Has anyone heard of the product Eredicane?  Apparently this product is made for asain flush suffers aswell with people who just overall flush when stressed, being active, shaving, etc.  Ive done little research and this sounds pretty good.  You take 1 pill with food 1 hour before your first drink.  If anyone has tried this let us fellow asians know how it was.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

i'm not understanding the actual "Cure" in this article.  They talk about Nitroglycerin.  Is this a pill?  is it even legal to take?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

That sounds like its a cure...but really what is it?


(14 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

I just ordered some Cheerz..Im hoping it will work.  I purchased the  Intellishots instead of the tabs.  I heard the shots absorb alot quicker and are more intense.  I will give it a shot.  if anyone knows which would be better...the intellishots or the intellitabs?  Im going to take 1 150 zantac 1 hour before then going to take 2 intellishots and then hit the booze.  I'll let you guys know how it works.


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Has anyone heard of the product Eredicane?  Apparently this product is made for asain flush suffers aswell with people who just overall flush when stressed, being active, shaving, etc.  Ive done little research and this sounds pretty good.  You take 1 pill with food 1 hour before your first drink.  If anyone has tried this let us fellow asians know how it was.

When is Convivia going to be put on the market?  Im wondering if there could be a way to talk to someone on the phone that has information of this cure.  Anyone else desperate?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

I was wondering what kind of drinks us asians should be drinking?  I find if i drink beer i get real tired and tend to pass out.  Rum and cokes are good but i get drunk pretty easy.  What do you suggest?


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Hey guys..this is a good topic i just finally realized.  Im 100% asian and i also suffer from the flush..sucks ass i tell you.  Pepcid AC works for me..i just finished a rye and coke and no red ness at all.  i was wondering if someone could answer my question:

can you eat and have a alcolic drink at the same time?  I knowy you have to take Pepcid about 1 hr before you drink.

Who ever ansers this can give me a e-mail or just resposnd on here. 

Thanks alot dudes.