Hey guys,
This website has been great not just for advice, but knowing that there's actually a lot of us out there suffering from this cursed affliction. I tried Pepcid AC for the first time this weekend, and it was not as successful as I thought it'd be, although I didn't follow the book. Usually when I drink, I turn beet red, blood rushes to the head, racing pulse, chills, unbearable nausea (I usually vomit several times), etc. so needless to say, I don't drink often. My friend had Pepcid AC Complete chewables though, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I ate a bit, only took 2 pills (10mg each), and waiting for an hour before drinking. I drank Malibu and mango juice slowlyyy over an hour and what do you know, the redness, blood rushing, and racing pulse come back. However, the chills and nausea stayed away, so that was a small success. Anyway, did the chewables have anything to do with my busted experiment? Since the dosage was only 20mg, maybe it was too weak to make a huge difference. The weirdest thing, was that for the first time, I started breaking out in hives on my chest. I stopped after that one drink because it didn't seem to be doing anything for me, but should I have continued drinking? Any advice? Hopefully I'm not one of the unlucky few who will never be able to drink, even lightly. I just want to be able to have a drink or two at a bar, and not just sip Coke or have to tell the bartender to "go easy on the alcohol" lol.
April 25, 2006:
NOTE: Please do NOT treat information posted here as medical advice. However, once you've read these forums you'll probably want to get ahold of some Pepcid AC. Please support these forums and buy pepcid from Amazon.com.