Hi guys,
Its been awhile since i posted but i do read peoples posts regularly.
I have found eating and drinking bad combo for flushing, even with pepcid. Food inhibits the pepcid effectiveness i think.
Not eating, then taking the pepcid before drinking gives less flushing, i have no idea why...
My usual routine is this... eat, light... i even try to avoid dairy during the day because of someone elses post on here... Take some pepcid 40-60mg is sufficient, wait 30min-1hr then start drinking and take ur time with your first drink. after 2 drinks and ur not red u can slam them down hard... well i can... hahah
I have found when u have been drinking a few.. u can eat a bit and not really get red.. but yeah best to avoid food when u are drinking.
I do still get redish... but its more a tinged pink on my cheeks and around my eyes... ive said this before too... if u have a tan on ur face the pink looks good against tanned (yellow/tone tanned) skin. I was in europe in summer and was sooo brown and tanned. I drank like a fish with the pepcid and had like a healthy pink glow when i drink!
i noticed i do get a bit pale after i have had alot to drink... dont ask me why that happens... again a tan is good to mask that. its weird u can go bright red and then pale white!
I still have yet to try the ranitidie and clarintine combo some people say is effective too. But clarintine is expensive here is australia! while pepcid is cheapish... $20-30 here for 20mg 60 pack. Generic ebay stuff is just as effective as well. dont be afraid to buy off ebay... been totally legit stuff.
Hope this helps anyone!