I stumbled across this site a few days ago, and gave Pepcid AC a try last night after work.  I probably had about 4 or 5 onces of Crown Royal on the rocks.  Still got a little red, but nothing crazy.  The Pepcid AC definately made a difference.   And there is no hangover today.  Sometimes even two drinks will give me a brutal hangover, which prevents me from drinking a drop for the 18 hours preceding me operating an aircraft.  Since I fly on Saturdays, I usually avoid any social event on Fridays - which kinda sucks.  Last night I had about 4  drinks worth of alcohol, and I am 100% instead of the 75% I'd expect.

That being said, I have been reading more about the cancer risks associated with acetaldehyde, and am a little concerned.  More reading is necessary, but for now I think it is safe to say that I am not going to be drinking very often until I understand the risk better.  Maybe some heavy drinking once every few weeks - but that is it. 

Thanks for the site - it has been very helpful.  I wish I had found it years ago when I was in University, but ohh well - I had a blast anyways.

PS: I'm 5'9", 160lbs, 1/2 Filipino - and now I am old enough to actually care about cancer risks compared over the joys of alcohol, at 32.