(1,275 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Hello all,

I've gotten used to the fact i get the asian flush. My friends don't ask or say anything about it so thats good.. My only worry is, the nausea feeling. I tend to get it even half way through my first drink. Is there any way i can prevent getting the feeling like i'm going to throw up or to stop me from thorwing up when i drink altogether..??
I read in a previous post that Gaviscon helps with this situation.. Does it..??
Has anyone tryed it and was it successful?? And if so, how should i take it..??

Please help.

Thank you!!


(1,275 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Dimples25 wrote:
ace.of.spades wrote:

Hello all, this is my first post. I'm absolutely loving this site and i am convinced that reading the advice given on this site will help me cure my asian flush.
I am about 5'2, and i love to party out hard, but i have a problem when it comes to alcohol. I can't drink as much as i want to because of the stupid 'asian flush', it only takes me say 1/2 a can of beer to get me red in the face and experiencing some of the symptons of the 'asian flush'. I live in Australia, and i am not too sure if Pepcid is available here, but i am hoping to know if there is something else i can take (mylanta or anything else available in Aus???) that will help reduce the redness and accelerated heartrate etc.
So please help me it is very much appreciated. :)

hi see my post previous page. No u cant get it in Australia unless u can get a script. Best option if you have a credit card buy it off Ebay. Its legit....

Well unfortunately i don't have a credit card, i am not even 18 yet, im 17. So i don't have any way of getting it over the net.. Would Mylanta work? lol.


(1,275 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Hello all, this is my first post. I'm absolutely loving this site and i am convinced that reading the advice given on this site will help me cure my asian flush.
I am about 5'2, and i love to party out hard, but i have a problem when it comes to alcohol. I can't drink as much as i want to because of the stupid 'asian flush', it only takes me say 1/2 a can of beer to get me red in the face and experiencing some of the symptons of the 'asian flush'. I live in Australia, and i am not too sure if Pepcid is available here, but i am hoping to know if there is something else i can take (mylanta or anything else available in Aus???) that will help reduce the redness and accelerated heartrate etc.
So please help me it is very much appreciated. :)