I happened upon this site last night and was intrigued by the thought that there was a way to possibly counter  the dreaded Asian Blush. I am half Korean and English and have suffered through this reaction my whole adult life. Needless to say I was at the drug store immediately after reading these entries with a bottle of Pepcid AC in hand. I told my wife of 24 years what I had discovered and asked her to join me for a glass of wine. I took 40mg. an hour before drinking my first glass of wine. After the first glass we both looked at each other and started laughing because there was no sign of any blushing, racing heart, red eyes, itchiness or blochiness. It really worked. Second glass...no blushing. I'm speechless. I'll be interested to see if this continues to work but for right now I am a happy man. Thanks for putting this forum together, it's been a tremendous help!
