yeah but why is everyone here waiting for someone else to find a real cure?  this site gets a LOT of visits, so there are tons of people who are interested, and companies like Cheerz hangover are the only ones that know about this site, and Cheerz is a total fraud. 

i think we should form a group and maybe have eric cheng pool money for us and we can donate it to acetaldehyde research (which is CANCEROUS) by the way, so that we all, and billions of people in the future, can do without this very inconvenient problem.

i think we are all assuming the same thing- that someone else will get it together and come up with a cure.  but until that someone knows that there are people who are willing to help and support him/her they are going to research topics that seem the most relevant or useful.  ive read a lot of post that are like 'hey, were asians!! asians are smart! we should have a cure by now!!'.  this is not only stereotyping asians, it also shows how passive our attitude is toward our situation.  most of us have lives but i think spending a little time on curing this is worth it!


(5 replies, posted in Free for All)

actually to be honest i would donate a LOT more than $5 if they were actually researching a cure


(5 replies, posted in Free for All)

i think this is really interesting.  also the part that says-

"The technology listed below is not available to the public at this time. This technology is in the early stage of research and requires further development before it is ready for the marketplace"

- sounds like it needs what you were saying, ie additional interest or funding in order to continue resarch.  and there obviously is a ton of interest and we seem to have enough money for pepcid ac, so it should be possible to throw $5-$10 at a real cure, i would do it if someone could prove he wasnt scamming me.

i usually use a combo of zantac and pepcid max (two pepcid max, one zantac, sometimes vitamin c) and it works fine.  i prefer to drink without it though and just get embarassingly red, because i think taking antihistamines with alcohol is not good for you.  i just want to comment that the H2 blocker is just a superficial cure that masks the red face without eliminating acetaldehyde, which causes cancer. 

there is another post on this website that has a link to a real cure that has been researched but has not been developed- … 99-071.htm