Hi, I have just found this site whilst researching my own family's genetics, re alcohol intolerance. I found lots of academic stuff on the net if you just do a search on alcohol intolerance and a country, in my case Japan. Though Anglo-Japanese three generations of our family are still experiencing alcohol intolerance. I found out about ALDH2, a gene, and my own defective version ALDH2*2 - hence the 'flush* If you get the flush you probably have the same defect. If you have this, according to everything I have been reading, (I am not a scientist, so go read it yourself to see) please do not try and block the syptoms so you can drink alcohol. There may be some long term problems with the faulty gene, all sorts of things to do with LOAD - late dementia because of the build up of aldehydes in the body. Now I know about this I will try and eat and look after myself accordingly to avoid the build up of aldehyde, which then oxidizes and creates other problems. The scientists did agree on one thing, that having the gene is a natural defence against alcoholism.
April 25, 2006:
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