I'm 1/4 Japanese.  I turn red with blotchy skin on my neck, shoulders and face after approximately 2 beers.  I've dealt with this for years and learned of "Asian Flush" in a college Toxicology class back in 1997.  Although I knew the cause I didn't know of the "cure" or curtailment.  Pepcid Max seems to work in keeping the flush at bay.  I would advise against taking more than the recommended dosage on the package w/o checking with your physician.     

Eating immediately prior to, during or immediately after consuming alcohol assures the flush (most definitely w/o the Pepcid precaution).

It seems the less I eat or consume, the easier it is for my body to process the alcohol.  It almost seems like my body's resources are being used exclusively for the processing of alcohol rather than being concentrated on the digestion of food.