Okay guys, I'm a 50+ female and have had to suffer this misery all my life until I discovered this site!

Pepcid 10mg x 2 seems to help me a lot. Although I'm not bothered these days about drinking heavily,  its nice just to be able to enjoy a glass of wine or two or a few drinks on holiday without turning into a blotchy beetroot.  Its just so embarrasing and uncomfortable. I'd got to the point where I wouldn't drink at all except at home with close family.  Antihists didn't help at all for me (I know because I take them for hay fever). Some have mentioned having to rush to the toilet when taking Pepcid - thats probably because of the Magnesium which I believe is a natural laxative. One thing to bear in mind though guys - your body is a wonderful thing - and by causing this flushing its telling you it isn't happy - so listen to it, take the Pepcid now and then and enjoy yourselves - but not too often!

From the Old Woman.