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Asian Flush / Asian Blush / Asian Glow Community
Discussion and anecdotes about the Asian Flush/Flush/Glow/Red Face (turning red when drinking alcohol), including using H2 blockers (e.g. Tagamet, Pepsid, Zantac) and other products to combat its effects. Hosted by Eric Cheng on
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Jan 11, 2005: On December 3, 2003, I posted
a message in my web journal about the Asian Blush, which quickly resulted in over 100 very-informative comments. This forum is intended to be an information source for those of us looking for information about why we turn red when we drink alcohol.
April 25, 2006: For now, guests may post new messages. We've gotten some spam, so you now must be registered to post.
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Anyone tried B12?
I had my doctor test me for B12? He said it was low so I started taking sublingual B12 drops. 1000mcg per day. I had always taken vitamins before but the change since I have started taking the B12 is amazing. It would seem that I lack the ability to absorb B12 in the gut and B12 is necessary for the muscles in the gut to work properly and it helps control the up take of water from the gut. I think the lack of B12 caused all my problems. Anyway long story short I don't blush anymore. I have even tried liquor straight up, like rum, that would always light me up like a xmas tree. But not anymore. :)
I am new to this forum.
I would suggest a topic about Asian Blush (AB) and digestive problems. I have not seen anything yet on this topic.
I am Native American and I blush when I drink alcohol. Generally it only affects my face and I refer to is as raccoon eyes as it gives me bandit mask.
If I blush and continue drinking it generally goes away. After years of drinking I developed some GI tract issues and what would come out would smell like fomaldehyde. After reading this forum I am convinced that it is Acetylhyde. As a result continued drinking I developed what I though was an allergy to wheat or possible celliacs disease. I was just tested three weeks ago for celliacs/wheat allergy and was found to be negative. I went in search of an answer for my problems on the internet and came accross this site.
This site is amazing. Believing that I was suffering the effects of Acetylhyde I followed the advice posted on another part of this forum and began taking N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). NAC is amazing in two weeks my guts have calmed down. I have had alcohol and had no blushing and no acetlyhyde smell. I have not tried Pepcid AC yet but will do that very soon.
I think that there must be others out there with similar issues so I will list what I have observed in myself
- I blush
- If I drink hard grain alcohol like vodka it is worse
- wine or rice alcohol like Budweisser does not affect me as much
- after drinking for years my guts now react to bread, although I do not blush with bread I suffer the same GI effects. Corn or rice do not affect me.
- the absolute worst thing that I can eat or drink is beer with aromatic hops. it generally comes from microbreweries and with that stuff I will blush, and get really bad GI problems. You will know a beer has aromatic hops when you crack one open and take a whiff, if it smells like perfume then it has aromatic hops. that stuff is poison to me.
I would be really interested to know the experiences of others and if there are other people like me.
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