jasko wrote:
ironmike wrote:

yesterday I walked into a tree.

ROFL. sorry but that just sounded funny just now...... you needa control yourself man. Any significant other is greater than alcohol. You should try to get her back while it's still early........

What were you doing, eating pepcid everyday? I try to limit myself to just weekends............ social gatherings.

Pretty much everyday like you said. These days I'm trying to do like you. It's ok with the significant other.  I met someone that I think will work out better. She's a bartender. jk. She's a med student and she drinks socially, but she aint see me drink yet! Today I had 1 little PBR with no Pepcid and man I turned red! I kinda thought my body would start to tolerate it with all the Pepcid I've taken over the past 2 months, but I was maraschino head all over again. But when I slow down for awhile, I get that urge to go overboard, and I start doing dumb things like walking into a tree and more recently, last Thursday. I started drinking at work, (4 shots of Wild Turkey) then 2 hours and 3 pints of Guinness and 3 pints of Delirium (which is 2x alcohol of regular beer) later, I'm shooting pool and I have no pants on, just my boxers.  The guy that I'm playing says you know you're not wearing any pants. I'm thinking damn! I vaguely remember thinking it's kind of hot in here, but I don't remember taking them off. Next day I ask the manager, was I really playing with no pants? He says yeah, we took pictures. Bastard! That was pretty amusing I guess.

I think I'm done with Pepcid. Since I found this forum about a month ago, my drinking has gone up so much. With the redness gone, I didn't realize my tolerance would go up, which I initially thought  was a bonus. I used to have 3-4 beers, turn bright red and be finished for the night. Now with the pepcid, I can drink 4x that plus shots and wine and be semi-ok. I'm not a big guy, barely 5'7, anywhere b/t 122-130 lbs. Plus, I don't know how many of you are like this, but I can't drink on a full stomach. I always drink on an empty stomach, otherwise I feel like yakking immediately. My point is, I'm drinking all the time now. I've been drinking at work, which I never would have done in a million years before.  I lost a girlfriend recently cause she said I've been drinking too much.  If you can control your alcohol, that's great. I thought I could, but I've realized that I have to drink to excess. I drank 3 5ths of dewars (in a 1/2hr)yesterday and  9 beers overall. I miss days of work, and yesterday I walked into a tree. That sounds kind of funny, but It wasn't when it happened. I'm gonna try to go 1 week without 1 drink. I guess it's a blessing and a curse

one thing i've noticed, I can drink 10x the amount I used to with the pepcid ac.  Everyone I ask am i red, a little red, pinkish, turning red, they say no, you're pale as a ghost. I will still feel the hotness, though not as much. So I still get the slight heat sensation which I then assume I must be bright red right at that point, but I look at myself and not a trace. Even right now, I have that heat sensation, and my last drink was double shot of wild turkey at 5:30 am and its noon right now. The hangovers are still there but much more tolerable. Also, I could never handle tequila, rum and soju, now, no problems. On my bday Wed, 12 shots tequila, 10beers and maybe 1/2 bottle soju and I made it to work next day. I stunk like a brewery, but no redness whatsoever. The test yesterday was drinking a beer at work and not turning red. I might have to start bringing a flask to work (or hit some AA meetings)

I am telling you it really works. Except yesterday, I forgot to bring the pepcid with me so halfway into my first beer the redness started again. But as far as last week, there was no hangover the next day which worries me a little b/c basically I can drink as much as I want I guess til I start yakking. Yesterday I had 3 pts of Guiness, 2 buds and 2 shots of porto-something. I have a bad hangover now and slept right through work.  Don't forget the pepcid!

Hi, I am 26, 27 in 9 days, been drinking hard since 20. I can drink usually 8-10 beers + shots, wine, etc. on avg. After even the first 1/4 beer though,  I would turn bright cherry red, like alot of ppl here. I heard about the pepcid ac before drinking but never tried it. I skipped work today just to see if there was anything behind this. By the way,  I am 100% Korean and maybe 3 of my Korean friends would turn bright red like me and maybe 4 wouldn't. I took 1 max strength pep ac at 2:45, started drinking at 4.  I had 8 Coronas, 1 pint of Guiness, 1 pabst,  4 shots of Jamison and 3 shots of Jager. I would normally be passed out and only drink this much on a fri,  sat, but right now I have slight headache/buzz and NO redness. I don't know the long term effects b/c I take some anti-anxiety things, but the test is if I wake up with a hangover tomorrow. The only thing was, after the first 4 beers I didn't feel like yakking, but the foamminess of the beer came up. I am in my opinion, as drunk as 3-4 beers with 1 shot. I don't know why I am typing this but the red face is embarrasing and this pep ac could be the cure. Whether bad or good,  I think this is the cure all. Just had to share my experiences with everyone.  I spent an hour reading all experiences online yesterday and I truly believe this works. Good luck!