Well I tried Pepcid AC after reading all the hype about it. I'm not exactly sure of the results, I took 2 chewable Pepcid AC tablets and a cup of water and waited 45 min and cracked open a beer to drink myself. The first half of the beer I was OK but as soon as I finished the beer I did turn a bit red and had a bit of a headache, heart was throbbing, felt dizzy, but maybe this was all because I was drinking alone. I only drank 1 can so I'm not sure what would have happened if I kept drinking. It did help a little but, not so much so that it would enable me to actually drink...maybe I'm just affected more by the deficient gene. I'll keep trying and experimenting maybe the pill-form Pepcid AC will work better instead of the chewables. Cheers.

Hi, wow first of all I'm glad I'm not the only one out there...for a few months I thought I was. I'm a 100% Korean male and have suffered this "Asian flush" for a few years, to the point where I just can't drink. My recent symptoms included after taking a shot of soju which is like 20% alcohol I didn't feel drunk at all but, turned red literally like a tomato, felt dizzy and sick, my hands felt like they were pumping, and my heart was beating so fast I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Another instance was at a party I had a few sips of dark beer and immediately felt sick and turned a bit red in the cheeks and decided not to drink more it was really not even half a beer. I'm hoping Pepcid Ac will work I'm the only one out of all my friends who experience this and most of them are Korean as well which is weird considering surveys say that 50% of Asians suffer from this deficiency. The reason for this post is does Pepcid Ac work not only to reduce the redness but, does it enable you guys to actually drink? I have never been drunk and it's seriously disabling my social life when the girls want me to take a shot with them I look like a pussy saying I don't drink and in Korean culture if your a man you drink and you smoke or your not considered one. I don't exactly have a problem with the redness (I do get tomato red though) it's just the racing heartbeat and the sickness I feel which just disables me from being able to drink to actually feel pleasure from it. Does Pepcid AC work for those symptoms as well? Thanks for any input.

Edit: Oh and both of those examples that I showed of my symptoms I was eating food while drinking. The food was hot and a bit spicy right after I took the shot I felt horrible immediately but, kept my cool for awhile than, out of nowhere I threw up all over the front of the restaurant and this was with only 1 shot...