Read if you can: … x/abstract
Great article that is not as one dimensional as the title might suggest and actually gives a lot of good insight into acetaldehyde (ALDH) metabolism AND its HOT OFF THE PRESS. Im also aware many of you will not have access to the article so if you say please nicely someone anonymous might accidently send the PDF to the wrong person....
Basically two interesting 'new' points ive never come across:
1. QUOTE: "Rinsing the mouth for 3 days with a chlorhexidine mouthwash decreases microbial acetaldehyde production by about 40% and this is associated with a significant decrease in the counts of both aerobic and anaerobic oral bacteria." (for those with non-med/science backgrounds, ALDH is a carcinogen. some bacteria are also known to be carcinogenic. AND some bacteria also produce ALDH as a product of metabolism, so getting rid of ALDH and bacteria is doubly excellent.) So maybe to reduce our risk of cancer by just a little a post drinking mouth rinse of chlorhexidine might be a good idea?
2. Different alcohols have different levels of ALDH in them. Fruit-based alcohols e.g. calvados, sherries, port, mulled wines etc have the highest levels. While vodka and beer, according to the article, have the lowest. So stick to the voddy for minimal symptoms.
I hear there is an ENT doctor lurking on this forum somewhere. any insight from him would be ideal.
FYI 2nd yr med student and asian and flusher and waiting for convivia.