I'm a quarter chinese and I experience the asian flush and the increased heart rate. I don't get the headaches, dizzyness or sickness that my mom experiences when she drinks (she's half chinese). Damn genetics lol. I'm 18 years old and don't drink to get drunk unless I'm heart broken. I do find it annoying that I can't drink a beer without turning red. I like to drink one or two just to loosen up a little bit. I guess I'll have to try pepcid to see if it works. Anyway it kinda sux cuz my dad can drink like a sailor and I can't without turning red. I can hold my alcohol pretty well. The only time I've ever gotten sick was whey I messed around with everclear. I have about an 8 to 12 drink limit before I call it quits. I don't get hangovers. I'm 6'1 170 and I wish to rid myself of this problem because I don't want to turn red after one drink in college. I'll try pepcid tomorrow and report back.
April 25, 2006:
NOTE: Please do NOT treat information posted here as medical advice. However, once you've read these forums you'll probably want to get ahold of some Pepcid AC. Please support these forums and buy pepcid from Amazon.com.