(1,275 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

I recently tried a Zantac 150mg. I took 1 around 45 mins before I started drinking. In the span of around 3 hours I had 1.5 beers and half a shot. When I got home around 4 hours after I started drinking I threw up. I felt like the Zantac really helped though. After I drank my first beer i felt fine. 1 beer would normally get me inteansly red with a medocre head ache (along with the normal asian flush symptoms.) As the night went on I managed to drink another half beer and took down half a shot. When I returned home the normal shit was back and I threw up. Also as the night progressed the asian flush symptoms slowly came back, im not sure if it was because I was drinking more or because the pill was wearing off.

I felt Zantac really helped though. I didnt really get that red the entire night. The other symptoms were reduced. I feel like I definatly could have drank more if I was feeling the way I was after my first beer though, when the Zantac was in full effect.

Would it be reccommended to take 2 pills at the same time before you start drinking? or take 1 wait 45 mins, and right before you start drinking take another? or take 1 wait 45 mins and start drinking and an HR later take another one?
Thanks your guy's advise really does make a difference! btw the amount of alc. I consumed that night would normally have me red as a tomato, head pulsing, very drousy, heart racing, and feelin like shit. Zantac reduced those things, not to a level so I could drink normaly though.


(14 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

It seems CheerzUSA has alot of confidence in their product. When first saw Cheerz I thought it looked great. But then i saw the price... and then the shipping price.... this equvilated to me not buying a product i wasnt completly sure about. so in other words i wont be wasting my money buying pepcid AC and Zantac because its likey they will work and they are soooo much cheaper. Even if they dont work its only a few bucks down the drain haha. And if Cheerz IS ACTUALLY an almost fail proof way to rid the symptoms of asian flush then why not make it advailable to more people? They'd make millions! A free sample for just one night of drinking; if it works its almost a garuntee that they'd buy it (almost 100% that they'd buy it if it was cheaper). A money back garuntee would be nice too.. As would a cheaper price (not to be redundent its just really expensive)..

Does anyone know of any estimated date of release? Maybe just an educated guess? haha


(1,275 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

For me I do suffer from asian flush. Pretty badly too. But turing red isnt really a concern for me. Though it is embarassing I dont find it too troublesome. The thing that troubles me is not being able to drink. Yes i turn red as shttt, after 1 beer my face turns beat red, but the worst part is my heart pounds, i get killer head aches (after around 2-3 beers), i get extremly drousy, i feel sick(again after a few beers), and i get hot. I for the most part throw up after around 3-4 beers but usally dont make it that far. It is not a good feeling. Im sure some of you know the feeling im talking about. It seems like alot of people posting want to find a way to combat asian flush. But many if not most of you just want to get rid of the redness that occurs. But who cares if you can drink normally and get drunk like the majority of people.
So the point im trying to make is that I want to be able to drink. I want to be able to drink and have a good time. I want being drunk to be a good feeling like how all my friends describe. I throw up and feel completly out of it after just a few beers yet I feel like Im not actually drunk, most likely because I dont have enough alcohol in me. I am never like the drunk people screaming, running around, getting rowdy, or any of those things you associate with being drunk. Just out of it. So for me being drunk is not exactly a good feeling. In short i want to be able to get drunk not "asian flush drunk".  Im glad i found this disscusion : )
PS i just bought a package of 150mg zantech (no pepcid in Taiwan(here for a little bit but live in the states)) im exited to see the results!


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

For me I do suffer from asian flush. Pretty badly too. But turing red isnt really a concern for me. Though it is embarassing I dont find it too troublesome. The thing that troubles me is not being able to drink. Yes i turn red as shttt, after 1 beer my face turns beat red, but the worst part is my heart pounds, i get killer head aches (after around 2-3 beers), i get extremly drousy, i feel sick(again after a few beers), and i get hot. I for the most part throw up after around 3-4 beers but usally dont make it that far. It is not a good feeling. Im sure some of you know the feeling im talking about. It seems like alot of people posting want to find a way to combat asian flush. But many if not most of you just want to get rid of the redness that occurs. But who cares if you can drink normally and get drunk like the majority of people.
So the point im trying to make is that I want to be able to drink. I want to be able to drink and have a good time. I want being drunk to be a good feeling like how all my friends describe. I throw up and feel completly out of it after just a few beers yet I feel like Im not actually drunk, most likely because I dont have enough alcohol in me. I am never like the drunk people screaming, running around, getting rowdy, or any of those things you associate with being drunk. Just out of it. So for me being drunk is not exactly a good feeling. In short i want to be able to get drunk not "asian flush drunk".  Im glad i found this disscusion : )
PS i just bought a package of 150mg zantech (no pepcid in Taiwan(here for a little bit but live in the states)) im exited to see the results!