I have the asian flush... but somehow, I realized that it always depends on how i'm feeling.  If i'm more tired than usually, then it would hit me hard. 
I tried the pepcid AC... worked a few times, sometimes, it doesn't even make a difference.

Weird somehow that I can sometimes drink (1-2 glasses of wine) and feel perfectly fine except being a bit pink.
Being a bit pink is what I call lucky for me.  The asian flush doesn't stop there for me.  Just this week, I went to this afterjob party fater taking 30mg of pepcid AC.  Took 1 drink then... Hell!  My heart started pumping, i was dizzy, couldn't catch my breath, my eyes cloulded over...  I thought I had to call 911.  The effects i ususally felt while drinking were multiplied x10.  I don't know if any of you had it as bad as me...
Maybe the mix I made wasn't so cool either... but the Pepcid didn't work at all this time!

I just hope there will be a cure or something instead of popping pills before drinking.  I'm not so sure it's good to do that.
I don't drink to get drunk, but it is fun when we go out to take a drink or 2 with friends.  I love wine, but i'm just sad i can't enjoy it completely.

I have my fingers crossed for a cure...maybe...someday...