Just curious, has anyone taken more than 60mg of Pepcid?  I usually take 2 pills..30 mg each about 1.5-2 hrs before drinking.  I still turn a slight pink, but would take that anyday over the red I usually turn.  So I wonder if I take more than 60 mg of Pepcid, would the pink be gone completely.  Anyone?

Oops, I meant has anyone taken more than 40 mg.  The max strength pills I use are 20 mg each.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Hi all, the last few times I took 60mg (3x 20mg). I found that 40mg wasn't enough... i'm the sort that goes red after 2 sips of wine :/

I'm not keen on taking so many pills so will experiment to see if 40mg is enough. I've read that you can develop an immunity to famo so you may have to increase the dosage eventually - that's something that I want to avoid.

But in saying that, I only take the pills when I really need to, which is only 1 or 2 times per month. I'm in 'training' at the moment - I'm having a glass of wine almost every day  to try and get my body used to a wee bit of alcohol. Yes, I do go red but its at home so I don't care. My aim is to be able to have 1 glass without any redness. God, that sounds sooooo sad! I think I'm getting better... has anyone else done this with success?

Red Caucasian: i've read on this forum that there's 1 or 2 other caucasians with the same issue - no asian blood that they know of but still get the blush. You're not alone. Try the famotidine/Pepcid, seriously, it works. I really feel for you, about your date when they brought out cool towels for you. You poor thing!!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Steph wrote:

But in saying that, I only take the pills when I really need to, which is only 1 or 2 times per month. I'm in 'training' at the moment - I'm having a glass of wine almost every day  to try and get my body used to a wee bit of alcohol. Yes, I do go red but its at home so I don't care. My aim is to be able to have 1 glass without any redness. God, that sounds sooooo sad! I think I'm getting better... has anyone else done this with success?

i've tried that, by having beer like every night or every other night... still get red as hell. it might help a little, but the defect will always be there so it's not even a matter of building up your tolerance or not. but let me know your outcome.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Natifus wrote:

A myth is that there is an inejection of the ezymes, which will last a year.

Is this a myth, or a reality? if it's true, please inform us on this shot. I'd probably pay for it, however much it would be.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

ok so ive been experimenting a bit more.. with umm beeR? ahaha

umm i took 2x 20mgs as always.. drank 1 strong 6.9% beer my face wasnt fully red but it was still pinkish , i had no rash-like thing on my chest/neck.. this was all at home with my brother so it was cool and we talked about flush and turns out my mum and bro dont have it but my DAD fully gets red but he has gotten over it (like those jap men).. soooooo its just ME and DAD that have it .. im so jealous of my mum and bro arhhh

so anyways ive kinda gotten the extreme red under control BUT  i still felt a bit nauseous after just that one beer? does ne1 know how to stop feeling sick and get rid of that HEART POUNDING in your head experience? i just want to feel the GOOD buzz .. i had a major headache wen i went to bed as well..


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

injection ey? it probably has side effects and our generation would be the 'lab rats' ahaha .. but id prob do it .. im so desperate!! flush is such a pain.. even when taking pepcid since it doesnt completely take away the flush and i still feel nauseous and kinda want to throw up still.. :(


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I'm intrigued by this thread.  Did a search on the web thinking I'd find results based on me being of relatively fair skin and auburn hair.  The Pepcid angle is one I'll try, and I'll post results--  along with everyone else's--  when I get a chance...

Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Ok I freaking hate the Asian blush, especially if you are at a day BBQ or pool party. There is nothing worse then daylight and the Asian Blush.  Like rafting on the river in the sun and feeling your heart pound in your face and sometimes I feel my heart pound in my crotch area so no the whole crotch thing isn't that weird.
I've tried pepcid in 10 to 60 dosages and they help a little but the thing is that once you get drunk you forget to look in the mirror to see how red you are and of course your friends are always going to tell you that you look fine rather then tell you that you have a red splotch crawling up your neck and across your chest. 
I still get very pink and splotchy with the pepcid.  I drink a lot. I mean, not like it is a problem a lot, but like socially a lot and I am very social so for people who think you can build up a tolerance against the redness by drinking more, it doesn't work for me.
I usually get redder with foo foo mixed drinks then I do from wine or a vodka tonic.  I always buy the most expensive vodka because I notice that cheap alcohol, Bacardi, and cheap tequila does make me more red right away and brings on that feeling of my body being one entire hot pounding heartbeat. Aughhhhh. I hate it.  Since I am only half Thai I really don't even look Asian so people don't assume I have the Asian blush, they just think I am red and rashy I guess.
I've tried pot with alcohol and it just makes me slow and dumb and red and rashy. I've tried coke with alcohol and it just makes me edgy and anxious and red and rashy. People ask my why I still drink but let's see them stop drinking lol. If anyone has a suggestion that does not involve take pepcid or any of its brothers let me know.  Thanks.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Well yeah i had my first experience with pepcid ac and alcohol the other night and i must say this stuff works very well... i was able to drink a quarter of a 40 without turning red... but ive never been so dunk in my entire life... so yeah learned soemthing then... to pace myself when i take pepcid ac... one question i have that i wonder if anyone can answer through experience or just scietific logic right is that if you were to mix pepcid ac booze and extacy together would it be a bad idea to go with pepcid and ex? But yeah overall pepcid ac is great and yeah have a good one asians


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

I'am Japanese and I don't get the Flush all the time. Its sort of like gambling.  I tried a lot of things, and I can't say what really works and what dosen't.  Vodka is probally a sure shot for less effect, and if I drink enough it normally dosen't come back till I lay off drinking for a week or two.  I tried to beat the Flush many times by drinking a good ammount of Captian Morgan every night before I went to bed, and I figure in my sleep I wouldn't feel the effect.  I usually end up puking some where around the 3-6 hour mark. I drank while I was hungover from the night before and damn nothing happened to me at all, alcohol worked like a charm.  Tried Pepcid AC and it works, but its something I dont want to invest my body in.   I read some of the post and Com1c was right. This forum is a complete mess with a bunch of unorganized random post of people experimenting on themselves. Maybe I just lack the experience with forums, or maybe it's just a big joke. Well I do have couple concepts of the cure, so I'll see how far I can get past you guys while you're stuck on Pepcid AC. I think Natifus is bogus, and I think Q.T Pie and Steph are just here to find a cure so they party it up, sleep with tons of guys, and blame alcohol for their s1utty behavior, and everyone else is just here for answers or to post some BS. I found nothing of interest or helpful advice, see you guys around.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)


I have the solution for the asian flush. I don't get red at all, but feel some minor headache.
I can drink 4 six packs, before getting drunk. after 12 beers I feel a little migraine(headache). but 6 more gets me feeling better.
then 6 more, I get the headache again.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

soo it seems like 40mg of famotidine works the best for most people. im gonna try it this weekend. but how much do you guys drink when you take pepcid?  i used to be able to drink like 5 beers but then the glow got worse and i stuck with 2 to play it safe.  the glow is embarrassing enough i dont want to be embarassed that im barely drinking anything!


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Just read all 16 pages of this thread (whew!).  Thought I'm a bit late to this discussion party, props to Mr. Cheng for starting it.  In general I found out a lot of good info, however the issue of hives was brought up a few times and not really addressed.  Or maybe it was and I just missed it....

Anyway, I'm one of the unfortunate ones that not only gets red, but I sometimtes break out in hives the following day.  Usually it takes 5+ drinks within a short span of time to make me break out the next day, anything less and I can get away with only being red.  Honestly, I'd live with the redness if I just didn't get the f*ing hives and leathery red blotchy skin......  Has anyone experienced improvements to your reaction of hives when taking pepcidac?  Regardless tho, I'm gonna try the pepcidac thing next time I go drinking.  When I do, I'll post my results.

And as a side topic, what causes the hives and how come some people who turn red don't get them?  However, it seems like it has something to do with turning red because I've never heard of anyone getting hives without turning red first.

373 (edited by pdp76 2006-04-12 09:41:53)

Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

Just read all 16 pages of this thread (whew!).  Though I'm a bit late to this discussion party, props to Mr. Cheng for starting it.  In general I found out a lot of good info, however the issue of hives was brought up a few times and not really addressed.  Or maybe it was and I just missed it....

Anyway, I'm one of the unfortunate ones that not only gets red, but I sometimtes break out in hives the following day.  Usually it takes 5+ drinks within a short span of time to make me break out the next day, anything less and I can get away with only being red.  Honestly, I'd live with the redness if I just didn't get the f*ing hives and leathery red blotchy skin......  Has anyone experienced improvements to your reaction of hives when taking pepcidac?  Regardless tho, I'm gonna try the pepcidac thing next time I go drinking.  When I do, I'll post my results.

And as a side topic, what causes the hives and how come some people who turn red don't get them?  However, it seems like it has something to do with turning red because I've never heard of anyone getting hives without turning red first.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

jr wrote:

soo it seems like 40mg of famotidine works the best for most people. im gonna try it this weekend. but how much do you guys drink when you take pepcid?  i used to be able to drink like 5 beers but then the glow got worse and i stuck with 2 to play it safe.

Hey JR. Without Pepcid I can have like 2 sips before going red.... but with Pepcid, well that's a whole other story!! I'm not a big drinker anyway, but the most I've ever had was around 15-18 drinks over around 7 hours. (see one of my earlier posts from a few months ago) And I wasn't even that drunk - tipsy definitely but I still had full control over myself! ;) One of the beauties of being a chick is that I can over up mild redness with makeup. But even still I think that I was only slightly slightly pink under my makeup. Oh happy day!

But be warned, going full-on red with makeup on makes you turn a weird red/purple/brown colour... very strange and ugly!!

Happy Easter y'all.


Re: H2 Blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid)

JR: if you're interested in seeing my post as mentioned above, go to page 13 and see my post from 31 Jan.
It was a real revelation to me, that I could drink that much, and even that I could have shot after shot without going red.

Please do write back and let us know how your weekend went! And give us details, how many mg taken, time waited before drinking and how many drinks etc...

FYI - My doctor very kindly prescribed me some generic famotidine. He was very understanding and had no probs with me taking the pills for drinking. Its so much cheaper than buying over-the-counter and also now my doc knows what I'm taking, so that gives me peace of mind.