hey all,
been ages since i last posted...  had a massive party, for the first time in years that i didn't dread having my photos taken!!! YAY!!!  the fact that i was the only asian in the party means that if i went red, i would stick out like a sore thumb!! but thanks to pepcid (took 3 pepcid max), i dranks all night like everybody else!

ok, enough of me blabbing... real question here:
i don't use pepcid very often, about once every one to two week (depending on seaon obviously, probably a lot more often coming close to x'mas and new year), but have read the worrying news about tolerance?!?!  has anyboby here use pepcid roughly as often as i do but over a longer period of time (i only started this summer)? any experience of building up tolerence? ways to prevent? i would absolutely hate it if it stops working as you all would understand.

I read this forum and decided to give Pepcid AC a go.  I am Chinese and get red most of the time as soon as I drink (like most others' experience, beer and wine are worse and vodka has the least effect, I can get away with it sometimes if i sip vodka+mix sloooowly).  Getting red is not the worst, but the fact that is PATCHY and my eyes go red too!!! I absolutely hate hate hate it! It was just like a curse!!!

It also had an effect on my social life. It was not as bad when I was going out, where it's usually darker and I usually just make sure I get drunk slightly after other people so they'll be too pissed to notice. 
But it's actually the 'not to get drunk but a couple of drinks' kinda social drinking that I most dreaded - so much so that I don't have alcoholic drinks on those occasions to avoid the embarrassment. Well... the fact that I work with alcohol means that these drinking occasions happen all the time!!!

So... I went to get Pepcid AC. I am in the UK so I have to go EBay.  The other day, when I was expecting the 'a drink after work', i took 2 tabs about 45mins before.  I had 1 drink, that would usually be enough to get me red.  At the near end of the drink, I could feel the heat on my face and I was getting paranoid thinking that if there's a minority of people that Pepcid doesn't work on, it's gonna be me!!! So I was to check... and there was NO REDNESS AT ALL!!! This is a Godsend!!! I'm only gutted that I didn't find this web site earlier!! Thank You!!!

PS Have not tried it on heavier drinking yet, but will soon happen so will post again for any news. ;)