I've been taking pepcid AC for the past 2 years. Before pepcid AC, I would drink and get red pretty quickly. However, after a few drinks, I would return to my natural skin color again, does anyone know why this is? I started taking pepcid AC 2 years ago, and it really helped. I didn't turn red at all, maybe even a little paler. I only had to take one pill and I usually took it with my first drink, not having to wait an hour before I drank. However, for the past 2 weeks I am starting to get red again. Does anyone know why this is? Am I starting to build a tolerance to the pepcid ac?
April 25, 2006:
NOTE: Please do NOT treat information posted here as medical advice. However, once you've read these forums you'll probably want to get ahold of some Pepcid AC. Please support these forums and buy pepcid from Amazon.com.