Steph wrote:

Misspriss... oh dear. Does Zantac work for you?? I've tried it and it doesn't work at all. So it seems that either way you're stuffed, I'm sorry. Mylantas would only help if you get the nausea that some people here get. I'm guessing that you've left already. Oh well.... my only advice is to pack on the makeup and stand in the shadows.

Does anyone know how to get past that 1st drink redness, even with Pepcid? Even after my pills I get a bit red with the 1st drink. If I drink it really slowly, its ok. After about an hour of that 1st drink, my face has cooled down and I can drink away happily. But... often I only want one drink anyway, anyone have any hints?

try increasing your dosage

and yes, good point dorito, ALWAYS DRINK WATER (or gatorade etc.) AND EAT (a sandwich work best- nothing too greasy) something before you fall sleep if you want to avoid/minimize hangovers.  do it even if you're not thirsty or always works!

also, people who claim that pepcid decreases their tolerance are in my opinion, just experiencing a psychological or placebo effect.  if anything, it will increase your tolerance slightly.

unfortunately there is no solution to the food + alcohol problem.  if you eat while drinking or eat to fullness or moderate fullness less than 2-3 hrs before you drink, YOU WILL TURN RED even with pepcid!    eating with alcohol without flush is the "final frontier" that we'll just have to wait for :(   
and also, always drink plenty of water with the pepcid (per the directions) works much better!