Here's a good question for everyone with asian flush.  Have you ever actually been intoxicated/drunk?  Seems to me like the pepcid AC only blocks the facial flushing, but doesn't prevent any other asian flush symptoms.  One time, about half a year ago, I somehow managed to get drunk for the first and last time in my life.  It made me happy, and didn't make me overthink every little thing like I normally do, made me feel very numb and happy emotionally.  IDK why at that particular time I didn't get the flush, but I don't think it was the pepcid AC.

Since then I've been trying different solutions to try to avoid the flush, and nothing has worked.  I've tried pepcid ac, and it helps reduce the redness, but no matter how much I drink I just can't get intoxicated.  I feel cloudy and heavy headed is all, it's not pleasant.  Does pepcid ac do the same for you guys?  If so, why do you consider pepcid ac helpful at all?

Hello everyone.  This is a great forum I'm glad I found it.  I'm half japanese and half caucasian 20 years old, and I found that I turn red when drinking (just my face and neck tho, not the rest of my body), I get a pulsating headache, I feel hot, and I don't get the regular effects that others get.  Oh yeah, and I'm 150 lbs.  BUT, there have been a few instances, before I found out about Pepcid AC, where I drank, and didn't get red at all.  Not only didn't I get red, but I got the feeling of euphoria, great sense of well being, reduced inhibitions, more confidence, ect.  When I get red, I don't get any of these positive effects.  90 % of the time though, I get red when I drink, so I've come to the conclusion that it's something that I'm eating that is helping combat asian flush, but I'm not sure what exactly. 

After doing research, some sources say that eating frucose and glucose type foods seem to help, and one source said eating starchy food like fried chicken helps.  So I did an experiment on myself a few days ago.  I went out and bought Pepcid AC chewable tablets, a 12 pack of budweiser beer.  And for breakfast I had toast with a LOT OF HONEY (high in fructose/glucose) on top, and fried chicken for dinner.  Had some spagetti when I got home from work at 11:00 pm, then ate two Pepcid AC chewable tablets.  About an hour later, slowly drank one beer.  Had absolutely no redness, no feeling of being hot, no headache, and I had all the positive effects of alcohol.  Had like 1 more beer.  Then an hour later, had another beer, but unfortunetly now I started to turn red, so I stopped drinking and went to bed. 

So from this experiment, it seems that either/or Pepcid AC or eating fructose/glucose food helps significantly.  I'm gonna do anyother expirment on myself when I go out tonight, I'll eat 3 Pepcid AC pills an hour before drinking, and I'll eat a few between drinks.  I'll post my results tomorrow.

It seems the consensus is Pepcid AC works wonders and is helping everyone here with asian flush.  So here's a question to all the other asians with asian flush.   While drinking after taking Pepcid AC, assuming it works and the redness doesn't come, do you get the positive effects of alcohol (euphoria, increased confidence, become more social, ect)?