(1,275 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

Hi everyone, i am really really happy to have found this forum. I am half korean half swedish and have had problems with the asian blush from i was a teenager. It is, - as all you guys sure already knows- . a really big issue when it comes to drinking alcohol. One of my biggest problem with the asian blush is that when i get red in the face i also look a little bit swollen in the face due to all the blood i think that pulsing in the face. And that makes me less attractive i think. I am a little bit shy so i have really big problems meeting girls, so its kinda "moment 22" for me. But i have ordered some pepcide AC Maximum on the net now so i am VERY anxious about have them so i can try.

I read somewhere on this forum that some guys have tried this for several years...and i also read that people have experienced that the body builds up an intollerance against pepcide after a while...you guys that have tried this for several years, do you experienced any intollerance?
