I am only 1/4 Japanese but I experience the "Asian Flush" everytime I drink.  It usually starts out as a blotchiness on my neck and chest and works its way up to my face.  My heart rate goes up considerably and  I feel like I run out of breath easily.  I'll walk like 2 blocks and start breathing heavily.  Does anyone else get that? 

Also, I had never heard of using Pepcid or the like but I have recently tried allergy meds (which I take for seasonal allergies), similar to Claritin and I didn't turn red at all and the other symptoms were way less severe. Has anyone heard of those meds helping? 

I am so glad I found this, it has been very helpful.  It's good to know there are others out there with this and that there are ways to fight it.  It's pretty embarassing and I never understood why it happened until now.