jasko wrote:

^Interesting. I've never tried Zantac.... maybe I'll give it a whirl sometime.

For those of you that keep up with this thread...... to keep it semi active, let me ask you this. How do you guys handle situations where you're not prepared to drink. IE: you haven't taken your Pepcid or Zantac or whatever you take.

What do you do in a social situation like that where everyone wants you to drink, or everyone is drinking having a grand time?

Do you take the splurge and have a drink? Do you resist? What happens? How do you handle it?

well jasko, i just have a light beer, or a midi (smaller volume beer). I just drink that REALLY slowly and relax and talk to my friends. So i look like im drinking but im not really. no pepcid means i still go red!

hey guys,... its has been so long so i posted on this website.... Well im 29 now and i guess i been using famo for about 4 years now.

for me it still works.... i guess im lucky.. i still take 2 x 40mg and im ok. I do drink my first drink really slowly though. soemtimes i take 3 if im going to have a big night and i really dont want anyone to see that im flushed. i also havent experience any sideaffects that some people here post about... lactose intolerant? no... hair loss? no.. i do eat chiller food these days!! heheh

anyway guys, keep persevering... i know its hard, but im sure eventually there will be a cure.

hey that reminds me im low on famo... need to purchase some through ebay! i love you ebay!!

dizzyhytes wrote:

Sorry, this may have been discussed in this forum but not sure if this problem has been covered.  Not only do I get the flush and pounding heart badly, but that's not the worst part.  The worst symptoms are splitting headache and I get so sleepy that I can't even focus or keep my head of the bar.  Literally pass out wherever I am.  The pepcid doesn't help for any of that and it's worse than the blush because I can't even stay out long enough to have a good time.

Does anyone have advice?

sorry but i think you might have a really bad reaction to alcohol... try taking an anithistamine as well....

Hi guys its been awhile since i last posted. But ive been experimenting with Red wine. The good stuff... Went to a few wineries over the weekend and stocked up on cab savs and merlots...

been drinking about a glass each nite for dinner or while making dinner. So pretty much drinkign it eating or drinking it when i havent eaten in a few hours. And ive been drinking it with no pepcid

I did drink it fairly slow., about a glass over an hour. I would say that redwine is really good for getting minimal flush. You do get a bit flushed but its no where as bad as when your drinking spirits, white wine, or beer.

on an empty stomach, flushing was quite minimal.

Last nite i had a salad with feta cheese (dairy) and lamb. Flush still minimal. But then i got carried away and startign drinking a glass in like 30 mins. I went through like hlaf a bottle in about 3 hours. The flush came, but then again it doesnt look as red? but boy was it a great feeling being intoxicated! And i didnt really have the pounding headache, just a blocked nose.

Red wine is a good choice of drink if you dont want to take pepcid. Adn your stuck at dinner and need to have a drink.

next step:
I will try red wine with some antihistamines ie claryntine

Does anyone else think red wine is better than spirits and beer?

I tried somethign a tad different on Sat nite as a tester but i need to explain a few things that day.

I did have dairy a coffee in the morning and a ham & cheese croissant.
Had various food thru the day.
last thing i ate was about 4pm and that was a pie.

at about nearly 8pm i had 2 pepcid ( i refuse to take anymore because i dont want to build up a resistance to it). i also had about a tablespoon of honey and hot water. about 45 mins later i had my first beer and that took about 45 mins to drink.

Redness was low, infact i didnt feel my face getting to red. Not that much flush thru the nite and OMG did i drink myself into a stupor on sat nite!!!!

So this high fructose thing.. yeah it could work!!! I have to try it out again! I'll update findings and different scenarios.

poketman wrote:

aisan, drank last night... itching please help me...i cant take this shit anymore...is there anything i can do to reduce it...i try will power but about couple hours later it get so bad that u cant anymore.is there anything i can do to reduce it so, so it wouldnt make this damn painful( if i scratch it what will happen)

U sound like your reaction is bad. try takign Loratadine/clarantyne.

llibobll wrote:
Dimples25 wrote:

let me know if you want to know the person i bought it off.

hey mate im in australia too, just wondering how you got pepcid off ebay? cheers.

I type in pepcid in the buy box and a whole bunch of international sellers come up. i bought mine off  "clifford8100", and i bought the generic stuff. Generic stuff is called Famotidine. Cheaper and works the same.

Alternatively go see the doctor and get a pepcidine prescription written out for you.

Good luck to you!

tstevens wrote:

I have hear so much about Pepcid and the great results people have had, Im in Australia and does not seem to be sold here, only Zantac which is the only thing near. I tried Zantac and did not work at all for me. I am travelling to Malaysia and Singapore tomorrow, can Pepcid be bought over the counter at any pharmacy? thanks


im in Australia too. But i buy if off ebay. Its pretty cheap and its totally legit. the only way to get it here is to get a doctors prescription. let me know if you want to know the person i bought it off.

tai4ji2x wrote:
Dimples25 wrote:


what's that?

Clarantyne.. u know its the stuff to help with allergies... (typo on my behalf before). See some previous threads in this discussionregarding clarintine/zantac...cant remeber which page.... in the 20's somewhere.

FrenchHalfie wrote:

Then, last summer I went to Germany with some friends from college, and since it was Germany and there was basically nothing else to do but drink A LOT, we got plastered about 4 times a week (I spent the other 3 days burning off the calories consumed the night before).  I probably averaged about 12 beers each night for a month.  I noticed that by the third week, the redness had reduced dramatically (about 50%) and my heart-rate was only slightly higher than normal.  I still felt like I was wearing a wool sweater in the middle of the Sahara, though.  I could take 4 beers in an hour before any symptoms were noticeable, for the next 2 beers I would be a bit pink, and then for the last 6 beers I looked rather normal.

I continued to drink moderately after I returned from Germany (about twice a week, same dosage), and my Asian flush symptoms stayed at pretty much the same level as that of the last two weeks of hard drinking in Germany.  Then, along came track and field season, during which time I really couldn't afford to undermine my training regime with alcohol.  I was basically sober for 5 months, and when I started drinking again after the season was over, my Asian flush was as bad as it was when I first started.  Now I'm looking into the Pepcid solution because I don't really feel like undergoing another month of heavy drinking to get my tolerance up.

Yes i feel this works... but hey man.. im heavily into my fitness... and the last thing i need is trying to work off 12 beers every week and get a pot belly!

Hi purple dragon fruit...

on this forum so far, i would say its about 10 people have said Pepecid doesnt work for them while everyone else (including me) has said its aok to use. But alot of people on this site have expressed that you do everything in moderation. I stress moderation. All i can say to you is that you try it out at home with a few beers (any drink really) and see how you go.

I myself havent had any stomach problems taking the pepcid and alcohol, if anything i noticed i could drink  alot more and didnt suffer any hangovers next day! but then again.. i really only take pepcid if im going to have a big one.. if its just dinner... i'll just have some soft drink.

There have been paper written about asians who go red are more prone to getting stomach/oesophagus cancers because we cant break down alocohol as fast the acetadalyhyde ( i think its that checmial) builds up in in. So really people like us, even if we do drink without pepcid, we have higher risks of getting cancer. Please read a few other of the forums to verify this, and read other peoples past experience with pepcid in this forum.

Of course i think if u abuse alcohol AND suffer our symptoms, your chances of getting cancer increase. BUt in moderation... im sure u will be ok. well thats what i think. MODERATION. in the end its your choice!

There are other ways to reduce red.... please read other posts..... Loratadine/ranitidine/claryntine combo. Or the no eating 5 hours before the combo. but u got to try what is best for u.

Hope that helps....

japalian wrote:

ps- what kind of pepcid ac should i buy and works best, im form canada by the way

any u can get... and generic is aok!

kiwiguy25 wrote:

hey japalian I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I havn't tried any pills yet  but it seems pepcid ac max 2x 40mg is the way to go reading through the post, most  people reccomenend taking them on an empty stomach but  one intresting thing today is that I skippd tea and drunk 6 beers and didn't have to bad of a red face, normaly after 3 beers I would be beat. So makes me wonder drinking on an empty stomach makes most the difference pecid or not, I hear the same from other asian freinds if they don't eat 5 hours prior to drinking they would see the best results. apparently if you eat a big meal and take pecid you'd still be in trouble hmmmmm I still got pepcid max to try I'll post to let ya know how it goes

Hey i sorta tried this unintentionally. I was workign all day.. and too busy to eat... the last main thing i ate was a sausage roll at around 4pm. Had drinks that  nite... and only took 40mg of pepcid.. i prefer not to take 60mg cause i dont want to work up a intolerance. I ordered a midi of pure blone ( a beer) at around 7.30 drank it farely slowly... then right after it i had another midi at around 8.30... I felt my face getting hot.. but i looked in the mirror and didnt see much red.. I also felt that the hot feeling wasnt so bad.

So yes i do agree it is better if you dont eat at all! which is a real bitch cause i was starving last nite. When i got home i devoured like 2 toasties!

Yeah i know i still took pepcid.. but by not taking a higher dosage of pepcid ie. 60mg or more, i still feel i get a bit red.... but i think overall... an empty stomach... 40mg and making the first drink a slow one you are still looking aok! i will try the starving technique with no pepcid soon.

So japalian... look if its your first time 40mg shoudl suffice you... if u need to take more then thats up to u... u are the judge of your own body.

kiwiguy25 wrote:

Still havn't tried any of my pepcid yet but have drank thursday friday and saturday this week, 6 beers thursday got the flushing, friday 8 beers flushing to begin with but eventually went away and on saturday I had 14 beers over the course of the night had a initial flush but went away as I drank more. So i'm finding the more i drink the less the smytoms become, wierd will try out 20mg of pepcid sometime and see how we go.

this happens to me as well... the more i drink with no pepcid the less red i become... but then i get really pale later. Did u notice this?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

julie wrote:

Is it okay to take pepcid ac while on the birth control pill like Alesse? THANKS!

from what i can gather with me... pepcid is ok with the pill.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

tai4ji2x wrote:

has there been anything on proton pump inhibitors like prilosec (omeprazole)?

what is a proton pump? please exaplin more?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Hey justanother asain girl...

Sorry to hear your plight, but i think you just got the wrong end of the stick! If you look in the first pages of the main thread and even some around pages 20-30 there have been a few people who have had the same problem as you.

it sounds like you have a really bad allergic reaction to alcohol. And hey i have heard of this! my beautician is vietnamese and she says she gets really itchy when she drinks. She cant even have a sip of the stuff!

I know you said you have tried all types of alcohol, but different types of alcohol give different types of reaction. I have read the more expensive purer wines/spirits and beers can lessen flush. All comes down to what was originally used to ferment the alcohol. So vodka is potatoes and rum is sugar aand beer is barley/wheet/hops (grains). I guess they all work in different ways with your body.

I myself prefer bacardi rum and coke. I hate the taste of vodka. But if you have noticed Vodka is ok for u, then you should just stick to that and hope that you dont breakout in a rash. Of course you should continue taking the claritin and pepcid with it as well. And isnt claritin an antihistamine?

Hope your problems become less and you can enjoy a drink... but if they dont get better you should prolly take your docs advice and not drink. Sorry i cant be more helpful!

Hi L darling....

take 40 mg an hour before drinking. U should be aok... Try to eat light before u take the tablets or avoid eating all together.

Hey Steph, im still here... I just come on these days to read the comments these other poor people like us have to say! Everytime i drink i just wish i was normal!

How is pepcid for me?? all ok people! I know everyone seems to have upped the dosage and i do feel 60 mg is better than 40 mg... but i dont want to work up a tolerance to pepcid. So i do 40mg and drink pretty slowly my first drink and then wait till the red subsides a bit... then i'll drink more!

havent tired the loratidine and clarytine combo... I frgot how much u are supposed to take again! 20mg of each??? i dont know.. someone please refresh my memory.

Maybe Steph you should set up a separate topic "Instructions for taking pepcid: how much u need and tips for a good night out!" hehehe or "EBAY: the way to get famo"

Im going to start trying to drink a glass of wine each nite to at least try to work up a tolerance. Cause i feel if normal people can drink and work up a tolerance to alcohol then we can too. For sure it will be harder for us... but in your own private place its not so bad if u turn red a bit... and Boy do i turn red! but i think doing something like this will increase pepcid effectivenes and we do not need to relyon it so much.

i mean my uncle turns red when he drinks... but he has a beer each nite and i think his red isnt that bad.... like it looks ok. So obviously hes worked up a tolerance. Dont lose hope people. We can beat this thing...

Of course im sure there is a brillaint geekazoid asain biochemist who suffers the same problem as us. That person WILL find that cure for us.... well eventually.... he'd be an instant millionaire!  where is this person???!! cmon geezy asain students! u must know someone who dabbles in this field of enzymes!

Hi Redrum....

So far for me no side effects... Pepcid is pretty much an antacid and i would say a farely safe drug... u can buy it over the counter! My stomach is still kicken... and i dont suffer any heartburn or ulcers. Read the packet instruction for allergic reactions.

In the end its up to you to try, but most people on this site so far have been aok! and even doing it for years.

Good luck

Hi guys,

Its been awhile since i posted but i do read peoples posts regularly.

I have found eating and drinking bad combo for flushing, even with pepcid. Food inhibits the pepcid effectiveness i think.

Not eating, then taking the pepcid before drinking gives less flushing, i have no idea why...

My usual routine is this... eat, light... i even try to avoid dairy during the day because of someone elses post on here... Take some pepcid 40-60mg is sufficient, wait 30min-1hr then start drinking and take ur time with your first drink. after 2 drinks and ur not red u can slam them down hard... well i can... hahah

I have found when u have been drinking a few.. u can eat a bit and not really get red.. but yeah best to avoid food when u are drinking.

I do still get redish... but its more a tinged pink on my cheeks and around my eyes... ive said this before too... if u have a tan on ur face the pink looks good against tanned (yellow/tone tanned) skin. I was in europe in summer and was sooo brown and tanned. I drank like a fish with the pepcid and had like a healthy pink glow when i drink!

i noticed i do get a bit pale after i have had alot to drink... dont ask me why that happens... again a tan is good to mask that. its weird u can go bright red and then pale white!

I still have yet to try the ranitidie and clarintine combo some people say is effective too. But clarintine is expensive here is australia! while pepcid is cheapish... $20-30 here for 20mg 60 pack. Generic ebay stuff is just as effective as well. dont be afraid to buy off ebay... been totally legit stuff.

Hope this helps anyone!

I dont condone underage drinking....but you may want to try the clarytine/zantac combo. That has varied results. read a few pages back. Those are OTC stuff.

Also try paypal... i tink they got some debit system as well and u dont need credit card. may help ya....

But like i said i dont exactly condone underage drinking, so dont go blaming me for anything. your choice your decision.

ace.of.spades wrote:

Hello all, this is my first post. I'm absolutely loving this site and i am convinced that reading the advice given on this site will help me cure my asian flush.
I am about 5'2, and i love to party out hard, but i have a problem when it comes to alcohol. I can't drink as much as i want to because of the stupid 'asian flush', it only takes me say 1/2 a can of beer to get me red in the face and experiencing some of the symptons of the 'asian flush'. I live in Australia, and i am not too sure if Pepcid is available here, but i am hoping to know if there is something else i can take (mylanta or anything else available in Aus???) that will help reduce the redness and accelerated heartrate etc.
So please help me it is very much appreciated. :)

hi see my post previous page. No u cant get it in Australia unless u can get a script. Best option if you have a credit card buy it off Ebay. Its legit....

Hey Steph, maybe you should put up a thread - "Where to get Pepcid in Australia, NZ and UK??" and outline places like Ebay, Amazon or just any other random places you can get it over the net.

true believer wrote:

hi im from australia as well

i highly doubt i will get a script for pepcidine from my doctor because hes really conservative and doesn't of approve of my weekly boozing.

so my only options are getting them off ebay or my mates dad who owns a pharmacy.

the probelm with both of this was if the tablets would get through customs? (since its only available thru scripts here). From what i've read theres only been 1 package actaully succesffuly sent thru?

i just wanted to make sure that the shit i pay for arrives instead of getting stuck at customs.

also if i got my mates dad to get me some pepcidine from his pharmacy would it be likely he would get in trouble?
he occasionally gets broken into by people wanting that drug that contains shit that makes ectasy? so i was wondering he could of just written it off as loss goods or stolen goods?

ne help

! i need this shit

True Believer.... yes we all need this shit...I am from Aust and i bought this off ebay with my credit card. Yes it does get checked by customs but they wont confiscate off you. They just open up the package have a look, let the dogs smell it, see if its legit and then sticky tape ur package up again.

My ebay seller said they were vitamins. Look as long as your not shipping drugs then u shouldnt worry too much. As for time and delivery... it took about 2 weeks for mine to reach my door from the US. My seller was PharmIntnl or something on those lines. I wrote about this a few pages back (20-25, somewhere there!). I bought the generic brand Kirklands and yes it is the same stuff. Got like 100 10mg tablets for $10 all up i think.

Ur friends dad should be able to give it to u with no major dramas i think... . U can buy it over the counter everywhere else!

So good luck in your purchases! its not going to hurt if you lose $10! think about your social life! I keep the bottle/pack in all my handbags.... so if i know im going to go out for drinks i'll just pop a few and feel confident that i can kick back and have a few beers without going red!

Im actually lucky, my cousins hubby is a doctor and wrote me like a neverending script for Pepcidine! heheh

yes flushie get those ones. They are a light pink/peach colour.