Hey Im feeling you man lol i need this shit to!!! i have been trying to figure a way of getting them but i cant!! i dont got a credit card to get pepcid over internet and i cant get pepcid/famo over the counter because im living in new zealand.. that can get hold of it in new zealand help me out just a little. i will do anything lol! my social life is getting worse and worse as weekends go on.. i am always the sober one at the partys which isnt very fun..and EVERYTIME .. some1 from somewhere out of the blues at the party goes wanna drink??! no1 else gets offered a drink besides from me.. and i always have to turn it down.. n say i dont drink.. which then drags on into a long convo about..y i cant..
hey there, im from nz too. i just take two zantac tablets about 1hr before drinking and im sweet. i get a teensy bit of a blush (but a pretty one!) its so amazing!!! i used to go redder than ANYONE here i bet. like the reddest i have ever seen anyone!! (im a red head!) lol