the best explanation yet about the ALDH2 and the possible Alda 1 treatment;)
hope some of u can use this info;D

hello and happy new year everybody :)
I was cruising around on Google and searched for the term "acetaldehyde dehydrogenase neutralize" and found this supplement that is made in japan (which is a place who has a lot of AF sufferers) . And they say it cures the symptoms, or reduces from hangovers. So i thought it might be quite interesting for you to read and maybe try it out.
the product is called "Hythiol-C". here is a link of their PDF file containing information.

hey this is quite interesting to read:) seems to me like a maybe cure to asian flush and it's developed in china:) here is the link … er-2013-10

look what i came across on the internet, a potential future cure:

Alcohol 'Antidote' Could One Day Sober You Up Fast
Jennifer Welsh     | Mar. 8, 2013, 2:54 PM | 857 | 1

Too much booze in your blood? In the future, a pill of a special compound could fix you right up. By combining two enzymes in a thin shell, researchers have been able to lower blood alcohol levels in mice.
"The pill acts in a way extremely similar to the way your liver does," study researcher Yunfeng Lu, of the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a statement. The pill isn't ready for humans yet, Lu said, but "with further research, this discovery could be used as a preventative measure or antidote for alcohol intoxication."
Right now the researchers are saying this method could be used to prevent liver injury after heavy alcohol exposure, like when someone's in the hospital, but it's possible that similar technology could be used to stop drunkenness in its tracks when one needs to sober up on the quick.
"Alcohol consumption is a millennium-old feature of human civilization, with unique social functions," the authors write in the article. "However, excessive consumption and abuse of alcohol is associated with a range of organ injuries and social problems."
The treatment uses our body's normal alcohol metabolizing proteins: alcohol oxidase and catalase. They work together to turn a molecule that contains an alcohol into one that is an aldehyde, which doesn't have the intoxicating effects of booze.
In a lab, the enzymes are encased in a special bubble, which keeps them in close contact, the way they would be within liver cells in the body, where we normally metabolize alcohol into non-intoxicating substances. Without the bubble the enzymes don't work as well.
To get the enzymes into the bubble they first attach them to a DNA ladder, in which special conformations of the DNA match up with the shape of the enzymes. This brings them into close contact, and they can then be encased in the nanoparticle bubble. The DNA scaffolding is then removed, and the enzymes are free to work their alcohol-metabolism magic.
"We’ve shown that we can combine these two enzymes in a way to make them stable, and that in animal models the complex is active and reduces BAC and liver damage," study researcher Lu told The Scientist.
The research was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology on Feb. 17. This enzymes-in-a-bubble approach can be used for other purposes as well, not just for alcohol-metabolizing enzymes, though we think that's a pretty awesome application.
Another cool application for the complexes: The researchers are working to develop a nanocomplex that rids the body of the hormone that causes baldness.

Liu, et. al, Nat. Nano., 2013.
This is the enzyme complex that works to reduce blood alcohol levels and decrease liver damage when mice overdose on alcohol.
When they fed mice a diet of alcohol and this compound, compared to alcohol alone, they saw that the blood alcohol levels were much lower. At 45 minutes after they took the compound in, their blood levels were 10 percent lower and by 90 minutes they were 32 percent lower.
When they injected the compound into already drunk mice, they saw much lower liver injury indicators, and their blood alcohol dropped much quicker.

Liu, et. al, Nat. Nano., 2013.
These tiny bubbles hold alcohol metabolism enzymes
"It’s a very elegant approach to positioning enzymes in a controlled fashion, and it’s certainly a step forward," Jan van Hest, of Radboud University in Holland, who was not involved in the study, told The Scientist. “They show very nice results already, with increased [enzyme] activity in living systems, and it’s a very generic approach so it looks like it could be extended [to other applications].”
The alcoholic substance is passed directly from one enzyme to the other, so the toxic intermediate of alcohol metabolism — hydrogen peroxide — isn't floating free in the body. It's transferred to the second enzyme, called catalase, and broken down into water and oxygen.
In the future, it's possible that popping a pill of these compounds after a night out before bed could mean a quicker recovery, but aldehydes are responsible for hangovers, so it might make your morning a little tougher. When an efficient enzyme is found or created to metabolize aldehydes, they can add that to the mix and essentially create a hangover cure.

Dalmore wrote:
Jason1992 wrote:

I went out last time and i had 2 zantac (or it was 1) and1 full bottle of rewind hangover. That night i was able to consume 2,5 shots and 4 beers without going super red. Only a little bit of pink, but hardly noticable. Didn't feel any neauseua, headache, or any of those other stupid flush symptons

Have you tried it without anti-acid?  If you have, how did it work?

nope haven't really tried it yet:D

I went out last time and i had 2 zantac (or it was 1) and1 full bottle of rewind hangover. That night i was able to consume 2,5 shots and 4 beers without going super red. Only a little bit of pink, but hardly noticable. Didn't feel any neauseua, headache, or any of those other stupid flush symptons
For the ones who don't know what rewind hangover is. "It's a drink that helps you convert the alcohol faster, which is also better for your body.

(this is in referral to one of my former posts)

I'd recently just bought the rewind hangover 12 pack from their website and have put it immediately into practise.  though,i haven't really used different methods yet, but the method that i'm using now, has some good results.

I'd start by taking a zantac 75mg 40 min till 60 min before drinking. Then i would drink half a bottle of rewind hangover (for now it has been enough for me), or drink it after one beer.
and after that i'd basically be able to drink 5-6 glaces of beer without getting red at all within a timeframe of 3 to 3.5 hours.
5-6 glaces seems pretty good for only 1 zantac+ half a bottle of rewind hangover:)

So I highly recommend this combination, it works pretty fine for me:)

last time i was cruising around the web and i found a site where one man claimed that he drank rewind hangover (a hangover prevention drink, and it's actually used after alcohol consumption to prevent hangovers). so he drank 1 hangover prevention drink before he started consuming alcohol, and he didn't turn red at all the whole night.
he promoted the drink on this forum, but unfortunately the forum has been deleted or something, cause i can't view it anymore. 
bananaloft dot com/archives/asian_flush

ow and the website of this magical drink called 'rewind hangover' is this:
nomorehangover dot com

so maybe some of you may want to check it out if it works.
btw. this drink does not promote that it cures alcohol flush, it's just that some guy found out that if you drink this before consuming alcohol, you won't get red anymore or something like that.