Hi I am new and just wanted to add my experiences.  I am 100% Asian, and have the full flush, with a brother and sister who have absolutely no effects at all, and another brother that turns red but drinks anyway.  Anyway, I've found the following to be the most effective: do not eat 6 hours before drinking, take (2) 10 or 20mg Pepcid ACs about an hour before drinking, and drink high end liquor only - vodka works well.

Having an empty stomach helps tremendously.  Also, I found that if I drink regularly, the flushing is reduced, and if I stop drinking for like a week or 2, the flushing comes back stonger.  So its like building up a tolerance.

I tried the glucose thing, drinking sugared drinks before or with alcohol, and did not have any help there.  Wine is the worst - something about the tannins in the alcohol.

This may sound odd, but its just a suggestion - If your not sure what works for you yet (everybody reacts differently) I would buy a box of Pepcid, Zantac, and whatever else, and also a bottle of vodka and some beer.  One weekend, try the Pepcid, and then try the Zantac or combinations on another weekend.

Don't forget to look on the bright side - we have a built-in mechanism that keeps us from turning into alcoholics - something that other people pay for.
: )